Friday, April 30, 2010

What a Mixed Up Day

Today has been an up and down thing for me. I got up this morning and was feeling pretty good. I take the new pre-workout and I'm feeling ok. Finish my workout and take my post workout protein. Well shortly afterwards I start tasting the pre-workout I had. Then I feel it start coming up and then it all came up and into the toilet. Even the Kre-Alkalyn pill I took was visible. Clearly had no time to digest. So that meant that I had to wait a bit and take another post workout protein shake. That one managed to stay down, but I decided to stay back for a bit instead of heading out early like I was planning on. Lucky for me I was watching the Today show and it happened to be a good day to watch. Meredith did a simulated driving thing to show how texting while driving can distract you and on her second time around she yells out OH SHIT! Of course the censors managed to bleep out the shit part. Then she looked so embarrassed and tried to cover it up by saying she said oh ship because she thought she saw a ship. There was also someone that got thrown from her horse while they were talking about the Kentucky derby. So yeah that brightened up my day. Then I get to the office to find I have finally hit my goal for this month. By 2 lbs actually. So now I just have to figure out what the goal for next month will be. Then I had to paint and honestly I'm a terrible painter. There is a reason why I hated art growing up and hated art history when I had to do a snip it of it in 10th grade. Me and art just don't get along. Now it's currently storming and that's of course not fun. Kinda ruined my whole I'm going to have a good day today vibe. So I'll have to make sure if people come in they buy something before they leave. Today's tip is how your day goes is 75% mental. If you feel good it will be a good day. Even if the other 25% tries to bring you down.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Gloomy Out

It's a really gloomy and windy day out today. Feels like I should be asleep all day today. Probably should since I didn't get much sleep last night. Just seemed like I had too much energy. I think it's because it's my last day on my pro-hormone cycle. Starting tomorrow I'm on my Novadex XT cycle. Apparently it's going to take 5 days before I feel any affects. Least that's what all the reviews say. Just hope I made a good choice in getting it. I know I had a tough choice, but seems like the reviews for Novadex were a lot more positive and consistent while the ones for Formadrol were very different. Some had great success, while others didn't. It was too up in the air. So well see if this helps. Hoping today is super busy with something. Just this doom and gloom feeling today does not feel like it's going to help business. Plus they are working on the concrete in my building. Well not in it, but around it. Anyway just need a good day today. Doesn't look like it's going to happen though. Was hoping for a big break at the end of the month. Which reminds me I have to make sure I weigh myself tomorrow morning. So the video for today is Witch Doctor by Cartoons DK. Now this music video is weird (duh the song is witch doctor) in the sense that they actually enter a cartoon world. That and they clearly have a major obsession with Elvis. The dude was not really that great. Anyway it was their one hit wonder really. They had a CD they tried to sell on tv, but pretty sure only a few people bought it. Today's tip is if you have a sleep walking problem it's a good idea to find a fix before going on a cruise.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

It's that time of the week

Yep the time of the week where everyone says it's almost the weekend, but not really since it's the middle of the week. Plus the month is coming to an end on Friday. As for me today I feel weird. I tried another new pre-workout (because I'm the guinea pig) and I've had a weird reaction to it. It's not like it didn't give me energy, but it also kinda made me tired. Like after the workout I felt I had energy, but I also felt like I didn't have energy. Now my legs feel funny. Feels like there is a lot of blood flowing in them, and like they are getting energy, but also feels like I've been running all day. Now the product did say that it would elminate toxicins in the body. Maybe I have a lot in my legs since they have been sore. I plan on trying it again on my chest. See how it goes. If my chest isn't sore I might have to invest in this product. In other news I'm actually proud of my former state of Texas. That doesn't happen seeing as Texas is a red state and in the bible belt. Anyway these girls were being cyber bullyed on facebook. Someone posted a page that listed all these girls on it for different reasons. Saying some where sluts and whores or wannabe sluts and whores. Well the school got invovled and called up facebook to have the page removed. They are actively seeking out who started the page to bring them to justice. I glad that Texas learned from the unfortunate case in Mass. How often do we see things like this repeat themselves. The annoying part is that teens seem to be thinking that they can still cyber bully. I guess they see the end of what happened to Phoebe Prince as a goal for those they torment. That's the only reason I could possibly see to do the things that caused her death. They also had an expert talking and mentioned that it is up to parents and school officials to set rules and consequences for when those rules get broken. That in probably a main factor in what happened to Phoebe. School Officals didn't do anything and obviously the parents seemed to know nothing about it. I know that they said that Phoebe and the mean girls had a sit down with the principal or some school offical. Clearly not working which is when the parents should have been called in, but I don't think they were. Anyway like I said I'm just glad that my home state did something right. Those of us that remember when the N64 came out remember Mario 64. It was the big deal because it was the 1st 3-D game. Well for Nintendo. Everyone had to have it. Mainly because it introduced you to the new graphics quite well. Anyway this is of course another speed run. As you can imagine it is a glitched run, but it's still a run with 100% complete. I actually kinda used it for tips on where some stars are. I'm missing like 7 stars I think. I haven't played in awhile. Anyway today's tip is try walking backwards for an hour. That way you know how the back of your head feels everyday.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A lot to do

