Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What happened?

Where did spring go? All of a sudden we are looking at Winter again. We are getting snow and sleet. Least it's only for today. The next couple of days are suppose to be dry, but just cold. We'll see.
It was a slow day yesterday. I blame it on all the rain. The rain and the wind. I think honestly that is the closet to driving in a Hurricane as I'll ever come. I mean my car which isn't a light weight was being blown everywhere. Oh and turns out that my car leaks. Yeah that was a great thing to learn with all the rain coming down. Now I have to figure out where it's coming from and cover it. And I think the leaks only happen when it's a heavy rain because it's rained before and I haven't gotten wet.
So excited about some of the things that are going to come in today. Mainly this pre-workout I tried that I loved. It mixed up so well. Taste great. It rocked.
In case some of you didn't know, bootleg games are not always the greatest. This video is a bootleg copy of Pokemon. It's from Vietnam and as you can tell it wasn't exactly translated very well. So bad that Pokemon are called Elf. Honestly it's funny to watch really. So enjoy. Today's tip is there is no such thing as being too old to learn. There is such thing as being too pig headed to learn.

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