Monday, March 14, 2011

6 more days

6 more days until it's spring. I probably won't do my spring beard asap, but the following Monday a.k.a. next week. I'm so ready for spring. Cabin fever is being way over taken by spring fever. I want to be able to go outside and not freeze to death in 60 seconds. I think I'm going to take up jogging. Just for something to do so I can be outside. Plus the closer we get to it being warmer out, the better chance I have of going to the gym in the morning and not having tons of people there.
I'm a bit screwed up still with the time change. Mainly because now I'm not getting up with the sun to go workout. It's like I'm getting up in the middle of the night to go workout again like during winter. That's a bit of a buzz kill. Least today it was pretty much empty. I think the hour screwed everyone else up too. I bet tomorrow is going to be full of people.
Just have to get through these next two days then we are suppose to be looking at 50 degree weather the rest of the week.
Awhile ago I posted a video called Sonic for Hire. Well they are up to episode 4 now. Apparently Sonic gets to work for his old enemy Dr. Robotnik. And it goes exactly how you think it would go. Today's tip is everyone is still a bit screwed up with the loss of 1 hour. Now is the time to begin the clock pranks.

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