Yeah got a lot to do the rest of this month. For one I'd like to actually see 160 lbs on the scale some time this month. My goal for next month will be staying above 160. Another thing I want to do is get a 2nd job so I have a little extra money. Extra money is good since I want to go visit my family and of course it always helps to have that little bit of money. Other then that it's just getting through this week really. For several reasons. 1 this months almost over and I get antsy around this time. 2. I want to watch another episode of Ben 10 Ultimate Alien. Which brings up the fact that the opening was kinda....boring. I figured they'd kinda go back to their roots with an opening, but I was wrong. Just shows all the aliens he has been and can be now. I do want to see some of the old aliens though. Like Wild Vine or Four Arms. Which oddly enough reminds me of what I saw on the Today show. They had Jackie Warner on talking about her new book and she was showing the audience how some people do exercises and how they are wrong. Well one which she was showing was the Bicep Curl. Oh boy do I have a problem with that one. Not that I can't do it, but I mean with seeing people do it. On that video for Xpand Xtreme Pump I was so mad about how the bodybuilder they had in it was doing it. He was throwing his back into it. He was using the legs. Basically every body part to lift that weight. Ok that isn't working the arms. It's working everything to lift that weight. What is the point of being at a higher weight if you can't lift it. Makes me wonder how the hell did he get to that size (roids) if he's lifting incorrectly? I mean every personal trainer has to be kicking themselves if they see someone do that especially a bodybuilder on youtube. Oh and that state senator I was talking about earlier. Yeah he starts his jail time today. That's right he gets a whole 45 days in jail for 3 DUI's. I should also mention that all 3 were in a 1 year time. Now that's basically every 4 months he got a new one. Now I don't care if this guy is a democrat or a republican. He needs to get his ass out of the senate, but no he keeps that job. He just got a slap on the wrist and 45 days. If I was the judge I would have given him the maximum sentence. It's not like this was his 1st offense so we should be lenit. It was 1 of 3 DUI's. I'm also pretty sure he has other ones on his record. Come on people he needs to be made an example out of. If I had done that you can bet I would have gotten the max sentence. It's things like this that make people hate politicians. They do whatever the hell they want and get away with it. So the video for today is a speed run of Legend of Zelda Majora's mask. Now this one I actually did finish because honestly it is shorter then the other games in a way, but it's also a lot more complicated. For one time actually matters in this game. Another is that it's the same 3 days over and over again and if you screw up one event then you might have to restart completely. What I mean is that you have to go back in time to try it again. Some say it was not nearly as good as Ocarina of Time, but personally any game that I can finish is good. Today's tip is moving forward while constantly looking back is a good way of smacking into a wall.

Monday, April 26, 2010

A lot on Sunday

So I didn't post yesterday because 1. I got up late. 2. My room mate got me up so we could go shopping for stuff. He had something he wanted to buy and I told him I needed new shoes so he took it upon himself to wake me up so we could bond while shopping. Yeah I got him back for that later. Seemed like I didn't really rest yesterday. I can tell I'm getting sick, but so far it hasn't stopped me from working (knock on wood). Anyway Saturday was a good day for me. I surprised my boss by doing so well. Even talked a couple people into buying things they might not have. The joy of giving people information to help them. I got a bonus because of it. Yay bonus. Other then that nothing is really going on. Saturday was kinda dull and Sunday all I did was run around. Well I did realize my brother has some serious anger issues. I'm calling up my mom and she asks him a question and I mean he flips out on her. I mean I could clearly hear him yelling at her. I call him up and told him that I could clearly hear him yelling and I mean he was pissed off at her. I mean people call me stubborn, but that's nothing compared to my brother. I've had one person accuse me of being an angry person (during my full on depression) which again is nothing compared to what he has going on. Personally I think he has some sort of issue going on. I think it has to do with his graduation coming up. Maybe it is something else, but like I said I don't know what's going on with him. On a different note that mother from Ohio (shockingly) is staying with the boyfriend. On the today show they had a psychologist and a psychiatrist. They both say that something is wrong with the mother if she can just get up and leave her child. Well clearly there is something wrong with the mother because she's dating a married man. Just one of those things that makes you wonder what is going on with them. How did they even find each other. Makes you wonder about the boyfriend's wife and how she feels. How about the husband who forgave the wife only to find out she's just coming to get her stuff and leaving with the boyfriend again. Just wrong I say. They also showed a video where a man was helping a woman who was getting mugged and got stabbed by the mugger. He then laid there for an hour before help arrived. Now I should also mention that about 25 people walked by him as he laid there dying. One even stopped to take a picture on his cellphone. Ok why take a picture. What in the world would you do with that pic. Put it on facebook? Twitter maybe? It's that whole diffusion of responsibility. The more people around the less likely any one person is going to do something to help. Just sad that it comes to that. That man should still be alive today if someone had just realized that no one was helping him. I mean at least call 911. I'm sure all of you have heard of The Legend of Zelda. If you haven't then well your life is sad. Anyway there was a game that came out on the N64 called Ocarina of Time. I think this is still one of the biggest games in the Legend of Zelda world. Anyway I had the game, but I never finished it because it was so long so I admire anyone that can finish it. So I'm posting a video of someone who did it in about 2 and half hours. Now this is a speed run and this is using the computer version of the game and exploiting glitches, but I still find it impressive so if you have 2 and half hours to kill why not watch it. Today's tip is anger is like a pet gator. May seem cute and harmless at first, but quickly grows and is to much to handle then bites off your arm.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Oh yeah sore

So yesterday I did squats for the first time in like ever and boy am I sore. I was kinda a little sore yesterday afterwards, but when I got up this morning part of my lower back was sore, my legs were sore. They still kinda are, but it's a functional sore now. Which is good because I'm at work right now. Had a guest over last night and we watched The Wrestler. Now I had several issues with this movie, but don't want to talk about them because if you've never seen it then you'd hate me for spoiling it. Anyway after the movie was done and I started thinking which is always a bad sign. The story reminds me of Don Quixote. If you don't know what that story is then go look it up. If you do then go watch the wrestler if you haven't. If you have done both the I'm sure you can see why I made that conclusion. The funny thing about the movie is that I'm sure all the wrestling federations out there hated that movie for giving away all their secrets. Or even saying that everyone does steroids. Even though it's kinda obvious that most of them have at some point taken something. Look at Hulk Hogan. No seriously look at when he first came on the scene, about the middle of his career, towards the end of his career and now. See what I mean. Just even google image it and you'll see the change. Or how about Macho Man Randy Savage (who btw looks so old now meaning clearly someone was dying his hair). Or even the past history of deaths in the wrestling industry. Anyway so like I said I'm sure the TV wrestling federations loved this movie. Since I showed the live action version of Sailor Moon yesterday I figured I'd go with the classic anime. This is all of Sailor Moons transformations and attacks. I would do one that shows everyone's transformations and attacks, but well that would be really long since Sailor Moon alone takes almost 10 minutes. Plus the other sailor scouts have at least 3 transformations, but like 4 attacks. Plus that's not counting Chibi Moon, The outer Sailor Scouts, and the Sailor Starlights. Maybe I'll do them later on. Anyway enjoy. Today's tip is sampling is ok when trying to make a choice on a purchase. It is not meant to be a lifestyle.

