Sunday, May 23, 2010

New Gadget

So I got an iphone. Yeah that's right I've actually got an iphone. I feel like I've given into the fad. Which is kinda sad. I mean I remember saying I would never get an iphone, and yet I have one. Now granted I'm not so obsessed in getting apps. I honestly only have 5. 3 of which were free. I mainly use the youtube function. I will say that the battery life is crap. Then again If you use an app for a long time the battery does die out faster. Went to go see Iron Man 2 as well. Yeah it was a good movie, but a typical number two movie. Either the hero gets a huge ego or wants to give it up. It's basically what usually happens. As we saw with Spider man and the Hulk....which honestly are some of the only marvel movies I watched. I'd include x-men, but they kinda had that element in number 3. Anyway then went to Coldstone to have another one of my ice cream combos. Every week I would go to coldstone and mix cheesecake ice cream with another ice cream flavor. I love going there because the staff knows me as the guy that is always mixing cheesecake with something. This time it was oreo creme filling. Which was a great combo btw. It's like my peanut butter cheesecake combo. I also realize that the shirt I'm wearing is tight on me. Mainly arm and waist. The sad part is that my body fat is higher then normal. Plus my dad saw my tattoo. Didn't say anything, but looked kinda angry that I got it. Typical parental response. So on my phone I naturally have the youtube iphone app. I watched the 12th episode of DBZ abridged. Yeah one of the funnier episodes. Again watch the end. Today's tip is sometimes the old is better then the new. Least when it comes to gadgets.

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