Monday, May 3, 2010

The week again

So it's Monday again, which means I'm back to work to work another 6 day week. I should enjoy it though since a big move is coming that might be cutting down my hours, but make me work harder at the same time. Kinda looking forward to it. Means I'll have more free time to work the other job and get more money. Yesterday I didn't really do much. Just worked out really. Did do laundry too. This morning I was going to workout, but I just didn't get any sleep. Well I did, but it took me forever to go to sleep. So I'm working out tonight. Not to mention my shirts are getting a bit snug. In golfing news looks like the golfing world has found their next Tiger Woods. Well have at least two candidates. An 18 year old who got the lowest score ever in a major golfing competition and a 21 year old who did something. I didn't really read his article. It was real vague in the headline. Just said that people are calling him the next Tiger Woods. So good for the golfing world. Not so good for Tiger Woods. Wonder if Nike has dropped him yet. I was also looking at our products and I was reading the side of our Kre-Alkalyn box. It says it's at a high ph to make sure it works, but also says we have a patent on the ph scales 7 and up so that means anyone else that makes it has to make it of a lower ph and therefore it will be crappy. Well not only is that playing dirty they have also lied to the public. The company that is advertising this makes it sound like they hold the patent to this Kre-Alkalyn. Well they don't. A pharmaceutical company does (like everything else). That company actually makes Kre-Alkalyn for another company as well with the exact same patent number. This other company actually sells it cheaper, but since it's not as name brand as the other one people tend to not notice. It just annoys me that people get away with making those claims. Oh I did see Family Guy yesterday. It was their 150th episode special. So they decided to do an episode where they didn't have any flashbacks or random guests. Yeah they shouldn't do that. That had to be the worst family guy episode I've seen. It was so boring. I found myself drifting which I never do. If you do that normally with the show you can miss a really funny scene. Then they had some musical numbers which were meh. A few were unseen, but honestly there was a reason for that. They weren't that funny. They showed 2 that they showed before, but I wasn't a real fan of them the first time. I think Bag of Weed or the FCC song would have been WAY better choices. Hopefully they learned their lesson. Never do that again. So I think today's video is very appropriate for this day and age. It's the song Blame Canada from the South Park movie. Just to set the scene, kenny has died (again) because he lit his fart on fire. The parents want to blame canada. If you listen to the lyrics carefully I'm sure you'll hear some familiar stuff. It's the tv faults, it's the governments fault, it's everyone's fault but our own. I mean you look at all the kids that are in trouble and everyone wants to blame everyone but the parents. In a lot of these cases if the parents had been more involved this crap wouldn't have happened. Especially in that case of the boy that was lit on fire. I listened to the interview of the mom of two of the accused and I mean she had no clue what was going on with her boys. Anyway enjoy. Today's tip is if you could go back in time one year and tell yourself one thing what would it be? The answer should tell you a lot about yourself.

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