Friday, April 23, 2010

I'm an Old Man

This morning I found my first and most likely not the last unruly nose hair. I mean it was sticking out of my nose and everything. Just like as if I was an old man with like 20 nose hairs sticking out. I actually had to use my room mates nose hair clipper. I'm only 21 years old. How can I have an unruly nose hair at this age. Then again I did hit puberty early. I was a lot hairier then most boys my age. Not to mention I swear my voice was the first to start changing. Least that's what it seemed like. Anyway enough about me getting older by the second. I was watching the Today show and I saw another one of those stories that made me want to smack someone. So this woman was missing in Ohio. She had a husband and a 1 year old. It looked like she had been abducted because she left her car in a parking lot at a park, with the keys in the ignition and a tire slashed. Looks very suspicious. Well turns out that she just ran off with a guy who was also married. The worst part is the husband was on the Today show earlier this week pleading with her to come home and saying this was out of character and that she loved being a mom. I mean my heart just goes out to the man. Even after she was found with another man he just said I just want her home to talk to her. Now it sounds like he's in shock and that he isn't going to pursue a divorce, but I think the marriage is basically over unless they go to some sort of counseling. Not to mention how can you trust someone that ran off and left your family without a word, and then is found with another man living in a hotel in Florida. Even if they stay married I just can't imagine that her family is going to look at them the same. I mean her parents aren't going to see her the same. Her friends won't look at her the same. She'll have a cloud of shame over her head for a long time. That itself could end the marriage. People sure don't think.So last night I had a weird dream that had a lot of flashes of different cartoons. One cartoon was Dave the Barbarian. That was probably one of the stupdiest shows out there. My brother loved the show. Me I hated it, but since at the time we had only one tv hooked up to cable I had to watch it. As you can see from the opening it clearly was not going to last long. Oh and when the castle falls down at the end it was always something different. Today's tip is there are always little things to remind us how old we are, but there are also people that make us feel like kids again.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

One More Day

Just got one more day and then it will be Friday. Friday means weekend. This week has been a decent week, but I'm just ready for tomorrow. Tomorrow the friend that stopped by a few weeks ago will be back. It's fun entertaining guests. Something out of the usual for me which is nice. I've also noticed that I've been carrying around my results from the measurements on Tuesday. I don't know why that is. With the other results I kinda threw them in my bag and never really looked at them. Now I can't stop. I guess it's because I have basically reached my goal for this month and it feels good to have reached my goal. I don't know what it is, but like I said I can't seem to put them down. Oh, but last night I had the weirdest dream. I can't remember a lot of the details, but I can remember some big parts. First there was this super hero that was trying to shrink himself into a cube or something like that then all of a sudden I'm a solider and my superior officers are Kenan Thompson and Kel Mitchell. Yeah weird. They had those guns that had those knives at the end. They then proceeded to start cutting me. I mean and they were enjoying it. They were cutting my writs, my throat, and pretty sure they were going to stab me through the head, but I woke up. My heart was pounding when I woke up. I some how managed to fall asleep and when I did I had another weird dream. I was at some sort of party and I was cutting some Colby cheese when something started oozing out of it. It was sour cream. Again really weird. Then all of a sudden I'm outside this car where this girl that I know is fighting with her boyfriend or ex-boyfriend over a gun. The side of the van was open. I don't know why it was open. So I move to the other side because I have a feeling that I'm going to get shot. When I go to the other side I see that the other side is open as well and they are really wrestling for the gun. Then there was a bang. I didn't feel anything (well didn't in the dream) and I look around. I see the gun pointed straight at me. I go to feel my chest and I had been shot. I woke up shortly afterwards. Yeah probably not a good thing that I'm having at least two dreams where someone is killing me. The video for today is one about the transformations and attacks from Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon. Now I'm posting it because few people know that there was a live action Sailor Moon. I told my friends and they didn't believe me so I had to basically show them this. It was a weird show because it seemed like it didn't follow the anime or the manga, but then again I never read the manga. The creators said that it follows the manga closely. I guess I'll have to go read it because I'm pretty sure it didin't. Don't think their hangout was a karaoke bar or that Luna and Artemis were talking dolls. Or that Luna ever became a human child. Oh and fun fact. The wheel that's behind Sailor Mars, Jupiter, and Luna was the inspiration for my tattoo. Today's tip is material things might keep your body warm, but what warms your heart is the bond you make with others.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Hump day once more

It's Wednesday once again meaning the week is almost over. Tomorrow will be Thursday then Friday. Weeks go by pretty fast. Speaking of which I got some good news yesterday. Besides the whole being .2 lbs off my ideal weight. My landlord sent me my full security deposit. This was a major shock to me and my boss who I told the whole story to. If you don't recall or don't want to go back to look for it, my landlord forced me to have to pay for the whole month of march in rent. He then tried to bully me into giving up the key early without giving me a refund and when I then asked for one said fine I'll just move them into another apartment. Then on the day when I was suppose to turn in the key I go to check on the apartment to make sure I was fully moved out only to find out that the landlord changed the locks without informing me that the locks were being changed. So I called him saying I wonder what the law says about that and to call me back which he never did. So I'm pretty sure he got scared and decided to just give me my rent in full. I'm sure it sounded like I was willing to take legal action which at the time I was then I thought about it more and said forget it. So once I got the check I deposited it asap to make sure he didn't change his mind. At the same time I wonder if he didn't have some sort of motive behind it. Like he wants me to be a point of reference to say oh he's a good fair landlord. I don't know what it is, but I'm just glad he's out of my life and honestly if he was to call asking for something I'd probably hang up on him. My room mate is also sick which is never fun. Means I have to be extra careful not to get sick too. Not easy when you share a living space. Least he's better today. I'm also feeling pretty good. Then again whenever I workout in the morning I tend to feel better throughout the day. Seemed like I was a bit stronger during the workout. Didn't tire out as quickly. Anyway next week I'll remeasure myself. Next months goal will be to stay at 160 or a bit higher. Try my best to make 160's be my new average. Which brings me to annoying realization. If I was to get life insurance they will probably deny me because I'd be considered to be overweight. The annoying thing about it is that they don't take a picture of the person or even put down a note saying weight is not fat, but muscle. A 220 lb 5' 10" guy came in and said he got denied for life insurance because he was considered to be overweight. Yeah I can guarantee you that it wasn't because he was fat. I'd probably get a great deal on health insurance because they usually require a physical, but probably get a crappy deal on life insurance. I think we need a life insurance over haul like we did with health insurance. I felt like posting the 1st opening for yu-gi-oh g/x english dub. I must say I did like these season better for a bit. The hero in this one is less of a whiny bitch. He actually wants to duel and doesn't go omg they summoned a monster what will I do. Omg they destroyed my monster what will I do. Omg they have a trap. Then he got annoying and I stopped watching. I do like the song because it is catchy. Today's tip is there are two ways to go through life. Being nice to those around you or being a selfish jerk. Guess which has a better quality of life.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

