Tuesday, June 1, 2010

So very sore

So I'm really sore today. My legs are killing me. Haven't gotten any better. I'm walking like the seniors I so don't want to become. Plus the internet is finally working. I have a bit of a headache and I'm tired. Yeah today is just not my day. We got shipments in and I feel like I've lost all my energy. Probably because I'm recovering from the leg workout. Plus I stopped taking my Novedex and I'm sure that has a bit to do with the lack of energy. Well I'm starting a new thing so we'll see how I am after a few days on that. Who knows I might like that better. Seems like Novedex didn't kick in until the last few days of the cycle. Ugh and tomorrow is Senior's day and that is so not going to be fun at all. I can hear the complaining and the whining and the asking if it's senior's day. Ugh my least favorite day of the month. Followed by the days I have to go to meetings. Plus Squiby is being an ass which is really annoying because it was working just fine earlier today. Yeah just not my day. Not my day at all. Well off to go do things that tire me out. Today's tip is when using pepper spray make sure not to spray against the breeze. Though it is fun to watch.

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