Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Almost time to go

Today I get a half day so I can pack and be ready for tomorrow when I fly back to texas. I'm having those mixed feelings again. I want to go to support my brother, but at the same time I don't want to go because I don't want to deal with the family problems. Plus my grandparents are going to constantly ask me what I'm I going to do with my life. Yeah I'm not going to enjoy that. They are spending the night too so that won't be fun. Did hear about the primaries last night. Yeah not surprised a lot of it happened the way it did. I mean let's face it. People are pissed at government. They are pissed at the Senators that aren't getting anything done. So it makes sense that incumbents are having a tough time. Especially those that didn't vote the way they wanted them to vote. Or those that just recently switched over from a party that has been holding things up. Not only has been, but is still doing today. There is a senator blocking a bill that would increase the amount oil companies would be liable for. Ok why the hell would you be doing that now. I mean now seems like the time to make it sound like your for the people not for the corporations who everyone is pissed at. Why basically support the oil company that caused this massive spill? Probably thinking well I'm not up for re-election this year so I can block all the things I want. I'm sure it won't look bad on my party. Honestly come November I really wonder how it's going to look for the republicans. Seems they are moving so far to the right they are losing a lot of their base. Soon it will be kinda like the green party where we just make fun of them because almost no one is in the green party. Well since Squiby is acting up again I figured I'd post another song from the South Park movie. Kyle's Mom is a Bitch. We all know the words. I think it's the funnier of all the songs just because it doesn't say much, but has a funny ending. So enjoy. Today's tip is time waits for no man. And no ladies that doesn't mean time waits for you.

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