Friday, March 4, 2011

Busy Friday

So today is my day all alone and my boss is feeling under the weather so I'll probably have to be here again tomorrow. I have so much to do today. Got e-mails to send out. Got to get this raffle thing ready. Plus I know an order is coming in so I have to receive that in. All while making sure to wait on every customer. It's going to be a long day. Then I have to turn around and do it all again tomorrow. Well minus sending a fax and the e-mails. Yep long day ahead.
The gym was busy today again. Saw a customer there. Nice guy. Does make it difficult to workout sometimes. He even said bye to the pompous trainer. I know I try to avoid any contact with him. The reason being is that I still haven't forgiven him for staring me down that one time another trainer was training me. I mean why do that? Especially while you're training another client. A new guy also showed up. I mean new to the gym. I know because he asked another guy about towels. The back room is not meant to hold 3 guys. 2 max. Too much bumping into everyone and trying to get certain equipment first. That's why I always do my back or legs on Fridays. A lot of guys don't do legs and it shows. Never want that to happen to me.
This was an ad that popped up when I was checking my e-mail. I had to post this here. In case you can't read it, the ad says World's Biggest Muscles! Then to the right it asks Is this image Real or Fake. Find out at this website. Well it's an ad for Force Factor which is known to post morphed photos. As you can see from this ad the guy has been morphed. He doesn't look like that in real life. I mean you can see the bad job of blending they did. Why associate your product with fake images? I mean normal pictures of this guy are some what impressive. Why do you have to go and fake them? Makes you obviously trying to hid that your product doesn't work. So many ads do this. Yet people gobble it up and when they find out it doesn't work they never think hmmm maybe I should have paid more attention to that ad. Like hydroxycut. If you read it, it says the people were also on a calorie restricted diet. You are bound to lose weight if you cut your calories. How about showing us someone who lost weight without changing their diet. Oh because it doesn't work. And what doctor recommends weight loss products? None I know. Most say don't ever take those pills they don't work.
Today's tip is you can't blame kids for rebelling when in pretty much every kids movie the hero rebels against something. Think about it.

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