Friday, May 7, 2010

I'm Ready

I got my Mother's Day gift all ready. Just have to wait until Sunday to do it. Mainly because I'm only posting it for that one day then changing it back. As for today it's pizza night per usual. Got a good movie to watch plus it's an all new Ben 10 Ultimate Alien. I will say that it seems like they are kinda going back to the old Ben 10. At least humor wise. Plus Ben seems to be like the old Ben we knew and loved. I was really busy yesterday which was great. Didn't get to really read my book though. Well I know I'll have plenty of time on Saturday one way or another. They were good size sales too. Always makes me happy on days like that. This morning I of course did my workout. Started worrying though. Felt like my pre-workout wasn't agreeing with me too well. Had to slowly drink my protein shake. Made sure to sit down while I was drinking it. Makes me wonder if that pre-workout before didn't make me sick, but something I did might have. I don't know. Won't know until next week when I do another morning workout. Still haven't heard anything on that other job. Yeah that's always a good sign. This is why I hate online apps. I never know if they even get it. Which somehow reminds me that there have been new developments in that case where the boyfriend Lacrosse player is accused of killing his ex-girlfriend Lacrosse player. He apparently has a longer criminal record then once thought. Yeah I'd love to see the defense trying to convince a judge that those have nothing to do with this case. I mean they are honestly a great pattern. Even if the judge throws it out the defense still has to battle with what their client said. The guy practically admitted that he did it. The guy is better off getting a plea deal. I really can only see a way out for the guy if someone comes forward and says he didn't do it I did. After he left I finished her off, but he's going to plead not guilty, his parents will spend a fortune on the best lawyers and he'll be most likely found guilty. Like I said unless the defense can prove that someone else finished her off or that their client was covering for someone he's screwed. Good luck buddy.Today's video is A smile that's a bomb. No that's the name of the song. It's the opening for Yu Yu Hakusho. Love that show. It was shown at a better time in cartoon networks history. When they had Toonami in the afternoons and Adult Swim. Now cartoon network is so screwed up. Got rid of Toonami and Adult Swim is kinda blowing it. Anyway this is the first opening. They changed the sequence after the Dark Tournament and changed it again after that series. So enjoy this blast form the past. Today's tip is when someone is angry give them cake. No one can stay mad at someone that gives them cake. Then spray them with silly string and run.

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