Friday, May 21, 2010


So I'm back in Texas. Man I am really starting to hate flying. I got really nervous on the first leg of my trip. I don't know why? I think the older I get and the more people I meet the more I want to stay safe. The first leg was great. Short trip. It wasn't crowded. It was very nice. Then I get to the other part of the trip. I get to my gate and I have to eat at McDonald's. I personally am not a fan of that chain. Just because my brother was obessed with it for the longest time. Anyway I forgot to tell them no Mayo on my chicken sandwich so that also didn't help. Anyway so I get to the gate. They then let us know that the plane is having technical difficulties. They are waiting for a part. Yeah that's always something good to hear. Then they figure they can't fix it so they move us to another gate where a plane will meet us. We get there and they say the plane is coming from the hanger and will be here momentarily. Several moments later it wasn't there. So eventually they say well looks like the plane is still not ready so we are moving you to a gate that has a plane there already like we should have done in the first place. Ok she didn't say that last part, but we were all thinking it. Anyway so then we have to go several city blocks away (not really, but felt like it) and get there. So we finally are able to board. Now before we boarded they told us that only rolling luggage should be put in the over head bins. The plane is apparently smaller. Yeah that did not happen. The guy in front of me puts his jacket up there. Then when someone asked him to move it he got an attitude. Wow dude it's just a jacket. Put it in your lap already. So he moves the bin right above me and behind him. The flight attendant also moved a bag and it turned out that the bag was moved on top of a manbag of a passenger. Seriously some people just don't pay attention to the rules or think they are so much better then them. Then this asshole in front of me lowers his seat. Now that is so annoying. What if he went to far and it hit my knee. All you have to do is tap the person and let them know you are about to lower the seat so they know and don't try to grab something and get smacked. Then to continue to be the asshole that he is as we were leaving and I was about to move forward. He jumps right in front of me to grab his stuff. I mean I'm just going to go because I clearly have nothing in I need to get from the overhead bins. So he spends like 2 minutes grabbing his stuff from right next to me instead of just letting me go and having an easier time getting it. So we are moving. Now keep in mind I'm right behind him. He stops right in the middle of the hallway. I almost run into him. I honestly should have and if he got an attitude I'd say you should have moved to the side to put on your coat like any decent person would do. So yeah not fun. So I was watching DBZ abridged before I ran off to the airport. So I figured I'd post the episode I've watched more then any other episode. Episode number 9. By far the best episode ever. Enjoy. Today's tip is there are several million different types of therapy in the world. If it helps you be a better person it's therapy.

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