Monday, February 28, 2011

Feeling better

I woke up and didn't feel like my head was going to split or that I was on my deathbed. How much did I love that. I did go start working out today. Well yesterday I did do my normal ab workout. Granted yesterday I didn't push as hard as I normally do. Today I didn't feel 100% strength wise, but I think by working out all this week I'm going to get back to myself. I really do thinking working out is helping me feel better. I'm hoping tomorrow when I do my chest workout I can at least keep what I did last week.
So I was watching GMA and was watching the Charlie Sheen interview. Holy crap that man is not right in the head. I mean something is seriously not right with that man. I mean you listen to him and he doesn't sound like someone recovering from a drug addicting. I mean he isn't remorseful. He makes it sound like he's god's gift to humanity. My roommate was shocked by the interview. He expected him to act a little like the Charlie on Two and a Half Men, but that didn't happen. He rambled on and on. It was so horrible to watch. Then they apparently gave him a drug test which he passed. Now see I still don't think he's sober for the simple fact that he was given a heads up about it. I mean the guy that did the drug test said that Charlie came in early. Well that just means he had a heads up about it and didn't do drugs for at least 72 hours. Ugh just scary. Plus he did an interview on the Today show. The man is seriously not right.
So I was working on my roommate's speakers and he wanted me to play a video to test the speakers. So what did I choose? Well this video. It's the Japanese version of Space Channel 5. I know I posted it...or maybe I didn't. Anyway I'm posting it again. I like it.

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