Thursday, March 31, 2011

A lot of problems

Seems like lately a lot of my friends are having problems. Well not a lot of them. More like 2 of my friends are having a lot of problems. It's mainly because they are both in this transition stage and they really just need someone to tell them they are doing the right thing. I swear the only reason why they ask me is because I'm the only person that will tell them like it is. Which is not always a great thing. Sometimes I say things then feel bad that I did. Even though it is what they needed to hear. I went to the gym today and I got a good laugh. Apparently today and tomorrow they are going to be short staffed. So what did the notice point out. Tanning hours. They are short staffed those two days and they are thinking about tanning. How about maintenance or guests coming in or something like that? I just find that funny. Either that many people are tanning (which is sad in itself) or that is the only thing that people have been using that requires staff. Oh well. So I was on youtube yesterday and I saw this video. It's the opening for Ninpuu Sentai Hurricangers. I must say I did enjoy the american version of this. I think it did something that the season before it and the season after it didn't do. They were so willing to make fun of themselves. Anyway I like this song so I figured I'd post it. Kinda want to watch this season to see how the american version did compared to this. Today's tip is if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and waddles like a duck it's probably a screwed up swan.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Theif Tuesday

Yesterday just was scam day or something yesterday. We had this woman who honestly if it was me wouldn't have gotten as far as she did. My boss is less cynical then I am. Anyway she was in on Monday and wrote a check then came back and returned the item and my boss gave her back her check. Well she came in today and she just changed the amount on the check and the date. I wouldn't have accepted it because that tells me something is up. She said it was her last check which doesn't help me feel like I should accept the check. Anyway she then comes back to return one of the 3 items. She said the other 2 items are fine. Well the one she wanted to return was an item on clearance. Well all of a sudden one of the other 2 items wasn't fine anymore and that needed to be returned. Well that sends of red lights. Well we call up the bank to make sure the check is good and shocker it's not. So we bring her back in and make her give back the items and any extra money she got. Then later on in the day we had this woman that came in. She was obviously high on something. She didn't stop talking the moment she got in the door. Just blah blah blah protein. Blah blah blah beauty shop. Blah blah blah certificate. Well both of us were working so we both were out. She literally walked around the store and left. The thing is if we didn't catch her as early as we did she probably would have stolen something. I mean she comes in with 20 million bags and envelopes. It would be so easy to just hide something in there. Luckily my boss was right there staring out when she came in so he would have seen if she grabbed something and I was in the back to make sure she didn't steal something from the back. So this morning I had a song stuck in my head. It's Tonight Tonight Tonight by Beat Crusaders. It's also known as the 4th opening for the anime bleach. It's the only one that's in English. Well broken English. Anyway enjoy. Today's tip is if you use the phrase "it will suck like the day you bought it," you better be talking about a vacuum.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Spring come on already

It just doesn't feel like spring yet. We are below the average temp for this time of the year. Yeah I seriously got hit with both extreme in the two years I've been here. Last year was a very very mild winter. This winter has been just a pain in the ass. We keep trying to get out of it, but it keeps sucking us back in. Then again that's a good thing. We were expecting a huge flood, but because of the freeze we got the flooding won't be nearly as much if any. Hopefully everything goes back to melting at a slow pace. It helps if the ground would finally thaw. The gym was kinda busy again. I really think when it's around 40 everyone comes out in the morning. 50's seems like no one comes out. 30's we get no one as well. It's weird. Today's tip is a good laugh lifts your spirits. A weird laugh makes you laugh harder.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Monday once more

And again it's Monday. The beginning of my weekly cycle. Least this week is suppose to be a whole lot warmer then last week. Which is good because cold weather is honestly making me cranky. The sad part is looks like people are coming out to the gym again. The older guy was back in today. Hadn't seen him all week. I was hoping he changed workout times. I mean he is disgusting. He refuses to wipe down any of the machines or benches he uses. And yeah the dude stinks. Enough that he should know that he should wipe the machines. I go back there and he moved one of the benches to the smith machine. Well of course I didn't wipe it down asap like I should have. As I'm adjusting it I get hit with this odor. Yeah I go and wipe it down and I know he saw me do it too. Did he get the hint no. He just went from machine to bench wiping nothing down. I swear one day he's going to make me snap. So I just had to post this video. I'm sure all of you have heard of Willow Smith. If not then I'm sure you've heard the song Whip My Hair. If not then I'm sure you've heard it, but weren't paying too much attention. She was on Oprah performing that song. Well I heard it one day, but I wasn't really listening to it. Now that I know who sings it and I saw the video I just had to post it. Today's tip is not all baby animals are created equal. A kitten makes people say aww. A baby skunk makes them run away screaming.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

What's in a name?

