Monday, May 31, 2010

And I'm working

Yeah just for 3 hours though. Yay for holidays. In fact as I write this I'm almost done with my shift. Anyway I've just been lounging the last few days. Didn't even write a tip on Saturday. Which I'm actually thinking of giving up. Mainly because It's getting harder and harder to think of tips. Plus I seem to always forget about it. Plus doesn't seem like any of my friends really care about getting them anymore. They are kinda the whole reason why I started the tips. I might just make it Tip for the week rather then the day. Then if more support starts up then maybe I'll go back to days. Anyway I've also been doing my normal guinea pig duties. I had to give a pre-workout another try since another employee tried it and just raved about it. So I had to try it again using the same method this guy used. I will say it did make me feel better about the product. The only downside is that my new found strength came on leg day which means I'm sore today. Never fun being sore. Especially when it's your legs. Plus having your legs sore in jeans when it's like 90 degrees outside. My legs felt so hot. So I'm going to have to soak and try to get some of that soreness out. Also trying out a new protein. It made me feel kinda sick, but I think that was more of the pre-workout that I took rather then the protein. Also looks like I won't make my goal for this month. So my goal for next month is to shed the extra lbs (gained more fat then muscle) and still maintain at least 160 lbs. Which should be too hard because I've been sweating a lot lately. Hopefully that's my body "burning" that excess fat. I did take a my body fat reading on my waist, but I think I did it wrong. I've lost weight, but not around my belly according to that. Which would mean I'm losing muscle, which doesn't make sense since it looks like I'm actually bigger. Today's tip is if someone asks you how do you feel respond by saying with my fingers.

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