Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Getting sick again?

Don't know if I am or if I'm not. Think I'm having some sort of reaction to something I'm taking. Ugh.
The Charlie Sheen train wreck can now be followed on twitter. Ugh and what a train wreck it's becoming. I was wondering when the ex-wife was going to get involved. Well turns out the ex-wife is in a rehab program. Hmm wonder who got her on drugs, but the kids have been removed. We knew that was going to happen. I mean the man has two live in girlfriends. What message is that sending to his boys? Well the first domino has been toppled. Stand back for the rest.
Ugh I swear being the manager of this business is messing with my blood pressure. Dealing with my co-worker is pissing me off. He does things he thinks helps our business, but it either makes headaches for me and my boss, or it doesn't help anything. I'm over here letting him know we aren't doing free bodyfat tests, and he's going on about how he hopes we don't lose a customer because of it. If we lose a customer because we didn't do their bodyfat then they weren't a very good customer to begin with.
So yesterday I was trying to find any videos of the two most recent Super Sentai series. Sadly most of the videos out there have been deleted. Thanks to youtube taking over veoh. Google video is of course a dead end. I will say I did find one for the most recent Sentai Series. Sadly the only thing on thing for the Tensou Sentai is this opening. Must say it's a pretty boring opening. Seems like a throw back to the really old super sentai kinda. Anyway enjoy. Today's tip is better late then never. Well maybe not when it comes to getting bit by a snake...on a plane.

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