Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Cinco De Mayo

That's right it's Cinco De Mayo. I'm sure saying that would give Arizona authorities the right to suspect I'm an illegal immigrant. Anyway so I didn't realize this until I go to yahoo and see all the dancers on the home page. Who if in Arizona would have to show their papers. It's also Senior Day over here which means I get asked if it's Senior Day today and if they got their discount. Which gets old after the 2nd one who does it. Least it's wednesday and as far as I know everything is all new on ABC. Hmm let me check. Yeah all knew. Also an interesting development. I was looking on tv guide's website to see what's new and they had photos of actors who came out of the closet. Some I knew, some I didn't. Like always some where shocking others were just obvious. They had Clay Aiken on there. Yeah that guy was never in a closet. He thought it was a closet, but was really a glass box. Just find it funny that people care that much. Oooo someone likes someone of the same sex and they are an actor. They actually have personal lives. Oooo who cares. Doesn't make them a better or worse actor. Well I think it made everyone think Neil Patrick Harris did an even better job on How I Met Your Mother. I am one of those people that says yeah your in the limelight, but really do we have to know who your dating. Do we have to know who's pregnant with who's baby. Oh well. Today's tip is when the microscope is already on you, don't be an idiot and do something worth drawing more attention to yourself.

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