Friday, March 11, 2011

Spring Fever

I'm getting major spring fever. I'm getting super excited about seeing grass and melting snow. I'm excited about it being lighter out. I'm just ready for spring. I'm ready to shave off my winter beard and wear my spring/summer chin fur. I don't know how else to explain it. Basically in winter I connect my side burns to my chin hair. In the spring and summer I just have the chin hair. I'd have a full beard, but the hair above my lip doesn't like to grow in. And takes forever to get to a point where you can actually see it. So it just looks bad so I don't even bother with it. The big thing I want to do though is wear shorts. I have been working really hard on my legs and they are looking awesome. I want to show them off. Not that anyone will notice, but still want to show them off.
The gym was busy again. I want to get on the loud speaker and say to everyone wipe the machines after you are done. Is it really that difficult? Is your workout so time constrained that you can't spend a few seconds walking to the wipes, wiping the machine, and throwing it away? Apparently. I mean there is this guy who just will not wipe the machines.
On a different note I'm sore from yesterday's workout. I think it's because I switched pre-workouts. I was talking to a customer and he mentioned that he doesn't get sore when he uses the Xpand Xtreme pump. Then I thought about it and I don't get sore while using it. Well unless I push myself way too hard. I'm thinking that it has to do with the amount of Beta Alanine in it. Right now I'm on a new pre-workout that we just brought in. It's good, but not as intense as I like. It's good to know though. Least that is something to tell people when they come in asking about it. Like I said it's a good pre-workout, just not as intense as some of the others. Which is actually a good thing for some. I know one guy who is a major butt about pre-workouts that give that NO tingle. He is very vocal about it.
Today's video is the Rugrat Rap. It was a song that was on a couple of Nickelodeon videos. It was in my head yesterday for some reason so I'm posting it. Today's tip is moms have a nasty habit of thinking they are always right. no matter how many times you prove them wrong.

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