And I'm there...almost

That's right I'm almost to my goal for this month. Just need .2 more lbs. So if I keep it up I'll make sure to reach my goal in 10 more days. .2 more lbs in 10 days. I really hope I can reach that. Turns out that I've gained 15lbs of muscle since I've been here. Yeah that's a big deal. 15lbs of anything on a 5' 6" frame is noticeable. Now if I could hit like 30 it would be even more noticeable, but one goal at a time. My friend of course are being supportive. Just wish more people off the street would notice. Then again I always wear baggy clothes. It's a comfort thing with me. I never liked wearing my size. I always tended to get a size bigger. I know your not suppose to do that, but I never really grew into those sizes. Except the pants. The pants I can't seem to figure out. No two pair are alike. One size is way too big and I need a belt, another is way too tight. Yeah weird. Anyway yesterday was a good business day. Turned out that once the sun came out so did the people. Made the day go by so much faster. I like days that go by fast. Yeah other then that I got nothing. Today's video is The Cell Block Tango. One of the big songs from the movie/play Chicago. I love the song because they actually performed the song at my high school. I mean you watch it and your like wow I can't believe any high school would allow that, but I was in a private school that was pretty liberal. Plus they kinda do a good job in getting you to kinda almost side with the women. Anyway enjoy. Today's tip is nothing is more precious then laughter of children. Well once we put a quantitative value on it.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Today is odd

Unlike other days when I workout in the morning I just feel tired. Feel kinda off. Just seems like today is in slow motion and nothing is really happening. Which is not good because I need to be up because tomorrow is my measuring day. I'm hoping I finally passed 160 and still have below 7% bodyfat. Not like anyone has really commented. Which is why I kinda want to do this. I would love it for people to say well I want to look like you or that look at me and say oh that guy clearly workouts out. Plus it helps when your interviewing for jobs. If you look in shape you'll have a better chance at getting the job. I think it has to do with the fact that no one wants to hire someone that looks like they are about to fall over dead. Anyway just want it to pass whatever it is. It just has been a gloomy day all around. The sun isn't out, but it's not suppose to rain. No one seems to be out. Just one of those days that seems like the world is trying to tell you stay home. Maybe it will turn around later. Who knows. Yesterday was a pretty dead day as well. I wasn't really in the mood to do much. Probably because I was still in the Saturday mentality. Today's tip is he who laughs last laughs best when actually he who laughs last laughs the creepiest. No one laughs after that.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Well I'm relaxed

Had my day off yesterday and like the last one I decided not to blog mainly because it cuts into my doing nothing time. Not to mention the fact I already had to wake up early to get my hair cut. Took like 5 minutes I swear. Anyway my hair is now shorter. This month is just going by quickly. Soon it will be May and I'll have tons of work to do. Then it will be June and my mom will be on me about making sure I have a flight. Then I'll turn around and I'm 22. Yeah time really does go by faster the older you get. Friday I had one of those customers that acts like he knows that much more then me. Not to mention he wanted us to set something aside for him then wanted to weasel out of getting them. We told him we had 5 of them and he said put them all aside for him then he wants to act like he didn't know we had 5. This is a product that my boss apparently kept telling him about and trying to get him to get, but he would never get it then once this product is gone he now wants a truckload. He really pisses me off. I had another run in with him and I'm pretty sure it was something like this. Anyway got to chat with my room mates buddy and we're inviting him over this week to watch movies and eat pizza. You know typical guy bonding stuff. Which means I'm going to have to record the new season of Ben 10. Well I should say new series, but it really is a new season since it's the same style as Alien Force. I really must not forget. I'll have to write a note somewhere. Today's tip is mind your p's and q's. Mainly because you only have so much room in a text.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Almost done for the week

With it being Friday I'm almost done for this week. Tomorrow I have off and don't have to work. So once I get through today I'm done for the week. Had a good workout this morning which means I'm in for a good workout. Then have to get a good workout in tomorrow, and Sunday and Monday morning then I'll be all ready for my measurements. I still don't know if I finally gained that last 3 lbs, but I'll see soon enough. My anti-virus and anti-spyware software finally took care of some of the problems plaguing my computer. Now if only I can figure out how to get sound back to my computer I'd be golden. And before you ask no it's not on mute. There was one site where I actually had sound, but I think it was because it was embedded into the site, not a codec that my computer had to read to get audio. The people on the other side of the building were celebrating the end of tax season so they were flaunting their Bar-B-Q by saying bet you wish that you worked on the tax side now don't you. Seeing as I really don't like it not really, but still would like free food. Had couple of customers as well. So today I'm just all excited because I get my first day off in like a month tomorrow. If you were a boy who grew up in the 90's you have to remember Mighty Max. It was a toy before it was a show. It was the guy version of Polly Pocket. Just like how they made those Dragon Flys as the guy answer to sky dancers. I mean they were the same exact toy, just one was more feminine and one was more masculine. Anyway the point of Mighty Max was that it followed this boy who's mom was an archaeologist who was rarely home (shocker) and he one day receives this cap that lets him use these portals. He then goes on adventures to save the world. If you ever get a chance watch a few episodes. So this is the intro to the show. Today's tip is you can be right some of the time, but you can't be right all the time. Unless you have fairy god parents and wish it so.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

