Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Just a few more days

Today I get to work all by myself making for the 9th straight day of work. Right now I feel calm, but come later on today I know I'm going to be tired. Did finally workout today. Oh and yeah Nano Vapor sucks. That's actually what I've been hearing about all the muscletech stuff lately. Seems like once they changed the formula any good effects people got are gone. I mean I took the old Vapor and it got my heart pumping. I felt the nitric oxide boosters. I thought it was a shockingly good product, but now. Damn it just sucks. Everyone says the new Hydroxycut sucks. The new vapor sucks. No one even looks at the nitro tech or cell tech. Should have known when they said they were changing the formula it was for the worse. So now I have to finish it off. I'm so not wasting my money by throwing it away. Besides maybe I can use the jug as a display of products that don't work. Just goes to show you that just because they have a spokesperson that's huge doesn't mean they got that way from taking their products. Which reminds me why is it that everyone post vids of them doing bicep curls the wrong way. Just seems like any video I ever see the guys use their body to start the momentum going. They don't actually use their biceps to curl the bar. Well they do, but it's mostly the other body parts. Yeah it looks impressive that a guy is "curling" 200 lbs, but really his biceps are doing like 10% of the work. Momentum is doing the rest. If all the guys that curl these big weights did them the correct way then I'd be more impressed. That means standing straight and letting your biceps do the work. Not you back and not your thighs. Well needless to say they will pay for it in the end when their back goes out or they have some sort of serious injury. I'll keep doing bicep curls the right way and actually working my arms thank you very much. Which reminds me lately my arms have been on veiny. Which is odd because usually you only see the veins on the back of my hand. Now they are kinda visible everywhere on my arm. It's odd. Kinda like how the heart association is putting their seal on the Nintendo Wii. The funny thing is when the president of the association was being questioned about it he dodged those questions like a politician. He was asked why put it on a game system instead of a basketball. The president responds with well we need to hit them where they are at. That personally sounds like they got lazy and just put it on a video game. Then when asked how much did Nintendo pay them. And then he skirted around the question saying well we did research for them and it was beneficial to both of us. So the interviewer asked again and he's like we got a gift of 1.3 million dollars. Which is funny because in an earlier question the president was asked if he worried that the logo sounds like it's for sale and he said oh it's not for sale. Sounds like the magic number is 1.3 million dollars. So if I was to give them a "gift" of 1.3 million dollars they would do their "research" and say that my clock is approved by the heart association. Yeah their logo honestly doesn't stand for anything nowadays. Today I felt like posting another mermaid melody video. Don't worry this is the last one since well this is the last song I like. Anyway This is the song Super Love Song. Luchia, Hanon, and Lina (Rina) start singing while Luchia's "sister" is on a date. I didn't really watch this episode because this is when it got hard to find english subtitles for the episodes. Anyway I just like this version of Super Love Song so I thought I'd post it. It's not the full song, but it just sounds nice. Today's tip is there are 3 ways to do things. The right way, the semi-right way, and the wrong way. Only one way lets you walk with your head held high.

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