I ask because I can't think of a good title for this blog post. So I rushed down to work because my boss' daughter was having a baby. Sadly she didn't have it until 5 hours and 55 minutes after the store closed. I was super worried about her though. It wasn't an easy pregnancy. Just glad everyone is ok. Today I'm doing the typical stuff. Laundry, grocery shopping, working out, calling my mom. Today's video is a song that was playing at the store. I haven't heard it in so long. Complicated by Avril Lavigne. It use to be on my mp3 player, but I stop listening to it so I took it off. Today's tip is the thing about smartphones is they are getting smart enough to mess with us i.e. autocorrect.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

What to do?

Think I'll just be watching episodes on tv. Yesterday I was watching Wolverine and the X-Men. I haven't seen that show in a long time. Turns out that I saw a lot of the episodes out of order. So I need to just finish off the series. It was only 26 episodes which is kinda sad. Then again X-men series are either really long or really short. I mean it's such a complex thing. I mean the comics have been going for years. There are so many interpurtations.
Well change of plans. I'm now at work. My boss' daughter's water broke and I rushed over here because I knew how much my boss wanted to be there. Well I was a bit early. He said he was going to leave an hour after she says she's on the way to the hospital to give them time to check in and stuff. Well no one can't say I'm not a go getter.
So now I'm just in the back hanging out. Won't have to wait on customers unless a lot of them show up at once.
Today's tip is everyone loves the smell of something new. Mainly because we are trying to suck the youth out of it through our nose.

Friday, March 25, 2011


Why is it that people can not just tell it like it is. So my friend's boyfriend and I have been chatting. Trying to get to know the guy, and I told him I talk a lot. If I'm ever bothering you just say so. Well I find out that the he feels he can't be on facebook because he's afraid I'll chat him up. Oh here's an idea JUST TELL ME! I can deal with it. I don't care if you don't want to hurt my feelings. Avoiding and ignoring me is way worse. Just pisses me off that I have to hear it from someone else because the guy isn't man enough to just come out and tell me.
Speaking of things that piss me off had a customer who was a real asshole. He's one of those seniors that expects you to bend over backwards for them. Comes in and asks if we have a product. I go to it. And he acts like I should pick it up and bring it to him. What store does that? I'll tell you none. They walk you to where it is. Then I showed him the product. He then asks if he can use his debit card. I said yes you can. Then asks if he can get cash back. Well our system isn't set up for that, and I told him that. Then he says well I know why you won't do it. You don't want my business and walks....well hobbles out. Well my boss called up later and I told him about it and he said I did the right thing. Our system is not set up to do that. Not only does it piss me off when people are passive aggressive to me, but when I get accused of something that's not true. Ugh..... I'm already not looking forward to today.
So I need a pick me up. How about bloopers from SMA. This video is the bloopers for the 1st episodes. I'm shocked that there are so few bloopers. Then again when you are doing an abridged series I bet there are so many bloopers that they just picked the best ones. Makes you feel better watching though. Today's tip is the further away you get from something the harder it is to notice small changes. Even with binoculars after a point.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

I want to yell

Mainly at the weather. It's spring and it feels like winter. I had to bundle up once again. The ground is white yet again. I'm so hoping that the snow we had yesterday is the last snow until December. So can't wait for June and July.
It really is amazing how no one is at the gym in the mornings now. I mean it really is just 1 or 2 other people. Like 2 weeks ago there were 4 other people. Plus today all of a sudden the trainer that use to come in to workout as I was finishing up showed up. Also I wonder if the gym manager is going to stick around come May. I mean the guy is not helping business. The gym has gotten so messy since he's taken over. The daily motivational quotes don't get changed daily. The joke of the day, got changed to joke of the week because he couldn't be bothered to change it daily. Plus the back weight room is a mess every morning. I mean this morning was terrible. There was a barbell that was just left out. The steps were left out. I spent like 5 minutes moving stuff around because of the people there before me. Maybe longer then that. Just a pain in the ass.
Ok people do not tell people waiting on you that you are just picking their brain. Do not ask a million questions then say oh I'm just looking. That pisses us off. We invested a lot of time and energy helping you and you aren't going to buy anything. It's frustrating. It's like when someone you know asks your opinion on something and it takes awhile. Then when you see them again and ask about it, they say oh I didn't even do it.
Today's video is a parody of the Rugrats opening. Not sure if any of you remember the Animaniacs. Basically it was kinda the last big tribute to the old cartoons. Had the violence and the dirty jokes and the cross dressing and all that. They also did a lot of parodies of everything. Stars, movies, other shows. Anyway enjoy. Today's tip is some people can hide guilt better then others. We call them politicians.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What happened?