5 days left

In about 5 days it will be time for me to be remeasured. That means I will know how close or how far off I am from my goal of 160 lbs and below 7% body fat. I haven't weighed myself recently. I just know that I was up to 157 earlier in the month. So Hopefully I gained at least 3 lbs in that time. Will say a few of my shirts have been a little tighter, but that doesn't mean I've gained weight. Could mean that I shrunk them in the dryer. Anyway so I'm going to hit the weights tomorrow morning, later on Saturday, and Sunday. Might as well throw Monday in there and get measured Tuesday. Like I said I'm hoping that I reached my goal early, because if not then I have to kinda guess the rest of the month. Come on 160 lbs. Oh that reminds me I had some really annoying customers yesterday. One comes in yakking on his cell phone. Then instead of getting off to ask me some questions he strikes up a conversation with me while he's on the phone. I didn't know if he was talking to me or the person on the other line. Yeah that wasn't rude. Then he says oh he'll be back tomorrow because he just got his checks and only has a few from the bank. Plus the money has cleared just yet. Then I had this guy that just smelled. He had the worst BO ever. I come over to help and him and I'm down wind of his smell. Then he goes on and on about this product we don't have and I told him we don't have it. He then says ok. Looks at some other products and says he will for sure consider getting it from us then leaves. Me and the boss have to open the back door to get his BO smell out. Then he comes back and says well maybe you have it in a different section. Other stores usually put it in this section. Again I'm down wind of this guy. My boss thinks he was there to steal stuff because he had huge pockets. He then leaves and again says he will for sure consider getting his products form us. If you were to look at this guy you would know something about him wasn't right.Today's video is the transformation and attacks for the show Tokyo Mew Mew. It's about girls that turn into animal like hybrids to save the word from creatures that want to dirty the planet. Yeah it's a political statement of course. Anyway it's a really funny show though. Never finished the series, but I still have time to work on that. Today's tip is parents like simon says because it teaches listening skills. Kids like red rover because it lets you clothes line kids you don't like.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

100th post finally

So I have finally hit my 100th blog post today. Yeah I should have reached it like 4 maybe 5 days ago, but those were days I didn't blog. Find it funny because this morning I was watching the Today show and they were talking about how there have been new leads in the disappearance of Haliegh something who disappeared a year ago. I don't even think I smelled her name right. Anyway I remember when this story came out and I saw the father and the then stepmother (now ex-wife) on the Today show and I just knew that something wasn't right. I mean they got married like 2 weeks after the daughter disappeared. Then whenever the then stepmother was questioned she would kinda avoid it or the father would step in and say something. Even when they did the coming up next and showing who was up next they didn't look right. Now they have been charged with drug trafficking or something like that. So now I'm like I knew they were no good and they are now saying the ex wife's story has too many holes in it, so they suspect her of something. Honestly I don't know what happened to that girl, but I know that whatever did happen those two were in on it in some way. Then there was another story about an autistic girl that was missing for 5 days in Florida and they found her. I guess it's the cynic in me, but the guy that found her something about his story just doesn't make me feel right. In the 911 call he made he said that she was lucid despite being dehydrated. She sounded perky when she talked to the 911 operator. He had his blackberry with gps with him. He went out all on his own. Like I said it might just be the cynic in me and that might be what actually happened, but like I said it's just too perfect. Well with her being autistic it's entirely possible that the guy said you have to say it like this or something bad will happen so she said what she did. I know an autistic guy who treats everything that is said like the word of God, but like I said it could just be the cynic in me. Speaking of cynic in me, what is the deal with old lady drivers. On Monday I almost hit one because she clearly is not in the right state of mind to drive. As I'm making my left turn this lady pulls out from behind a car, crossing the yellow line into one of the lanes going the other lane. Lucky for me that's not the lane I was going into or there would have been an accident. I don't know what she was trying to do, but she clearly shouldn't be doing it. Talked to my friend that works at the DMV and he said yeah in this state it's nearly impossible to revoke a license of a senior. Either the doctor has to say they can't medically drive anymore which they don't because that means they don't get kick backs for prescribing things to them because the senior will just get a second opinion and go to that doctor. Or the family has to fill out a report which they don't want to do because then they look like the bad guys. Yeah but I guess it's perfectly ok for grandma to cause a wreck or get lost or hit a pedestrian. I actually know someone who had a friend die because a senior was driving and hit them. I really think there should be something federal that says when you hit like 70 you need to have your skills at least tested every 2 years. That's being generous at that. Just because they can see doesn't mean their reaction time is good or that they are able to make good decisions. Not to mention half of them will lie when they get their license renewed. They'll say they don't need glasses, but will use their glasses for the vision test. They don't want it on their license. Or it will say that on their license, but they never wear their glasses. I don't want to share the road with someone like that. We since this is my 100th post I was trying to figure out what video to post. So I figured I'd go with the song Break the Chain by Tourbillon. It was the opening for Kamen Rider Kiva. I really loved that series because it was a puzzle. It goes back and forth between 1986-87 and 2006-2007. Your trying to figure out what happened back then and who is who's parent and what not. If you have some free time I really suggest checking it out. There are a few loose ends, but still pretty good. So I hope you enjoy. Today's tip is if you have a headache drink a caffeinated beverage. This comes from the warning section of a male enhancement.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

