Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Step Closer

One day closer to the weekend where I'm going to have to work my butt off moving stuff. Yeah really don't enjoy moving things. Makes me sore all over. Least this time I'm not so much moving furniture as I'm moving product. Anyway not looking forward to it like I said. Also found out my weight is down. I guess I should have focused my goal more towards my lean muscle mass then my weight. Or made my goal what it was going to be originally which was keep weight above 160. Oh well nothing to do about it now. Finally got the workout in I should have got in yesterday. Now I'm trying to decide if I could get a workout in tomorrow before I go to an early meeting. I mean yes I don't have to eat breakfast before I go, but I still have to leave early. I mean by the time I finish I might barely be able to get dressed and get out of there. So we'll see how it goes. Yesterday was a busy day for me. I had quite a few customers which makes my heart swell with pride. Now I just have to find a pre-workout to try while I'm off Xpand Xtreme Pump. The hypershock has officially fizzled on me. I got nothing from it today. No energy boost. No sort of nitric oxide boost. That doesn't make me happy. So that's why I'm trying to figure out what I want to try. One I've heard good things about doesn't have a nitric oxide boost. Now I really like those boosts. I think I have better workouts with it. That could mean I have to break down and try a product from a brand I'm not too fond of. Anyway so that's how I'm doing. Today's video is the 3rd installment of Super Freakin' Parody Rangers. This one is more about cramming in as many references and shock value as possible. Plus Meat's arms finally stop swinging. Anyway if you liked the other two then you'll like this one. Then I'll give the Parody Rangers a rest and do something new. Today's tip is someone will always have something you want. Just as you'll always have something someone else wants.

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