Saturday, May 8, 2010

Day Before

The day before Mother's Day and have you gotten you gifts for your mother? I know I have. Anyway my Friday was kinda a typical Friday. Had a couple of customers. Helped them get the right item. Then closed up at closing time. Yeah it was a real great day. It was really wet and cold. It was suppose to snow in some parts of the state last night. I don't know if it did. Just know that clearly something is up with the weather. Nevada of all places got hit with a snow storm. Makes me wonder how this summers is going to be. Well today shall be a short work day for me. Probably go shopping again tonight. Either it's going to be a zoo tonight or one tomorrow. I would think everyone would be out tonight not tomorrow morning. Then again people could be waiting to get there stuff for mother's day dinner then. Who knows. I've been kinda tired lately. Falling into a routine. Need to clearly break it. Would help if I knew about that second job. According to the manager I was assured to get the job since he is the ones that looks at the apps. Well I've gotten nothing. Not even a hey we have your app we just have to wait until the college kids go back home. I'd call, but I already did to make sure they got the app. Anyway if I don't hear from them soon I've got tons of other places to send an application to. Oh well. Just have to make sure to get up early to post my mother's day gift. Today's video is the 1st episode of the Super Freakin' Parody Rangers. I love this series. How can you not when you think about it. Anyone that grew up watching the Power Rangers will find many similar elements. Plus it's got parody in the name. Love it. Just watch it. Today's tip is going in head first is only good when diving into a deep pool of water. Any other time you'll get a huge headache.

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