Thursday, May 27, 2010

It's been a fun day

Yeah today I had to come in early. The boss had a meeting he needed to go to so I had to make sure I was there. So I brought some reading materials. A fitness magazine and the book I'm reading. Now the fitness magazine was more for research. To figure out what new supplements (if any) we should bring in because they are being advertised. Muscletech dominated the ads which honestly was really sad. They show all these fitness models and athletes and bodybuilders that "use" muscletech. Ok as someone who's tried muscletech I can honestly say that's bullshit. If they really used the muscletech products they'd pull their name. They don't work. They are crappy crappy products. It's why when guys come in they don't ask for muscletech or they say they tried something and it didn't work. I tried Nano Vapor before and I thought it worked. Then I bought some and it did nothing. No energy. No added strength. Nothing they boast about on their product. Guys have tried Hydroxycut before said it was good and then tried the new one and said it was crap. All there stuff has had it's formula changed and everyone agrees it just was a change for the worse. So that annoyed me to no end. Then you look at all these other ads and think how many of these guys actually take the products they put their name on. I mean seriously think about it. Bodybuilders and athletes basically make a living off endorsements. They don't have to really think the product works. Just take a few pictures acting as if they do take it. I was even reading one of these products and I mean it just read like a script. I mean I seriously don't trust anything I see anymore. I rather try it myself and report back to the customers. I mean I'm clearly not getting paid to endorse this stuff. I endorse it because it works. So just goes to show you have to a critical and skeptical consumer when it comes to things. Read the reviews on it. I mean really read the reviews. See who's writing it. If you see a lot of reviews form costumers and they are all generally good then it's probably a good product to try. If they are half and half you might want to skip it. That's why I chose to go with Novedex XT. Now I will say I didn't get the same results as others in their reviews, but I will say I got more people noticing my size. Anyway just more of my critical thinking skills at work. So I've been feeling really energetic. I'll talk about why tomorrow, but on my status on facebook I said I had gratuitous amounts of energy. Well I got that from the video Powerthrist. So I decided to post it. This was a big thing at my college. Everyone knew of this video. So now you do too. Today's tip is love conquers all. Least in theory that is.

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