Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's day time

That's right it's mother's day. Which means all the mothers of the world are having a day where everyone pays attention to them. Then come tomorrow we all forget. I got my gift off today. My mom loved it of course. One of my friends thought it was really sweet. Yesterday was a really slow day. Had one person the whole day. Yeah that's not fun. Plus it was a cold and gloomy day most of yesterday. It id warm up and brighten up a little later. Then went to go out and eat and shopping. As for what I'm doing today, just working out and calling my mother to listen to her for who knows how long. Yeah needless to say nothing big. Today's tip is today is the one day when you have to listen to your mom rant and rave about your life style choices and give her a gifts for it. Mom mom actually liked that tip.

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