Thursday, March 24, 2011

I want to yell

Mainly at the weather. It's spring and it feels like winter. I had to bundle up once again. The ground is white yet again. I'm so hoping that the snow we had yesterday is the last snow until December. So can't wait for June and July.
It really is amazing how no one is at the gym in the mornings now. I mean it really is just 1 or 2 other people. Like 2 weeks ago there were 4 other people. Plus today all of a sudden the trainer that use to come in to workout as I was finishing up showed up. Also I wonder if the gym manager is going to stick around come May. I mean the guy is not helping business. The gym has gotten so messy since he's taken over. The daily motivational quotes don't get changed daily. The joke of the day, got changed to joke of the week because he couldn't be bothered to change it daily. Plus the back weight room is a mess every morning. I mean this morning was terrible. There was a barbell that was just left out. The steps were left out. I spent like 5 minutes moving stuff around because of the people there before me. Maybe longer then that. Just a pain in the ass.
Ok people do not tell people waiting on you that you are just picking their brain. Do not ask a million questions then say oh I'm just looking. That pisses us off. We invested a lot of time and energy helping you and you aren't going to buy anything. It's frustrating. It's like when someone you know asks your opinion on something and it takes awhile. Then when you see them again and ask about it, they say oh I didn't even do it.
Today's video is a parody of the Rugrats opening. Not sure if any of you remember the Animaniacs. Basically it was kinda the last big tribute to the old cartoons. Had the violence and the dirty jokes and the cross dressing and all that. They also did a lot of parodies of everything. Stars, movies, other shows. Anyway enjoy. Today's tip is some people can hide guilt better then others. We call them politicians.

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