Thursday, May 6, 2010

Passed the hump

Yep it's now Thursday and it's all down hill from here. My boss gave me this book to read. It's 50 Ways to Build Muscle Fast. So I figure hey what the heck. Might as well read it. It's not a thick book and I'm hoping it doesn't get to technical. My computer of course is months from blowing up I know it. I really just need it to last me until my b-day. Then I'll transfer some stuff over and blow it up. Just have to make sure that the new computer has an anti-virus and anti-spyware up to date. That way I won't transfer something that doesn't need to be transfered. So I figure that's what I'll do this afternoon while waiting for customers. Should be insteresting. Might help me to reach my goals sooner. On another note ENOUGH ABOUT JUSTIN BEIBER. Everyday he's a stupid trending topic. Everyday I have to hear something stupid that he did, or his manager did, or a fan of his did. I just want his 15 minutes to be over already. I miss the days when non one knew who the hell he was. He's now apparently all over the internet because he was asked a question and according to him couldn't understand the guys accent. He was asked if Beiber was basketball in German true or false. I don't know if he truly didn't understand the accent or if he was truly having a brain fart, but he said that we don't use that word in America. It got leaked and put on youtube now everyone is talking about it. One of those big newspapers made fun of him, but then had to edit it later because he apparently did an interview in Germany and proved he can speak some German and count at least to 10. Then the article talks about how Kim Kardashian has been having death threats against her because she said she had "Bieber Fever" and he apparently tweeted that she was his new girlfriend. Yeah the fact that tons of teen girls would get that pissed over an obvious joke shows that his fans are nuts and obviously he should go back to obsecurity before they all get their claws on him. Least that way I can watch the news without seeing something about him. Today's tip is remember all items are meant to break down. How else can they keep making money off you.

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