Thursday, May 20, 2010

Up in the air

Least I will be later tonight. Yeah I'm nervous. Kinda don't want to go, but also do. I think the longer I stay here the harder it is to fly home. Plus I'll be missing World's Dumbest tonight. Love that show. Mainly because it's kinda the job I want. Where you get paid to make funny comments about the dumb things people do. I mean I practically do that now on here. I'm still also a bit shaken up from the dream I had last night. The only part I can remember clearly is that there was a mummy in my house or something. The mummy (like all good mummies do) comes to life and does this thing where he presses on the foreheads of people and it makes them his slaves. Well he did this to my brother and dad. No wait maybe he killed them not made them his slave. Anyway so I'm running from the mummy and I find my brother perfectly alright. Now at this point I think I kinda woke up because I started thinking well what if this is a trick and his eyes started glowing and I woke up. Also got measured today. Been hitting the ice cream too much so I need to lean out. I always end up losing weight whenever I go down to Texas. Well we will see if that holds true. Basically as long as I stay active somewhat I'll be good. So I won't be able to workout with my equipment until Tuesday. That is if I can even get up. Looking at the schedule and yeah if I don't do it Tuesday morning I can do it Wednesday morning since I don't work until later. I also get Saturday off plus it's Memorial Day weekend meaning we won't be open that Monday. That's a good thing because honestly I've been working too much the last two weeks. I mean I have been working since the 10th basically. Even though I got the afternoon off yesterday I still worked. Before I get to the video for today I was on the youtube home page and I saw a video entitled illegal immigrant denied student loan. Ok that is one of those DUH! moments. Why would a bank give a loan to an illegal immigrant when legit citizens have a hard time getting a loan. Not only that, but to make a video out of it. Wouldn't that alert someone that whoever this person is, is illegal? Remember what I said about making comments about people's dumb decisions? Yeah this would be one of them. So I'm sure you all remember the Winx Club. If not I'm not shocked because that means you live in America. It was one of those shows that got translated into a lot of different languages and shown around the world and per usual when the US got a hold of it they dubbed it so badly and made it so far from the original that well no one watched it. They use to do re-runs on the CW for kids, but that didn't last long. That lineup has always had trouble keeping things going for longer then one season. Today's tip is you always need to know when it's your moment to shine and when you need to focus the spotlight on others.

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