Saturday, March 19, 2011

Bored Saturday

So today is going to be a long day. My roommate insists that I go with him to Wal-Mart. I kinda don't want to go just because he's so obsessed with Politics. I just I'm so sick of it. It's just depressing. I know that Republicans are doing everything they can to get more money. Keep money for the rich. Got that. I don't need to know every single little thing that is going on. All it does is make me frustrated just like it makes him and it makes me frustrated because he's telling me something that's making me frustrated. I told him about that, yet he insists on telling me every single thing. He insists on watching MSNBC which doesn't help.
I went to the gym today as well. The main reason was because yesterday didn't feel like I did the squats right. Plus If I go to the gym I feel like going out later on in the day. Honestly I just need spring to well...spring. Got nothing to do with it still being so cold out.
Today's tip is no knowledge is wrong. Except for everything you're thinking of to disprove the above statement.

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