Where did spring go? All of a sudden we are looking at Winter again. We are getting snow and sleet. Least it's only for today. The next couple of days are suppose to be dry, but just cold. We'll see.
It was a slow day yesterday. I blame it on all the rain. The rain and the wind. I think honestly that is the closet to driving in a Hurricane as I'll ever come. I mean my car which isn't a light weight was being blown everywhere. Oh and turns out that my car leaks. Yeah that was a great thing to learn with all the rain coming down. Now I have to figure out where it's coming from and cover it. And I think the leaks only happen when it's a heavy rain because it's rained before and I haven't gotten wet.
So excited about some of the things that are going to come in today. Mainly this pre-workout I tried that I loved. It mixed up so well. Taste great. It rocked.
In case some of you didn't know, bootleg games are not always the greatest. This video is a bootleg copy of Pokemon. It's from Vietnam and as you can tell it wasn't exactly translated very well. So bad that Pokemon are called Elf. Honestly it's funny to watch really. So enjoy. Today's tip is there is no such thing as being too old to learn. There is such thing as being too pig headed to learn.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Slow week probably

It's probably going to be a slow week. Everyone is so worried about possible flooding. Plus we are getting winter weather again. Least a lot of new products are coming into the store.
Speaking of things coming into the store the pompous trainer showed up yesterday. Ugh that man makes me so uncomfortable. He just stares and it's so annoying. Plus he has that whole "I know more about this stuff then you because I did a world's strongest man competition" attitude. Plus he comes in when I'm talking to this older guy who just won't make up his mind. Like most older guys that come in to look for protein. Plus I don't know if he put two and two together that I go to his gym. Which is sad because I run into him every Friday except for last week. Can't stand that guy.
What is it with me and spam. I just keep getting tons and tons of spam. Yesterday I got an e-mail with the subject "United Parcel Notification". If that doesn't say spam I don't know what does. Today I got one saying Buy Medicals online. So not only am I getting spam. I'm getting spam from people that can't speak English let alone write it.
So in the new season of Digimon not only do the digimon become a robot, apparently there is something called Digi-Memory. Apparently it calls up different digimon. This one is the 4th one Garurumon. Notice how powerful his howling blaster is. Apparently the Digi-Memory makes the digimon a lot more powerful. Only a matter of time before Disney gets a hold of the rights to air it. Today's tip is some people are simple predictable. Those are the most fun to screw with since you know where and what they'll do.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring has Sprung

Today I have officially shaven off the winter beard and put on my spring/summer beard. And by beard I mean chin hair. Don't know what you would call it. Anyway that's done. Now I just have to deal with the snow that is suppose to come on Wednesday and the weekend. Yeah some spring this is turning out to be. I get the mildest winter my first year in Wisconsin and the roughest the 2nd year. Makes me wonder what's going to happen next year. Also makes me wonder if I'll be able to handle it.
Today was also my measuring day. Yeah I think the only way I'm ever going to hit 170 let alone 185 is for me to change my diet. Don't really have the money to do that. If I did I'd do it. I guess honestly I shouldn't be so obsessed with it since I'm not dying tomorrow. I'm 22 going on 23. After 25 I can go at this harder. By then I'll have the money to really buy the things I need to buy and eat the things I need to eat. Right now I should be happy that I'm holding onto what I am. Plus the reason why my weight might not be going up is because I am coming out of winter. Plus I've been on a pro-hormone. That tends to lean me out and I can't ever seem to get the weight back on. We'll see what happens to my weight this summer. I think this is maturity finally kicking in. Or maybe because I've seen what happens to guys that get so obsessed with a goal that they fail to see the progress they've made.
On the way to work today the most irritating thing happened. I was following a car that was towing a ladder in a car. It was going way slow. Then once we hit the stop sign. He turned off his engine and got out. That's right blocking the stop sign. He couldn't stop out of the way. No no it had to be there. What happened to common sense. You know the common sense that people might actually need to stop at the stop sign to see oncoming traffic. This is the same logic people use while jogging. The type where they won't just jog against traffic. They will jog in the middle of the road when there is perfectly good sidewalk there for them to jog on. And they don't hug the curve. No they are out there in the middle of the street as if they own it.
Today's tip is spring has now sprung which means yard work, tons of rain, and allergies to go around. Least it's warm.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

It's spring

And it's raining. This should be a fun spring. Everyone is worried about flooding. It's suppose to be worst in history. Going to be an interesting year.
Yesterday I went out with my roommate. Man that man can not decide anything. I hate going out, but I figured it was better then staying in. My stomach was killing me though. Mixed milk in my protein shake. Yeah not going to do that again.
Today's video is just a compilation of different clips of a reporter who just has problems with words. I mean it's amazing. You look at her and just think she should be better at this. Today's tip is if you stop in the middle of doing something for someone and say, "I must be crazy for doing this", but don't stop then you're in love or stupid.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Bored Saturday

