Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Ugh it's winter all over again

It has been nothing but cold here. For some reason winter just does not want to let go and let it be spring. Or winter is getting revenge for spring coming so early. All I know is that the highest it has been is 62ish. Today it's 52. I just do not get what is going on with the weather. The average high for today is 70 degrees. That should tell you something. Anyway Arizona is being even stupider with their new law. Apparently in Tuscon there is a Mexican-American studies class. Apparently the big law maker that made the law has been pushing for it for years. Saying that the class teaches latinos that whites oppose them. Ok let's go out on a limb here and say that's true. Let's say it's true that the program is trying to get latinos to think white people are against them. Don't you think that by signing a law like this is kinda proves the point. I mean after passing all those laws that basically say if you look like your an illegal immigrant from mexico that you will be stopped, now they want to remove this program. I mean come on Arizona is it really worth it pull this shit. Are you just trying to be so outrageous that the federal government has no other choice to deal with immigration. Is it really worth it to do that. If they didn't already lose people because of the new immigration law they sure has hell lost people now. They are making a lot of people rethink going to arizona. Well I'm sure Arizona has a lot of spare money to make up for it. Oh wait they don't...oh well. Today's video is Move Along by The All-American Rejects. In case you didn't know this was one of the popular songs back in 2005. Seemed like it was on every commercial. I know for sure it was on a legos Bionicle commercial. That's really why I got the song. I heard it in the background and thought it was good so I downloaded. Still like it. I just think it's a really great song. I like the music video because you don't see one like this too often. Where someone just sits there and sings while other stuff goes on behind them. Today's tip is those that live in a glass house shouldn't throw stones. Unless the house has come alive and is digesting you.

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