Monday, May 10, 2010

Wow fun day

Yeah it was actually a jammed packed day yesterday. I'm very shocked about that since I wasn't home. I call my mom up and she's out with the family at Chili's. Yeah that sucks that I wasn't there for it. I like Chili's. Anyway so I got the apartment to myself because my room mate was out and about. Watched The Craft on E! network. A weird movie to play on mother's day that's for sure. Anyway so a little later on I see a police car in the parking lot of the apartment. It looks like she came from upstairs. I heard some stuff going on above me, but didn't think much of it. Then when she left I can hear them upstairs talking on the landing. I still don't know why the cop is there, but I do know the guy above me wants to get out of his lease which I'm fine with. He stomps around all the time. Not to mention the fact he gets up at like 5 in the morning. Then I got a call from my dad saying my grandparents are willing to pay for the flight down to see my brother graduate. So I get to go down to Texas to see him walk across the stage. I'll also probably visit one friend while down there. I'm probably going to keep it on the down low because if they all knew they'd all try to hang out with me. This one friend won't be around in July. Let's see what else happened. Oh I did a leg workout and wow was I tired afterwards. Squats really take it out of me. I'm only squatting 60 lbs. Well 60 extra pounds. I think the bar is like 10 lbs itself. Anyway I just was tired for awhile after that. Yeah so don't enjoy doing squats. The pay off is apparently worth it. So today I figured I'd post the 2nd installment of Super Freakin' Parody Rangers. Which ironically comes in two parts. Just because the person who posted it did that. I think it's actually the funnier of all 3. The first one of course set the stage which is always boring and the last one seems like it was rushed a bit. Anyway enjoy. Today's tip is yawning is the bodies way of staying awake. Babies are natures way of waking a whole house at 3 am.

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