Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Slow week probably

It's probably going to be a slow week. Everyone is so worried about possible flooding. Plus we are getting winter weather again. Least a lot of new products are coming into the store.
Speaking of things coming into the store the pompous trainer showed up yesterday. Ugh that man makes me so uncomfortable. He just stares and it's so annoying. Plus he has that whole "I know more about this stuff then you because I did a world's strongest man competition" attitude. Plus he comes in when I'm talking to this older guy who just won't make up his mind. Like most older guys that come in to look for protein. Plus I don't know if he put two and two together that I go to his gym. Which is sad because I run into him every Friday except for last week. Can't stand that guy.
What is it with me and spam. I just keep getting tons and tons of spam. Yesterday I got an e-mail with the subject "United Parcel Notification". If that doesn't say spam I don't know what does. Today I got one saying Buy Medicals online. So not only am I getting spam. I'm getting spam from people that can't speak English let alone write it.
So in the new season of Digimon not only do the digimon become a robot, apparently there is something called Digi-Memory. Apparently it calls up different digimon. This one is the 4th one Garurumon. Notice how powerful his howling blaster is. Apparently the Digi-Memory makes the digimon a lot more powerful. Only a matter of time before Disney gets a hold of the rights to air it. Today's tip is some people are simple predictable. Those are the most fun to screw with since you know where and what they'll do.

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