Tuesday, March 8, 2011

12 More days

12 more days until spring. I'm counting down. If I count it down seems like I have a bit more control over things. Not to mention the fact that it keeps on snowing as stuff keeps melting. Hopefully it means that the "snow" becomes rain and helps melt the stuff faster.
Today at the gym this guy kept staring at me. And I can not figure out why. I mean it wasn't like a blank stare where you just happen to be staring in a direction that a person happens to be. It wasn't a cruising stare. Least I hope it wasn't. I just don't know what it was and it's bothering me not knowing. I don't know if it was a stare of what the hell are you doing here. Which doesn't make sense since I'm there at that time 4 days a week. I just don't know what it was. Maybe he is blankly staring and it looks like it's just a normal stare. I'm a curious person by nature. I like knowing why certain things are going on.
Monday was a pretty busy day. Which is fine because it went by really fast. Fast days are good days. Luckily no crazy customers for once.
Today's tip is friends are great for a lot of reasons. The main one is a constant person you can harass and not feel bad.

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