Monday, March 7, 2011

Step closer

So yesterday I did something I haven't been able to do in a long time. I listened to a song that well reminds me of my ex. I gave my ex a CD of songs. You know a mix tape like all great couples do. Well there was one song on that CD my ex loved and listened to over and over and over again. I was constantly told how much that song meant. We couldn't go anywhere without listening to that song at least 5 times. Well we broke up and it wasn't too good. I'm was involved and I was accused of cheating and being a clown. Well ever since then whenever that song came up on my mp3 player I'd skip it. Well yesterday I said enough is enough. We broke up like a year and 6 months ago. So I listened to it and said I need to start associating it with something else. For one I can associate it with the good times I have in the gym. Or my new life. Or remind me of why I'm better off. Probably the last one.
My roommate is also finally off his ass. Ugh when my roommate is sick I have to constantly hear about it. How he's so bored being at home. How he hates it. Blah blah blah. Ugh now he's back to being a normal pain in the ass every morning. No one should be that chipper in the morning. Yeah I go to the gym in the mornings, but that's because I have no other time to go. If I don't go in the morning I don't go.
Ugh I'm getting Sheened out. I'm tired of his media blitz. I mean omg the dude is a mess. It's only a matter of time before all this media attention makes him blow up. Supposedly we have seen a bit of it. He said he "chipped a warlock fang" and that one of the "goddesses" got upset and left. I mean he truly is a ticking time bomb. I'm glad the kids are out of there though. Just not going to be a good thing when he finally blows up because there will be so much of it recorded. Either on twitter, or his posy recording it. Either way just not good.
So this is the song that I haven't been able to listen to forever. It's I Try by Macy Gray. She has such a unique voice. Today's tip is there was a time when crazy people where kept away from society. Now we just follow them on twitter.

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