One Day Closer

I'm one day closer to my day off. Getting my haircut really early in the morning then off to do absolutely nothing. It will be a fun day that's for sure. Shame it only comes around once a month. Not counting Sunday that is. Other then that not much has really caught my attention. Other then conservatives and religious extremist going too far of course. Some congressmen that were called the n word during the big health care push are being called liars. Saying they are making it up to just make the conservatives look bad. Ok first off you're doing just fine on your own. Yeah with all your talk about militias and sending e-mails with porn and racist jokes and funding strip club trips. Yeah you don't need help with that. Plus it's not like your base isn't known for it's intolerance. They are the same people that want the confederate appreciation day and want everyone to ignore the fact that it was about slavery as well as state rights. So yeah I stopped reading that article after a bit. The another article is out there about this baptist church (always the baptist) that goes to soldier's funerals and start protesting and saying that the soldiers got what they deserved because america supports homosexuality. Ok if your a so called christian as you constantly go on about then why would you do something like that at a funeral. Why would you disrespect your neighbors in their time of mourning to further your goals? Why would you disrespect a solider that died trying to protect america for idiots like you? I'll tell you why. Because these people have no morals. They just say oh I'm a chrisitan so I'm right and everyone else is wrong. I'm guaranteed to be saved so I can bash everyone else. All I can say is can you really look God in the face and say yeah I did that and I'd do it again. Can you really say that God would be ok with that type of disrespect? I have a hard time believing that God would want people protesting and disrespecting the memory of someone so you can get your 15 minutes of fame. I'm all for freedom of speech and religion, but not when it goes this far. I know that if that was someone in my family I'd run over to the protesters and punch one in the face for disrespecting my family. Or better yet forget punching. I'd say wow you really think God is ok for you disrespecting your neighbors in their time of grieving. Wow you need to take a good hard look at the bible and walk off. On a less sickening note I figured I'd post another cyanide and happiness comic. This one is the man who could sit anywhere. Like I said I love anything they do. They get me to laugh really hard sometimes. This one for sure did it. Today's tip is insurance is gambling that the worst will happen. Every month you pay and if nothing happens your out money.

Monday, April 12, 2010


I am still feeling the after affects of going to a pizza buffet. Never ever a good idea. I tried to make sure I got my money's worth and now I'm paying for it. I was all gassy last night. It was that gas that doesn't go anywhere, but stay in your stomach. Never ever a good feeling. Took my pre-workout this morning thinking the gas was gone and boy was I wrong. So for the most part of today I've been gas filled. Yesterday went pretty well. Like I said went to this pizza buffet that was way better then Cici's. They had this mac and cheese pizza that was amazing. There was a cheese cake pizza. They were making all these pizzas that no one would think to make. You can even request pizzas to have them make. Yeah it was something I should never do again unless I'm REALLY hungry. Suppose to rain off and on today which it kinda has, but yeah ready for it to be summer. Oh that reminds me somehow I was watching the Today show and they had the mother and step father of the boy that beat up that 15 year old girl. The thing about the interview with the parent of the accused is that they always do something to reveal why their kid would do something like that. This couple did not disappoint. The step father was just glaring at the camera. So already I'm like oh this guy is clearly the problem. Now they said the typical stuff of oh this is the first time that he has ever done something like this. It was just him snapping. He had no signs. Doing everything I expected then something got my attention. The question to them was do you think that the death of the brother had something to do with it. Now there are several ways to answer this question. The step father snaps and says well how would you feel if you were 15 and saw your brother hanging from a tree. Now he could have said that same sentence without sounding like a complete jerk. I mean he snapped at this question. He could have said it saying well yes of course it did. How would you feel being 15 years old and seeing your brother hanging from a tree. So now I'm like of course this kid snapped. If his step father snapped at a question like that then who knows how else he snaps. Then the mother made it seem like she was oh so sorry and wanted to visit the mother and the daughter in the hospital and how they are so sorry. Where was that the day after or the day of. According to the mother of the victim the family made no attempt for an apology. All you have to say is I'm so sorry this happened. Leave it at that. There is no way that can be used against them, but no they had to wait until just now to do it. Like I said I now see why the kid acted like he did. It's just like when the mother of two of the boys accused of dousing a boy with alcohol and lighting him on fire came on. She clearly had no idea what her kids were doing. That's just sad. Alright I'm sure you all have heard of Cyanide and Happiness. If you haven't then you seriously live under a cave and go to and go read a couple of their comics and then watch some shorts. Or start here with this short. Anyway I love this series. They are really funny. This is a short talking about their book that they have out. Watch it. That's all I can say. Today's tip is someone that constantly talks about how kind and trustworthy they are is clearly not since they are constantly trying to convince people.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Long day

I did a lot today. Probably talk about it tomorrow. It's why this posting is so late. Yesterday was for sure a Saturday. All the weirdos came out in waves yesterday. They never buy anything just ask questions and want to know where the clearance is. Like this one guy who asked where is the clearance then asked how late we are open. That is never something good to hear. Clearly he planned on looking at clearance for the rest of the day. The most annoying part is that he looks at the clearance all the time then after like 20 minutes of looking the guy finally decides to buy what he always buys. Here is an idea. STOP LOOKING AT THE CLEARANCE BECAUSE THERE IS NEVER ANYTHING YOU WANT! I mean it annoys me everytime. It would be one thing if he bought something everytime, but he never ever does. Also had quite a few horny guys come in wanting male enhancements. Grabbed me some coney island after work then went home ate and zonked out. Today's tip is we spend about 1/3 of our lives sleeping. Of that 2/3 of awake time 5/6 is spent reciting facts.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

