Thursday, March 3, 2011

Got to get out

I'm tired of being in Winter's grip. I want to be out. I want the spring. I mean I shouldn't because they are talking about a lot of flooding, but the flooding doesn't affect me since I'm in the city on the hill. They call themselves the hill toppers. Anyway I just do not want to deal with snow tonight. Or later this month. Just want it over. Want to wear my shorts and all that fun.
The gym is not going to be quiet in the mornings anymore. There is someone in there everyday. It's just not going to be easy doing my workouts. So many of my workouts require me to be uninterrupted. Always a pain the ass. I know once summer rolls around it will be quiet again. Everyone gets all gung ho in spring, but in summer they go out and go to the beach and all that jazz. Plus I'm sure one of the things leading to so many people in there is they are trying to find times when the local indoor football team isn't in there. I think that's why so many are coming in the morning. They figure they aren't in there at that time. Plus at night there is a class that goes on a good portion of the week.
One thing I truly can not stand is people and simple math. 400 is smaller then 1000. 2000 is bigger then 1000. I had customers in the store yesterday that didn't get that. Then after showing the great math skills there one of the guys questions my change making skills. He was getting the product at 15% off. He asked what would be the new price and I told him it was 34 something. Well he wants it. I tell him the total price which was $36.09. He gives me $40. I give him his change. So he and his buddy leave and the two stand out in the hall studying the bill. I knew what was coming.
So this is the opening for Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger. It's the 35 Super Sentai Series. Plus the rangers this season can transform into any of the rangers from the other 34 seasons. Trying to decide if I like the season or not. Today's tip is before you throw a fit about the amount of change you get back, make sure you are looking at the total.

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