Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring has Sprung

Today I have officially shaven off the winter beard and put on my spring/summer beard. And by beard I mean chin hair. Don't know what you would call it. Anyway that's done. Now I just have to deal with the snow that is suppose to come on Wednesday and the weekend. Yeah some spring this is turning out to be. I get the mildest winter my first year in Wisconsin and the roughest the 2nd year. Makes me wonder what's going to happen next year. Also makes me wonder if I'll be able to handle it.
Today was also my measuring day. Yeah I think the only way I'm ever going to hit 170 let alone 185 is for me to change my diet. Don't really have the money to do that. If I did I'd do it. I guess honestly I shouldn't be so obsessed with it since I'm not dying tomorrow. I'm 22 going on 23. After 25 I can go at this harder. By then I'll have the money to really buy the things I need to buy and eat the things I need to eat. Right now I should be happy that I'm holding onto what I am. Plus the reason why my weight might not be going up is because I am coming out of winter. Plus I've been on a pro-hormone. That tends to lean me out and I can't ever seem to get the weight back on. We'll see what happens to my weight this summer. I think this is maturity finally kicking in. Or maybe because I've seen what happens to guys that get so obsessed with a goal that they fail to see the progress they've made.
On the way to work today the most irritating thing happened. I was following a car that was towing a ladder in a car. It was going way slow. Then once we hit the stop sign. He turned off his engine and got out. That's right blocking the stop sign. He couldn't stop out of the way. No no it had to be there. What happened to common sense. You know the common sense that people might actually need to stop at the stop sign to see oncoming traffic. This is the same logic people use while jogging. The type where they won't just jog against traffic. They will jog in the middle of the road when there is perfectly good sidewalk there for them to jog on. And they don't hug the curve. No they are out there in the middle of the street as if they own it.
Today's tip is spring has now sprung which means yard work, tons of rain, and allergies to go around. Least it's warm.

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