Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Theif Tuesday

Yesterday just was scam day or something yesterday. We had this woman who honestly if it was me wouldn't have gotten as far as she did. My boss is less cynical then I am. Anyway she was in on Monday and wrote a check then came back and returned the item and my boss gave her back her check. Well she came in today and she just changed the amount on the check and the date. I wouldn't have accepted it because that tells me something is up. She said it was her last check which doesn't help me feel like I should accept the check. Anyway she then comes back to return one of the 3 items. She said the other 2 items are fine. Well the one she wanted to return was an item on clearance. Well all of a sudden one of the other 2 items wasn't fine anymore and that needed to be returned. Well that sends of red lights. Well we call up the bank to make sure the check is good and shocker it's not. So we bring her back in and make her give back the items and any extra money she got. Then later on in the day we had this woman that came in. She was obviously high on something. She didn't stop talking the moment she got in the door. Just blah blah blah protein. Blah blah blah beauty shop. Blah blah blah certificate. Well both of us were working so we both were out. She literally walked around the store and left. The thing is if we didn't catch her as early as we did she probably would have stolen something. I mean she comes in with 20 million bags and envelopes. It would be so easy to just hide something in there. Luckily my boss was right there staring out when she came in so he would have seen if she grabbed something and I was in the back to make sure she didn't steal something from the back. So this morning I had a song stuck in my head. It's Tonight Tonight Tonight by Beat Crusaders. It's also known as the 4th opening for the anime bleach. It's the only one that's in English. Well broken English. Anyway enjoy. Today's tip is if you use the phrase "it will suck like the day you bought it," you better be talking about a vacuum.

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