Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Feeling oh so good

Today I'm just feeling great. Never fails on days I workout. Plus I worked out at a semi-normal hour. Since I didn't have to go to work until later I was able to workout an hour later. I think that was real nice. So I'm all relaxed today. So during this relaxation I started thinking. I don't know what made me think of that Disney Channel movie Harriet the Spy Blog Wars, but I started thinking about it. Which lead me to think about the original Harriet the Spy done by nickelodeon movies. Anyway this lead me to think what if this happened in real life. How would this be different. A refresher for those who have seen the movie or spoiler for those who haven't, Harriet spies on people in her town and writes down her observations in a journal. The journal is found and read by the typical mean girl who runs the school and reads it to everyone. This makes her an outcast so she retaliates making things worse then it all magically turns around. Anyway during her outcast time the teacher did a pat down to make sure she didn't have a journal on her. Now this made me think. Ok why did she have to have that. I can't remember if it was her parents who thought it was a good idea or the parents of the other kids. Now either way I think that's stupid and wouldn't fly today. Harriet's journal said private. Meaning to read it without her permission is an invasion of privacy so if I were her parents I'd get on the other kids and say you had no right to read it. It said private on it. That's same as a diary. So if your feelings got hurt you have only yourself to blame. If it was her parents who did it then why? What is the purpose of further calling your daughter out. Even if you want her to stop her spy stuff. You can talk to your daughter. Anyway when she retaliated all the kids parents called up. Now before she retaliated, all the kids kept following her making tons of noise and I believe calling themselves the spy catchers or something like that. Then one girl dumped paint all over her. Hello that's called bullying and you need to talk to your kids first. So that was my little thought of the day. You all should try it some time. Think of an old movie then think about if it took place in real life in these times. Bet they would have been a lot different outcomes wouldn't they? So the other day I happened to catch an episode of pokemon on Cartoon Network. It was of course the new season. Anyway so Dawn was in a pokemon contest and to kinda fast forward through some of the battles they did a montage and the song that played got stuck in my head. I was like I've heard this song before, but what is it. I assumed it was one of the openings from the diamond pearl season. Then after having it play over and over again I realized it's the english opening for the battle frontier series. So I found it and decided to post it. Feel so much better knowing what song is annoying me. Today's tip is as one shirt said "How can I think outside the box if you won't let me out."

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