Thursday, March 17, 2011

St. Patrick's day

Today is a day that reminds me how little green is in my closet. I mean I have some green, but I have no regular green. I have that olive green. So I'm using a St. Patrick's day button I have from last year. Now that I think about it I honestly wouldn't have worn green if I had any. Got to work today. My uniform is navy blue. Oh fun.
So I was looking at that best glutes competition by max muscle. I went to the website to see what that was about. Well they actually post the pictures on their website. The members vote. I have several problems with this. 1. no guy will win this. Typically guys are on those sites and who do most guys vote for. Women's butts. So no guy is going to win. 2. the images aren't hard coded. If you wanted to you could download the pictures off the site. I'm sorry, but I don't want my butt being posted all over the web. The thing with max muscle is that it seems like it's gearing more towards women. I think every single issue of their magazine has a woman on their cover this year. For two years the person that won the max fit contest has been a woman. The really annoying thing is that if you read the description of the contest it's the best overall transformation. Honestly men have a bigger overall transformation then women. It's how we are genetically designed. I mean the two runners up this year honestly had a way bigger transformations then the winner. A lot of the articles are geared to women. I'm not saying that the company has to be only guy centred, but it does need to not be geared to only one gender. There should be a guy and a girl winner. There should be an equal number of men and women on the cover. They have a women's issue, but there is no guy issue. It's the libra in me that wants fairness.
Well today I had to think of a video with green in it. Well that one didn't take too much thinking. How about the legendary green hero. That's right I'm talking about Link from Legend of Zelda. So I'm posting a video which is a compilation of cut scenes from Legend of Zelda Twlight Princess. I realize I haven't posted too many videos from that game. Probably because I never played it. Today's tip is today everyone suddenly cares what you're wearing and will punish you if it's not right. Good luck with that.

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