So today is going to be a long day. My roommate insists that I go with him to Wal-Mart. I kinda don't want to go just because he's so obsessed with Politics. I just I'm so sick of it. It's just depressing. I know that Republicans are doing everything they can to get more money. Keep money for the rich. Got that. I don't need to know every single little thing that is going on. All it does is make me frustrated just like it makes him and it makes me frustrated because he's telling me something that's making me frustrated. I told him about that, yet he insists on telling me every single thing. He insists on watching MSNBC which doesn't help.
I went to the gym today as well. The main reason was because yesterday didn't feel like I did the squats right. Plus If I go to the gym I feel like going out later on in the day. Honestly I just need spring to well...spring. Got nothing to do with it still being so cold out.
Today's tip is no knowledge is wrong. Except for everything you're thinking of to disprove the above statement.

Friday, March 18, 2011

I can see the light

Just a few more days and it's spring. I can see grass. It's staying above 30 degrees during the day. I'm so ready for spring.
I think it's no shock that I have quite a few pet peeves. For instance people that insist on using their brights in the city so no one can see behind them. Or people that refuse to fix a broken headlight. One thing that is just unforgivable is a pregnant woman that is willing to drink and smoke while pregnant. I mean everyone jumps down a woman's back when she wants to get an abortion, yet the women that smoke and drink don't get anything? I mean alcohol and tobacco have terrible effects on a baby. I mean they can be screwed up their entire life. Any woman that has no regard to their child's health like that should have their kids taken away. I say this because I actually saw a mom do this at my apartment complex. I mentioned something to my roommate and he said yeah I see her doing that all the time. Sadly there is nothing we can do besides shun them and tell them how wrong they are. Can't do anything besides that. That's what pisses me off.
Yep everyone has gone out for the summer. The gym was quiet yet again today. Maybe it was just this week because of the time change. I mean the pompous trainer wasn't even training his client today. I'll know for sure next week.
Today's video is I Do from Blaque. I can't remember if I posted this before. Anyway I love this song. It's just a very mellow song. Plus the lyrics are not degrading or anything. This video even has the late Left Eye from TLC. Today's tip is no two people have the exact same taste in music. Which is why it's fun watching them argue over which is better.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

St. Patrick's day

Today is a day that reminds me how little green is in my closet. I mean I have some green, but I have no regular green. I have that olive green. So I'm using a St. Patrick's day button I have from last year. Now that I think about it I honestly wouldn't have worn green if I had any. Got to work today. My uniform is navy blue. Oh fun.
So I was looking at that best glutes competition by max muscle. I went to the website to see what that was about. Well they actually post the pictures on their website. The members vote. I have several problems with this. 1. no guy will win this. Typically guys are on those sites and who do most guys vote for. Women's butts. So no guy is going to win. 2. the images aren't hard coded. If you wanted to you could download the pictures off the site. I'm sorry, but I don't want my butt being posted all over the web. The thing with max muscle is that it seems like it's gearing more towards women. I think every single issue of their magazine has a woman on their cover this year. For two years the person that won the max fit contest has been a woman. The really annoying thing is that if you read the description of the contest it's the best overall transformation. Honestly men have a bigger overall transformation then women. It's how we are genetically designed. I mean the two runners up this year honestly had a way bigger transformations then the winner. A lot of the articles are geared to women. I'm not saying that the company has to be only guy centred, but it does need to not be geared to only one gender. There should be a guy and a girl winner. There should be an equal number of men and women on the cover. They have a women's issue, but there is no guy issue. It's the libra in me that wants fairness.
Well today I had to think of a video with green in it. Well that one didn't take too much thinking. How about the legendary green hero. That's right I'm talking about Link from Legend of Zelda. So I'm posting a video which is a compilation of cut scenes from Legend of Zelda Twlight Princess. I realize I haven't posted too many videos from that game. Probably because I never played it. Today's tip is today everyone suddenly cares what you're wearing and will punish you if it's not right. Good luck with that.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Weird thought

