Saturday, March 5, 2011

More work

At work again today. So far it's been a pretty slow day. Not too much work for me to do which is nice after that very busy Friday. Typically Saturdays are full of weirdos and lookers. We'll see about today.
I also went to the gym to make up for last Friday when I didn't go. It was really busy. Yep Summer fever is hitting and that means everyone wants to get into beach body mode. Funny thing is they wouldn't have to push so hard to do so if they stayed active all year. I mean I'm sure there are people there that only worked out maybe once or twice a month during winter. They got pudgy now they want to get back in shape. It's an endless cycle. The funny thing is by the time summer swings around it will be quiet again because everyone will want to go to the beach. Fitness is a life style and people don't get that. I don't know how many times I hear of people getting really into it for a few months then the rest of the time they aren't doing anything. Or they'll go hard for a year and off for 3 years. We actually have a customer like that.
So here is the opening to VR troopers. I know I posted it before, but this one has the 2nd season opening. Which is super hard to find btw. Plus it's been in my head for awhile. Enjoy. Today's tip is it's only creepy watching someone sleep if you get caught. Otherwise no harm, no foul.

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