Friday, March 25, 2011


Why is it that people can not just tell it like it is. So my friend's boyfriend and I have been chatting. Trying to get to know the guy, and I told him I talk a lot. If I'm ever bothering you just say so. Well I find out that the he feels he can't be on facebook because he's afraid I'll chat him up. Oh here's an idea JUST TELL ME! I can deal with it. I don't care if you don't want to hurt my feelings. Avoiding and ignoring me is way worse. Just pisses me off that I have to hear it from someone else because the guy isn't man enough to just come out and tell me.
Speaking of things that piss me off had a customer who was a real asshole. He's one of those seniors that expects you to bend over backwards for them. Comes in and asks if we have a product. I go to it. And he acts like I should pick it up and bring it to him. What store does that? I'll tell you none. They walk you to where it is. Then I showed him the product. He then asks if he can use his debit card. I said yes you can. Then asks if he can get cash back. Well our system isn't set up for that, and I told him that. Then he says well I know why you won't do it. You don't want my business and walks....well hobbles out. Well my boss called up later and I told him about it and he said I did the right thing. Our system is not set up to do that. Not only does it piss me off when people are passive aggressive to me, but when I get accused of something that's not true. Ugh..... I'm already not looking forward to today.
So I need a pick me up. How about bloopers from SMA. This video is the bloopers for the 1st episodes. I'm shocked that there are so few bloopers. Then again when you are doing an abridged series I bet there are so many bloopers that they just picked the best ones. Makes you feel better watching though. Today's tip is the further away you get from something the harder it is to notice small changes. Even with binoculars after a point.

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