I was talking to my friend yesterday and I don't know how this was brought up, but I mentioned that I talked to this guy one time and he said I talk like a white guy. And like I said I don't know why that came up, but it did. I'm just sitting there thinking why do I sound white? Well my friend said what he meant was that you write and talk like you are educated and not ghetto. Which brought up the thought why does being educated make me white? If you haven't figured it out by now I'm black. Why can't I be black and educated. Well the answer is stereotyping. You listen to random black people questioned off the street and they typically sound "ghetto". I mean it's a stereotype that is hard to just ignore. I remember being in middle school and I remember a lot of the black kids saying I sounded and acted white. Just something that doesn't need to divide a community like that. You shouldn't be acting white because you are educated. It should be you are acting educated. Well that was my weird random thought.
I think I was hit on yesterday. I'm 94% sure that I was hit on. I was asked questions that you don't ask when you are buying protein such as why are you working here? Where do you go to school? Why don't you talk to me about these other products. Now yes the first two questions could be just making conversation, but I've never had a guy ask me those questions when they say they are specifically looking for proteins. I show them the proteins and they just seem to want to hear me talk. I like to think I'm good at reading people, and I couldn't read this guy. One minute he sounded interested then he didn't. Then I think I caught him kinda doing a once over. My boss was pretty sure I was hit on too since he seemed to keep looking up to see if I was there and finally bought something when he saw I went to the back. So ego boost.
Cheats always fascinate me because it seems like learning the cheat takes up so much more time then just doing it the normal way. Or you have to do it using the adaption of the game. Well this is one for Ocarina of Time. If you've ever played the game you know that you have to get the three stones then the ocarina of time to get the master sword. Well this guy skipped getting the stones. He shows how to get passed the door then shows that if you pull the sword you'll notice that the stones are there. Today's tip is the enemy of your enemy is your friend. Unless they're a jerk in which case they are your enemy too.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What to do?

Kinda getting to that point where I'm bored. I'm ready to be in spring, but still in winter and I can't do anything that I'd normally be able to do in spring because it's still winter. So I'm just sitting here at my apartment waiting to go to work. One of the joys of living in Wisconsin. I really do need to get enrolled in school. Least that way I do something with my spare time that's productive.
Again it was very quiet at the gym. I think the warm weather really does affect how many people come in. I mean Monday is slow sometimes, but Tuesday usually has quite a few people. Yet no one was in there. If no one is there Thursday then I think people already have summer fever. That's about the time when everyone gives up on the gym and just goes outside to workout. Then again maybe it's still the change in the time. I'll know for sure next week.
Twitter is such a bad and good thing. I mean sometimes it's the quickest way to get breaking news. Then at the same time it's the quickest way to spread bad things. For example yesterday one of the trending topics was Bullying Fail. Well I click on it and it's about a video. You look at the video and this kid is picking on another one. Then the kid getting picked on picks him up and just drops him like Zangief....or is it Zangrief from street fighter. Why the hell are we spreading that for people to see. Another thing trending is Rebecca Black. Well turns out it's about her music video for her song Friday. People seem to love to bad mouth it. Wow seriously do we have nothing better to tweet about? And not only that but it just cost a celeb a pretty cushy job. Gilbert Godfred was fired as the voice of the Aflack duck because of his tweets about Japan and the Tsunami. Again a good and bad thing when you think about it.
Today's tip is religion is like a shoe. you have to find the one that fits you, and you can't force someone else to wear your shoe.

Monday, March 14, 2011

6 more days

6 more days until it's spring. I probably won't do my spring beard asap, but the following Monday a.k.a. next week. I'm so ready for spring. Cabin fever is being way over taken by spring fever. I want to be able to go outside and not freeze to death in 60 seconds. I think I'm going to take up jogging. Just for something to do so I can be outside. Plus the closer we get to it being warmer out, the better chance I have of going to the gym in the morning and not having tons of people there.
I'm a bit screwed up still with the time change. Mainly because now I'm not getting up with the sun to go workout. It's like I'm getting up in the middle of the night to go workout again like during winter. That's a bit of a buzz kill. Least today it was pretty much empty. I think the hour screwed everyone else up too. I bet tomorrow is going to be full of people.
Just have to get through these next two days then we are suppose to be looking at 50 degree weather the rest of the week.
Awhile ago I posted a video called Sonic for Hire. Well they are up to episode 4 now. Apparently Sonic gets to work for his old enemy Dr. Robotnik. And it goes exactly how you think it would go. Today's tip is everyone is still a bit screwed up with the loss of 1 hour. Now is the time to begin the clock pranks.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day closer to spring

Spring is now officially a week away. And the best part is this week they are talking about temps in the 50's. That means more snow melting. More snow melting means more grass. More grass means warmer weather. That means I get to break out the shorts.
Other then that I'm pretty bored. Not much to do on the weekends.
Today's tip is sometimes the best way to know if you like something is to try it. Or just make an assumption that you will.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Day off

Nothing really to do today. Just relaxing. Kinda setting up plans for when I go to Texas in July. Other then that I got nothing to really do. Maybe if it was warmer I'd go over to the park. I wish I had my roller blades.
Yesterday was a good day at work. We were really busy. Busy is good.
Today I'm posting another short from Cyanide and Happiness. Just fyi you will not be able to unsee it. Just fyi. If it gives you a heads up it's called Repulsel. Today's tip is absence makes the heart grow fonder which is good because it doesn't need to be out of your chest for too long.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Spring Fever