That was Friday this is Saturday

So yesterday was a good day per every day I work out early in the morning. Got a couple of sales in there and stuff. Tried this awful protein drink. It's 24 oz of apple grape flavor with 40 g of protein. Oh and did I mention it was carbonated. Yeah try chugging that down. It took me 3 hours and 18 minutes to finish it. This is a drink they want people to drink right after their workouts instead of getting a protein powder and adding it to like 12 oz of water. It's one of those what were they thinking type moments. The flavor choices are terrible. How about just grape or just apple. No they have to mix flavors that really shouldn't be mix. Plus they have to make it carbonated. Here let me show you how big this can is compared to a traditional shaker cupThat is how big this 24 oz drink is. on TwitpicYeah not something I could sell to customers. Oh instead of only drinking 8-12 oz of a protein powder in water or milk here try this 24 oz monster with horrible flavors and is carbonated. I don't care if that is 40g of protein in their no one would drink that unless they are addicted to sodas. On another note I was watching sonic X this morning (yes I'm a 21 year old who watches cartoons bite me) and the character Big the Cat comes on screen and starts talking. My room mate is like oh that's the voice of Patrick Star. I said no it's not. He says who else can do a voice like that. So I mimicked the voice and said yes because it's so hard to make your voice sound all deep and goofy like that. So we started a bet. I was of course right. I can't find who supplies the voice of Big because whoever did it also does other voices or he wasn't a big enough character that the person gets credit for it. So I had to see what the voice of Patrick has done (and he's done a lot) and double check to make sure there is nothing about sonic X. There wasn't so I now get to gloat all night about being right. You remember the song Lose Control by Missy Elliot that was real hot for a long time. Well I still have it on my mp3 player and the other day it played and I meant to post it sooner, but forgot by the time it came to looking up a video. I love the music video because it was very well done. Just wish that it was just the song Lose Control. Anyway enjoy. Today's tip is you know your learning a language when you dream in that language. Or you left the tv on watching a foreign movie again.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Good day

So I'm just having a good day today. Just feels like nothing can really bring me down. I think that's a combination of a workout high, it's sunny out, and it's friday. I don't know what it is, but I'm glad I feel lit. I got so much done this week that I'm ready to just relax. I'm having my pizza today (which I love) and having pizza again on Sunday most likely. Now if I have a really busy day today that will be even better. Oh that reminds me I was looking at a news article that popped up. Apparently in this state they passed a law that says if you have a sex ed program that you have to teach about contraception. The DA apparently is saying that any teacher that teaches about contraception will be charged with endangering a minor which will make them face 9 months in jail and a huge fine. He says this because here in Wisconsin it's illegal for minors to have sex with each other. No joke about that. If two minors were to be found having sex they would both be charged as juveniles unless they are 17 which they get charged as an adult. So I have a problem with that, but the main problem here is that this DA is blowing smoke up the ass. How can he charge someone for endangering a minor if a law that was signed by the governor of the state says that any school that has a sex ed program has to teach about contraception as well as abstinence? What court is going to say oh that's clearly endangering a minor and not doing what they are legally obligated to do. Basically this DA is trying to get schools to not have any sex ed programs until the law is repealed which I doubt it would be. Just seems like this DA is opening himself up to be fired. Or to just look a fool like the governors and state attorney generals that are signed up for that stupid the healthcare bill is unconstitutional. Just wish that people would actually sit down and think. I mean clearly they think they have a lot of money to do these frivolous lawsuits. The states do not have a huge surplus as well all know. I just know if I was opponents I would point out that he's blowing smoke up his ass and would be wasting tax payer money if he ever tried to pursue this. So today I felt like a little Digimon. So I'm posting the digivoultions for season 3. This is the season when everyone seems to agree that what made the first two seasons was lost. Maybe it was the sort of "real world" part of it. Maybe it was the cards that caused the loss. Either way there was something different about it. As you can see in the digivolutions. They are a lot different then spinning then suddenly changing. I always thought the digivoultions were really cool. I think what it was, was the fact that they wrote a check they couldn't cash. I mean you look at the opening and they have all these kids running with the 3 main characters. I'm kinda expecting there are going to be a lot more of them, but no only 5 others were really added and it was at the last minute. It could also be the fact that this season was really dark towards the later half of it. Anyway enjoy the video of all the digivoultions. Today's tip is our minds are constantly solving problems. Awake or asleep. So if you don't figure it out now come back to it later.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Busy Busy Busy

That's all I was yesterday. With getting my Wisconsin ID which I almost didn't get. Got my insurance which took forever to get. It was also senior day yesterday. I missed out on most of it because I was out and about. Oh btw when I was leaving from getting my ID it was hailing. Yeah hailing in April. Well what caused the hail I think blew off to the other part of the state because they are apparently looking at snow. Then I had to rush over to the other store because I was going to be late since I didn't get back in time from the insurance people. I made it with 5 minutes to spare luckily. Then I got quite a few people at that store. One of whom just loved to hear himself talk I swear. He also had to compare every single thing on the nutrition back. I was getting a headache standing there trying to explain to him why this one is different then one you'd find a Wal-Mart. He finally did end up buying something and as I'm getting ready to call my boss he comes back in saying oh and tell your boss that I finally bought something here. That of course letting me know that this guy comes into the other store and just talks my bosses arm off comparing proteins. Then I finally get to close up and leave and I find out that my room mate is baby sitting so I had to help with that. The mother came back at like 7:45ish and we ended up talking for a bit. So when I finally basically get time to myself it was 8 and I was tired. I had been going non-stop since 6 am that day. That's 14 hours of basically having something to do. Fun fun fun. So I thought I'd post a video today. This is a video I got off of youtube. I think it is the best AMV that uses the song Kodou. I mean the images fit with what's being sung and it moves to the melody really well. It's also propably the one that gets posted the most. Just wish the person left a watermark on it. So enjoy the song. Today's tip is the only journey that matters is the journey to an all you can eat buffet with take out for only a buck.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Got it now

Finally got my new ID. Took forever to get. The annoying part is the bank finally got the change, but they didn't take the print out. Any other state would have. Then again other states take leases. Anyway so that will be coming in the mail. I got lucky that I had another form of proof of residency on me. Other wise I probably wouldn't have been able to get my ID until the 15th. Then came trying to get my insurance. Yeah that took forever too. Then there is a new law that says I have to put my room mate on my insurance even though he never drives my car. Yeah not cool. It sucks being on your own because there are so many things that you never realized you have to pay for. I mean there are so many forms of insurance. Plus trying to get your ID is a pain. Would have been worse if I waited until the end of April though. Apparently they interview you and everything has to be looked over for like a week then you may get your new ID. Seems like Wisconsin just doesn't want people to become a Wisconsin resident. Even the people that live here have to go through the pain that I went through to get a Wisconsin ID. Proving residency is the hardest part. Especially if you get no bills coming to your or have a checking account. I know I didn't have to go through all that in Texas. Probably because Texas is one of those states where they hate the government so they don't make getting your license a pain. So I'm in the mood to post the last opening for the Full Metal Alchemist series. I love this opening because it's when Funimation and/or Cartoon Network decided to stop showing the 2nd opening. That really annoyed me that they never showed the correct openings for the correct seasons. Anyway the opening kinda gives a last look at all the characters. Some of who die, some just get lost, some go crazy. Wait scratch that last one. Anyway I think it's a cool opening. Hope you like it. Today's tip is bureaucracy is the way businesses and the government make simple tasks take days, weeks, and years while still getting paid.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Only to wait another day

