Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Weird thought

I was talking to my friend yesterday and I don't know how this was brought up, but I mentioned that I talked to this guy one time and he said I talk like a white guy. And like I said I don't know why that came up, but it did. I'm just sitting there thinking why do I sound white? Well my friend said what he meant was that you write and talk like you are educated and not ghetto. Which brought up the thought why does being educated make me white? If you haven't figured it out by now I'm black. Why can't I be black and educated. Well the answer is stereotyping. You listen to random black people questioned off the street and they typically sound "ghetto". I mean it's a stereotype that is hard to just ignore. I remember being in middle school and I remember a lot of the black kids saying I sounded and acted white. Just something that doesn't need to divide a community like that. You shouldn't be acting white because you are educated. It should be you are acting educated. Well that was my weird random thought.
I think I was hit on yesterday. I'm 94% sure that I was hit on. I was asked questions that you don't ask when you are buying protein such as why are you working here? Where do you go to school? Why don't you talk to me about these other products. Now yes the first two questions could be just making conversation, but I've never had a guy ask me those questions when they say they are specifically looking for proteins. I show them the proteins and they just seem to want to hear me talk. I like to think I'm good at reading people, and I couldn't read this guy. One minute he sounded interested then he didn't. Then I think I caught him kinda doing a once over. My boss was pretty sure I was hit on too since he seemed to keep looking up to see if I was there and finally bought something when he saw I went to the back. So ego boost.
Cheats always fascinate me because it seems like learning the cheat takes up so much more time then just doing it the normal way. Or you have to do it using the adaption of the game. Well this is one for Ocarina of Time. If you've ever played the game you know that you have to get the three stones then the ocarina of time to get the master sword. Well this guy skipped getting the stones. He shows how to get passed the door then shows that if you pull the sword you'll notice that the stones are there. Today's tip is the enemy of your enemy is your friend. Unless they're a jerk in which case they are your enemy too.

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