I'm getting major spring fever. I'm getting super excited about seeing grass and melting snow. I'm excited about it being lighter out. I'm just ready for spring. I'm ready to shave off my winter beard and wear my spring/summer chin fur. I don't know how else to explain it. Basically in winter I connect my side burns to my chin hair. In the spring and summer I just have the chin hair. I'd have a full beard, but the hair above my lip doesn't like to grow in. And takes forever to get to a point where you can actually see it. So it just looks bad so I don't even bother with it. The big thing I want to do though is wear shorts. I have been working really hard on my legs and they are looking awesome. I want to show them off. Not that anyone will notice, but still want to show them off.
The gym was busy again. I want to get on the loud speaker and say to everyone wipe the machines after you are done. Is it really that difficult? Is your workout so time constrained that you can't spend a few seconds walking to the wipes, wiping the machine, and throwing it away? Apparently. I mean there is this guy who just will not wipe the machines.
On a different note I'm sore from yesterday's workout. I think it's because I switched pre-workouts. I was talking to a customer and he mentioned that he doesn't get sore when he uses the Xpand Xtreme pump. Then I thought about it and I don't get sore while using it. Well unless I push myself way too hard. I'm thinking that it has to do with the amount of Beta Alanine in it. Right now I'm on a new pre-workout that we just brought in. It's good, but not as intense as I like. It's good to know though. Least that is something to tell people when they come in asking about it. Like I said it's a good pre-workout, just not as intense as some of the others. Which is actually a good thing for some. I know one guy who is a major butt about pre-workouts that give that NO tingle. He is very vocal about it.
Today's video is the Rugrat Rap. It was a song that was on a couple of Nickelodeon videos. It was in my head yesterday for some reason so I'm posting it. Today's tip is moms have a nasty habit of thinking they are always right. no matter how many times you prove them wrong.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

It's coming

I keep telling myself spring is on it's way. Spring is 10 days away. Next week they are talking about temps in the 50's. That is a big difference from 30's. Today is sunny and suppose to be quite warm. I'm really ready for it.
The gym was quiet today which shocked me. There was only one guy that was there when I got there. The funny thing is that he was doing the elliptical and apparently got off and put on his hoodie. He then comes back to the weight room and sees that I'm back there. At the time I was putting on weights to do the incline bench press using the smith machine. I think he wanted to use the smith machine or he was intimidated because a younger guy was back there. It's also amazing how changing up a few things takes time away from your overall workout. I took away two exercises that use benches and simple used the cable machine. I'm now finishing way early. Kinda weird.
Yesterday got really busy. It reminded me of how important it is to actually listen to our customers. I had one come in saying I recommended a product to him and he loved it. As a result he is recommending the store to all his friends. Other guys came in and again it was the same thing. Because we talk to them and really try to pair them to the correct product that it gets them to trust us. It's always a good warming feeling.
Awhile ago I posted the episode of RuPaul's Drag Race Season 3 with the snatch game. Well I was meaning to post some scenes that didn't get aired. Sadly it's not the whole game like the last season. Probably because it was so long. Anyway just something to watch. Today's tip is one of the best pick me ups is getting a hug from someone who truly cares about your well being and happiness.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

And lent begins

So I'm not catholic, but I do like to give things up for lent. Just something interesting to do. So what am I giving up? Well I'm giving up negativity about my body. I realized that I can not truly accept a compliment on my body. If someone says something like wow you are quite fit. I acknowledge it, but I don't really accept it. I kinda dismiss it. For example a customer would ask if the bodybuilding trophy is mine, I'd say no that's my co-workers I clearly am not a bodybuilder or something like that. Well the were in a way complimenting me and I didn't accept it. When others say something about how I look bigger I say yeah I try and dismiss it as they are trying to get on my good side. If my friends say something I chalk it up to them just being my friends. So I'm going to accept compliments. I mean truly accept them. Say thank you if someone compliments me and not dismiss it. I'm also giving up the words hate, annoy, and OMG. I realize I use hate and annoy a lot and it kinda makes me a bit negative. Plus it always freaks my boss out when I say someone annoys me. As for OMG I just use that way too much. That just means I'm going to have to carry a pad with me to keep it at the top of my mind.
Wow that's kinda all I have. Amazing how when I don't go to the gym I have nothing to really go on about. Yesterday was a pretty decent day. Not a lot went on.
Last night I got to watch the latest episode of RuPaul's Drag Race. In this episode the queens have to do stand up comedy. Well of course I had to post it today. I will say I wasn't happy with who had to go home, but kinda knew it was coming. Of the two queens in the bottom I wanted the person that stayed to stay, but also didn't want the other to go home. Ugh it was a hard one. But it was a really good lip sync for your life. Today's tip is you know you have an addiction when the thought of giving something up freaks you out.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

