Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Craziness I say

Yeah just seems like it's been crazy everywhere. Got work to do on a lot of fronts. Not to mention mother's day is coming up and I know that means I'm in for a long conversation with my mother yay. Plus last night I had to workout which I don't do anymore. Now I know why I really like working out in the morning. I'm not so rushed and don't have to worry about if my pre-workout will keep me up. While working out I was watching Keith Olberman and apparently Arizona wants to pass a no english teacher with an accent law. Now I didn't really get to hear about it because it was part of another story, but if it's true then wow Arizona has balls. I mean everyone is looking at them and saying can't believe you did this and blah blah blah and we are boycotting you blah blah blah. So don't they think they should probably avoid any further immigration type stuff. You'd also think the GOP would be sending letters saying shut up. Stop it or you will cost us votes. Then the congressman they had on there brought up some good points, but again made me think not so sure that helps. He was saying that we should try to bring them into the light of day and make them pay fines and take english classes and what not. I just can't help thinking that clearly some of these illegals don't want to do that. They just want to be over here work, send money back and/or do better. Obviously they don't care about the laws or what they have to do to become a citizen or stay here legally. I mean he's like they need to pay off a fine of $15,000 over 7 years while taking english classes and paying taxes and what not. Why when they can just stay here illegally and not have to pay that fine or those taxes. Like I said it's a tough subject. Obviously some will gladly do it to stay here legally and keep the police off their backs, but others rather do it the lazy way. And I was surfing the web and I found this article about this grandmother and grandson who are having a baby together. They apparently fell in love with each other. Ok 1. that's just wrong. 2. why would you go public with it. To try to gain support. I can't imagine anyone being supportive of that. Apparently the grandmother had the daughter at the age of 18 and gave her up for adoption. The grandmother went to find the daughter, but found out she died because of cancer and found her grandson. It then starts from there. Ok just why? What in the world can one offer the other. They have like nothing in common other then genetics. I mean that's so wrong on so many levels. I just feel sorry for the child. I mean what do you tell your friends when you invite them over. Oh this is my dad who's also my nephew and my mom who's also my grandma. Plus I can't imagine they'd be normal genetically. Oh well. As long as I don't have to see it then I'm ok. Now the not thinking about it part is going to be hard. Today's video is the one that the Family Guy special should have played instead of some of those other crappy ones. It's the FCC song which the FCC apparently liked. Anyway today's tip is home is where the heart is so draw tons of hearts in a hotel and tell everyone to get out of your house.

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