Monday, May 24, 2010

And back I go

Today I fly back to Wisconsin. I admit I miss working. It's weird being here and not working. Plus I didn't really do much because I didn't want to overshadow my brother and his accomplishments. I took some pics, but I'm thinking I won't post them on facebook. Keep it so that my friends don't know I was in town. I only told 2 that I knew wouldn't try to pull me away from the family although I found out one would have liked to hang out. He isn't feeling too hot. If I had known I would have found a time to hang out with him. My mom made it obvious that she will miss me. Had a good lunch with the family as well. So now today I have to pack. Make sure I have it all and then head off to the airport later today. Just hoping that nothing odd happens like the delaying again. Although if I get delayed it's not terrible because my 2nd flight is like 2 hours after my 1st one lands. In other news I've been watching the Today show and per usual someone on there made me say are you kidding me. They had the lawyer of that 15 year old that beat that girl nearly to death and a court appointed psychologist. They both make it sound like he just snapped, but I mean when I "snap" I do it right then and there not 3 hours later. I don't text people with my intent. I simply do it. Do I regret it afterwards yes, but I don't go out of my way as part of my snapping. He rode his bike 3 miles. I'm sorry but after a few blocks I'd say it wasn't worth it. Then they mention all these sob stories. Oh he saw his father go to prison. Oh he saw his brother hanging, oh the girl mentioned he was a rapist and some of his friends were raped, oh he kept pushing down his feelings. I'm sorry, but once you confess to something like that and plead not guilty you prove that you want to literally get away with murder. I mean they are pulling out all these reasons so that when he goes to trial there is a possible chance the jury will find them not guilty or be a hung jury. Well if I recall you have to be found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. HE ADMITTED HE DID IT! So maybe he's hoping for a less harsh sentence. I swear if he gets away with it I'm so ranting about that. Then they had that doctor on that said that a vaccine leads to autism. He got his license pulled and no one has been able to replicate his findings on a larger scale. So he was on saying oh I'm not shocked they pulled my license they wanted to do it. Then when asked about the whole not replicating the findings he starts saying oh the United States secretly settled cases like these so that must mean it's true. Well he didn't say it that way, but in a round about way. Hello a lot of people settle if they think that it will cost more to go to court. Ugh just a long line of people that annoy me. Today's video is Michael Jackson's Thriller. If you've never seen this music video then you are missing out on major pop culture history. I mean seems like everyone knows of the dance. Plus it's a huge production. I suggest watching it. Today's tip is when getting pulled over it's not a good idea to bribe the cop with donuts, but it is funny.

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