Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Work time

So I'm back at work. Kinda hard to get back into the swing of things. There was a lot I did and it's just taking me a bit of time to get back into the swing. So I made sure to workout this morning to make sure I was up and ready for the day. I tried to incorporate some of the things I learned in the book I'm reading. A lot harder then you think. For instance I don't really do warm up sets, but the book suggest doing it. It's a lot easier to do with dumbells then it is a machine that you don't crank. Plus I am time restricted. I can only workout for at most an hour and some of my workouts are long as it is. Some are short so I can do a warm up set. Anyway my flight was another headache. When I check in I see my boarding pass is really a seat request which makes me nervous. Lucky for me I got it taken care of and I got all excited since it said I was a priority passenger. Turns out I was just able to board first and wasn't in first class. Anyway so as we are getting ready to board the plane one of the flight attendants told one of the first class passengers that he was going to have to put his luggage with the other checked bags. You know when you enter the plane, but you have to tag your bag. It's like checking it without the extra charge. So this guy throws a huge fit. Saying this is ridiculous. He's a diamond gold or platinum or w/e member. I mean throwing a hissy fit because he can't put his bag over in the overhead bins. So before we take off the pilot pulls him outside to talk to him. I don't know what about, but I assume it has to do with how he acted about the luggage. Or another complaint he had. Plus the guy got up like 5 times during the flight. Felt sorry for the guy next to him since he wasn't in an aisle seat, but a window seat. Then to make matters even better my 2nd flight had it's gate changed twice. Now I wasn't there for the first change I just know it was changed since it said on the board. The 2nd change I was there for. Luckily it was at the gate right next to the one I was at. Apparently the plane in front of us was having issues or something. Then for some reason they didn't start boarding us until 5 minutes after the plane was suppose to leave. Then after we boarded we didn't take off for another 10 minutes it seems. Got in like 5 minutes after we were suppose to because they overshot the arrival time anyway. In other news Jesse James is an annoying prick that will be on dateline tonight. He apparently isn't going on to talk about what he did to Bullock, but to defend himself and prove he's not a racist. He apparently was in a photo wearing a nazi hat and doing the nazi salute. He said it was part of a joke and looking back on it, it was in poor taste. Well duh. Plus that stripper also has a photo where she's all nazi up and apparently has the nazi symbol tattoo on her. He also says he's the most hated man in the world. Ok inflated ego much. Pretty sure there are tyrants that are more hated then the guy who cheated on America's sweetheart and posed for a nazi photo. Like I said I can't stand the guy. He never struck me as a person I'd want to be around and this just proves it. Today's tip is he who holds the purse strings shall hear snickering behind his back for he his holding a purse.

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