Saturday, May 22, 2010

Graduation is over

So my brother is now a grad and he's all happy about it. Had tons of parties to go to. The grandparents even showed up. I never realized how much they act like the seniors that come into the store. My grandma keeps just saying things. She seems to have lost the filter ability. I mean she says anything she's thinking. Yeah not exactly a pleasant thing to be around. Especially if your just trying to be alone with your thoughts. Plus I had to give up my bed for them. I will say it was a better day then Thursday. My ears are almost back to normal. Almost is the keyword. So today before I go to get my new phone I need to e-mail some of the graduation pics to my uncle. Figure he should see the photos. Then going to go see Iron man 2. Heard it was pretty good. Plus it's like the only movie I'm willing to see and my mom insists on seeing a movie. Today's video is the 4th episode of DBZ abridged. I figured I'd post this one since honestly it's another good episode. Especially once you get to the end. I didn't expect it so I just busted out laughing at work. Always a good idea. Today's tip is you never know what you'll miss until it's gone or if you never really had it in the first place.

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