12 More days

12 more days until spring. I'm counting down. If I count it down seems like I have a bit more control over things. Not to mention the fact that it keeps on snowing as stuff keeps melting. Hopefully it means that the "snow" becomes rain and helps melt the stuff faster.
Today at the gym this guy kept staring at me. And I can not figure out why. I mean it wasn't like a blank stare where you just happen to be staring in a direction that a person happens to be. It wasn't a cruising stare. Least I hope it wasn't. I just don't know what it was and it's bothering me not knowing. I don't know if it was a stare of what the hell are you doing here. Which doesn't make sense since I'm there at that time 4 days a week. I just don't know what it was. Maybe he is blankly staring and it looks like it's just a normal stare. I'm a curious person by nature. I like knowing why certain things are going on.
Monday was a pretty busy day. Which is fine because it went by really fast. Fast days are good days. Luckily no crazy customers for once.
Today's tip is friends are great for a lot of reasons. The main one is a constant person you can harass and not feel bad.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Step closer

So yesterday I did something I haven't been able to do in a long time. I listened to a song that well reminds me of my ex. I gave my ex a CD of songs. You know a mix tape like all great couples do. Well there was one song on that CD my ex loved and listened to over and over and over again. I was constantly told how much that song meant. We couldn't go anywhere without listening to that song at least 5 times. Well we broke up and it wasn't too good. I'm was involved and I was accused of cheating and being a clown. Well ever since then whenever that song came up on my mp3 player I'd skip it. Well yesterday I said enough is enough. We broke up like a year and 6 months ago. So I listened to it and said I need to start associating it with something else. For one I can associate it with the good times I have in the gym. Or my new life. Or remind me of why I'm better off. Probably the last one.
My roommate is also finally off his ass. Ugh when my roommate is sick I have to constantly hear about it. How he's so bored being at home. How he hates it. Blah blah blah. Ugh now he's back to being a normal pain in the ass every morning. No one should be that chipper in the morning. Yeah I go to the gym in the mornings, but that's because I have no other time to go. If I don't go in the morning I don't go.
Ugh I'm getting Sheened out. I'm tired of his media blitz. I mean omg the dude is a mess. It's only a matter of time before all this media attention makes him blow up. Supposedly we have seen a bit of it. He said he "chipped a warlock fang" and that one of the "goddesses" got upset and left. I mean he truly is a ticking time bomb. I'm glad the kids are out of there though. Just not going to be a good thing when he finally blows up because there will be so much of it recorded. Either on twitter, or his posy recording it. Either way just not good.
So this is the song that I haven't been able to listen to forever. It's I Try by Macy Gray. She has such a unique voice. Today's tip is there was a time when crazy people where kept away from society. Now we just follow them on twitter.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Yep. I always get the weirdos on Saturday. Yesterday I had a guy come in, mid day in pajama bottoms. Who in the world wears pajama bottoms after 10 am. Then on top of that why go out in public. Creepy.
Then I got the pleasure of dealing with guys that clearly were assholes. Well one more so then the other. First he grills me on the male enhancements. Going on about so how does it work? What does it do exactly? Do I take both pills right away? Then I tell him the total. He hands me a 20 and 3 ones when the total was like 27. So I said you didn't give me a five. His response I saw you drop it. Keeping in mind I watched him the entire time he was getting the money out and he did not pull out a 5. Then after paid for it he tried to grab the male enhancement. I put my hand out saying the male enhancement. Oh I didn't pay for that. I said no would you like to. He said no and puts it back. So I'm already pissed off. So then I wait on the other guy and the first guy asks about sleep aids, but got side tracked. Then after I wait on the last guy the 1st guy comes back in and asks me about them. So I take him to it and I just hawk over him. I know he was expecting me to walk away, but of course I didn't. And the next thing he asks if the info on the products was free and he takes every single one. Ugh he pissed me off. Luckily he left and nothing was missing.
Today's tip is if you go to the mall in pajamas in the middle of the day then clearly your ex got all the clothes.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