So I'm trying to get my wisconsin license which I can't do because I don't have my proof of residency. See they don't accept a lease agreement as proof so I have to wait for a bill to come in the mail. Well I'm running out of time because apparently they are going to change the rules on getting a wisconsin ID. So won't be able to do that today like I thought. Not to mention today I just had the hardest time getting up. Yeah not fun. I don't know what happened, but last night I was just so tired and went to bed early. Had some weird dreams too. Don't remember pretty much anything from the dream, but I do know it was crazy. Today has been a really gloomy day. Not much is really going on plus me being so tired and all. Went to get an insurance quote and of course that was a lot of fun. Actually it kinda was since it was a small office and the guy wasn't an asshole. Didn't try to force me to buy a policy. There aren't a lot of people like that anymore. I think those salesmen actually do better in the real world. I mean it's better to tell them why they need something then just to say oh you need it and hope they bite. Other then that nothing really to report. Hoping tomorrow I can get my new ID. Hoping the bank doesn't blow it and not do it for the 2nd day in a row. She said that it takes 24 hours and I came in 24 hours later. Bet I was like a minute too early. Today's tip is the world is divided into two people. Salesmen and those that buy. That's what it all boils down to.

Monday, April 5, 2010

The week begins again

Yep it's Monday again which means time to go through the motions again. This week I have senior day to work on which is always fun. Got more workouts to do. More weird people to deal with at work. Like today I had the guy that kept complaining about the gyms around the area. I ranted about him ranting some time in March I think. Anyway he comes in looking for something. I show it to him then he moves down to another section. Says he needs to lose weight to qualify for a bike race. Ok last time I checked they didn't limit people from entering races because of weight. Now they may exclude you because of qualifications like you didn't win a race from a certain sponsor, but not because of weight. So I already knew he was kinda bsing me. So I officially stop listening. Anyway so I show him some stuff that can help which he of course kinda ignores and mentions another problem he has. That's the thing about this guy he has nothing, but problems. There's always some reason why he can't lose weight. I figure he just needs to go in and get the gastric bypass. He clearly just wants the easy way of doing things. No sense in me wasting my time on someone that won't do what he needs to get healthy. I have no patients for those type of people. In other news apparently a dog caused a car wreck up here. Some how the dog was able to put the car in neutral which is weird because it always seems that it requires several actions to change gears. I know I can't change gears in my car unless I have the brakes on. Or you have to have the brakes on plus press that little button. Makes you wonder how the hell did that dog do it. Not only that, but it looks like the wreck will cost both drivers thousands of dollars. Guess the owner will think twice about leaving the dog in the car. Today's tip of the day is look before you leap unless your leaping over Medusa. You know with the whole gaze that turns you to stone.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

It's Easter

Yay it's easter. Which honestly doesn't really mean anything to me. I mean I've never really been all that into easter for the reasons I mentioned in the previous blog post. Yesterday I finally went grocery store. Me and my room mate agreed to share the food bill to try to cut down cost and last week neither of us had money. So we finally did get some money and splurged a little bit. Turns out that us "splurging" was only like 6 dollars off our budget. I mean how many people can say that. We have a certain amount that we spend per 2 weeks and that's what we ended up spending last night just 6 dollars over. It's not like we just stuck with the stuff that we usually get. We got extra stuff. I mean I can actually point to one item that we got and say yep here is what we went over by. We also picked up a dinner to cook tonight. Should be fun huh? Oh and my boss blew up on a customer. It was a good blow up though. I mean this guy comes in and is just an ass. He goes on and on about the stuff he tried and how he gets it all from the internet. Then he goes on about all the stuff on the internet. He just crossed me the wrong way. So I warn my boss about him because this guy made it clear that he was just there to get information. That of course is just wrong. I mean you wouldn't go to a barber then ask about certain hair styles then go to another barber. He just annoys the heck out of me. Well I'm off to go do laundry and stuff.Today's tip is watch out for egg-laying bunny poop. Looks just like the colored eggs. Happy easter.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Almost Easter

I've never been big on the Easter Holiday. Mainly because my family never really made it a big deal. For awhile we did go to church on that Sunday or read the bible. So it's not really something I ever really got into. I never do anything special for it, but my room mate insists on us having a dinner together. Which is odd because that's what we usually do anyway. Oh and having a guest over was fun. The pizza was good too. I never had a problem with Domino's Pizza before, but I will say that I do not hate the change. I especially love how the crust now taste like garlic bread. I'm a big fan of garlic bread. Anyway the movie was pretty decent. We watched National Treasure Book of Secrets. I must say that well it was quite far fetched. There were times when all 3 of us said oh that would never happen. For instance that he could enter a presidential party the way he did. Or that he got to where he did in the library of congress. Then again it's a fictionally movie when you think about it so of course some scenes will be far fetched, but still. I also had a busy day yesterday. Doesn't look like that will happen today, but we'll see. Other then that no real plans today. Probably just playing the Easter event on gaia and that's it. So I figured that I'd post the ending to Kingdom Hearts 1. Why you ask. Because it's my blog and I feel like posting it. That and my squibies made me think of it. Now this ending is very special to me. It's the only game that truly drew me into the story line so well. I almost cried when I saw this ending the first time. I do mean I almost cried. I tear was welling up, but it didn't actually leave my eye. Anyway I love this ending because it was well done. Nothing was really said after the first like 30 seconds but you could feel that connection between Kairi and Sora. So enjoy. I doubt you'll cry if you watch this. Like I said you have to really have played the game to really get that emotional connection. So enjoy. Today's tip is sleeping in can be good for your health, but not for your hair.