Friday, March 18, 2011

I can see the light

Just a few more days and it's spring. I can see grass. It's staying above 30 degrees during the day. I'm so ready for spring.
I think it's no shock that I have quite a few pet peeves. For instance people that insist on using their brights in the city so no one can see behind them. Or people that refuse to fix a broken headlight. One thing that is just unforgivable is a pregnant woman that is willing to drink and smoke while pregnant. I mean everyone jumps down a woman's back when she wants to get an abortion, yet the women that smoke and drink don't get anything? I mean alcohol and tobacco have terrible effects on a baby. I mean they can be screwed up their entire life. Any woman that has no regard to their child's health like that should have their kids taken away. I say this because I actually saw a mom do this at my apartment complex. I mentioned something to my roommate and he said yeah I see her doing that all the time. Sadly there is nothing we can do besides shun them and tell them how wrong they are. Can't do anything besides that. That's what pisses me off.
Yep everyone has gone out for the summer. The gym was quiet yet again today. Maybe it was just this week because of the time change. I mean the pompous trainer wasn't even training his client today. I'll know for sure next week.
Today's video is I Do from Blaque. I can't remember if I posted this before. Anyway I love this song. It's just a very mellow song. Plus the lyrics are not degrading or anything. This video even has the late Left Eye from TLC. Today's tip is no two people have the exact same taste in music. Which is why it's fun watching them argue over which is better.

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