Thursday, May 13, 2010

Oh boy here it comes

That's right it's slowly, but surely coming. The day I have to move so much stuff. It's making it hard for me to decide if I should do a leg workout tomorrow or Sunday. I'm thinking since the heavy moving will be Sunday it would be smarter to do it tomorrow. I will say though that the pre-workout I tried this morning seemed to be working. I have to up the dose to get more of an affect. I had a good pump going. Now considering the fact that I did do a lot more warm ups and stretching that could have helped too. Like I said I was reading that book on gaining muscle fast and one they suggest is doing warm up and stretches. So I did that and like I said I seemed to get a better pump. So when I up it tomorrow we'll see how well it goes. As for what's going on in the world not much. Seems like it's a slow news day. So much so that we finally know if Donald Trump's hair is real. Apparently on Ryan Seacrest's radio show his co-host ran her fingers through Trump's hair to find that it is in fact real. Good for him. Yesterday was also another good business day. Had a new person even come in. Hoping it keeps up today. I like being busy at work. Oh well that's pretty much it. Today's video is another scene from Space Channel 5 part 2. This is the final part of report 2. In this scene Ulala is facing off against a plant. I like this one because it makes reference to tentacles. Anyone that has even heard of hentai knows that there is always some sort of tentacle monster. Anyway that happens around the 2 minute mark. So enjoy the cheap laugh. Plus you get to see some nice waltzing. Today's tip is knowing your limits is part of the maturing process. Those that never reach this point usually end up on the news or dead.

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