More work

At work again today. So far it's been a pretty slow day. Not too much work for me to do which is nice after that very busy Friday. Typically Saturdays are full of weirdos and lookers. We'll see about today.
I also went to the gym to make up for last Friday when I didn't go. It was really busy. Yep Summer fever is hitting and that means everyone wants to get into beach body mode. Funny thing is they wouldn't have to push so hard to do so if they stayed active all year. I mean I'm sure there are people there that only worked out maybe once or twice a month during winter. They got pudgy now they want to get back in shape. It's an endless cycle. The funny thing is by the time summer swings around it will be quiet again because everyone will want to go to the beach. Fitness is a life style and people don't get that. I don't know how many times I hear of people getting really into it for a few months then the rest of the time they aren't doing anything. Or they'll go hard for a year and off for 3 years. We actually have a customer like that.
So here is the opening to VR troopers. I know I posted it before, but this one has the 2nd season opening. Which is super hard to find btw. Plus it's been in my head for awhile. Enjoy. Today's tip is it's only creepy watching someone sleep if you get caught. Otherwise no harm, no foul.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Busy Friday

So today is my day all alone and my boss is feeling under the weather so I'll probably have to be here again tomorrow. I have so much to do today. Got e-mails to send out. Got to get this raffle thing ready. Plus I know an order is coming in so I have to receive that in. All while making sure to wait on every customer. It's going to be a long day. Then I have to turn around and do it all again tomorrow. Well minus sending a fax and the e-mails. Yep long day ahead.
The gym was busy today again. Saw a customer there. Nice guy. Does make it difficult to workout sometimes. He even said bye to the pompous trainer. I know I try to avoid any contact with him. The reason being is that I still haven't forgiven him for staring me down that one time another trainer was training me. I mean why do that? Especially while you're training another client. A new guy also showed up. I mean new to the gym. I know because he asked another guy about towels. The back room is not meant to hold 3 guys. 2 max. Too much bumping into everyone and trying to get certain equipment first. That's why I always do my back or legs on Fridays. A lot of guys don't do legs and it shows. Never want that to happen to me.
This was an ad that popped up when I was checking my e-mail. I had to post this here. In case you can't read it, the ad says World's Biggest Muscles! Then to the right it asks Is this image Real or Fake. Find out at this website. Well it's an ad for Force Factor which is known to post morphed photos. As you can see from this ad the guy has been morphed. He doesn't look like that in real life. I mean you can see the bad job of blending they did. Why associate your product with fake images? I mean normal pictures of this guy are some what impressive. Why do you have to go and fake them? Makes you obviously trying to hid that your product doesn't work. So many ads do this. Yet people gobble it up and when they find out it doesn't work they never think hmmm maybe I should have paid more attention to that ad. Like hydroxycut. If you read it, it says the people were also on a calorie restricted diet. You are bound to lose weight if you cut your calories. How about showing us someone who lost weight without changing their diet. Oh because it doesn't work. And what doctor recommends weight loss products? None I know. Most say don't ever take those pills they don't work.
Today's tip is you can't blame kids for rebelling when in pretty much every kids movie the hero rebels against something. Think about it.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Got to get out

I'm tired of being in Winter's grip. I want to be out. I want the spring. I mean I shouldn't because they are talking about a lot of flooding, but the flooding doesn't affect me since I'm in the city on the hill. They call themselves the hill toppers. Anyway I just do not want to deal with snow tonight. Or later this month. Just want it over. Want to wear my shorts and all that fun.
The gym is not going to be quiet in the mornings anymore. There is someone in there everyday. It's just not going to be easy doing my workouts. So many of my workouts require me to be uninterrupted. Always a pain the ass. I know once summer rolls around it will be quiet again. Everyone gets all gung ho in spring, but in summer they go out and go to the beach and all that jazz. Plus I'm sure one of the things leading to so many people in there is they are trying to find times when the local indoor football team isn't in there. I think that's why so many are coming in the morning. They figure they aren't in there at that time. Plus at night there is a class that goes on a good portion of the week.
One thing I truly can not stand is people and simple math. 400 is smaller then 1000. 2000 is bigger then 1000. I had customers in the store yesterday that didn't get that. Then after showing the great math skills there one of the guys questions my change making skills. He was getting the product at 15% off. He asked what would be the new price and I told him it was 34 something. Well he wants it. I tell him the total price which was $36.09. He gives me $40. I give him his change. So he and his buddy leave and the two stand out in the hall studying the bill. I knew what was coming.
So this is the opening for Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger. It's the 35 Super Sentai Series. Plus the rangers this season can transform into any of the rangers from the other 34 seasons. Trying to decide if I like the season or not. Today's tip is before you throw a fit about the amount of change you get back, make sure you are looking at the total.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Getting sick again?

Don't know if I am or if I'm not. Think I'm having some sort of reaction to something I'm taking. Ugh.
The Charlie Sheen train wreck can now be followed on twitter. Ugh and what a train wreck it's becoming. I was wondering when the ex-wife was going to get involved. Well turns out the ex-wife is in a rehab program. Hmm wonder who got her on drugs, but the kids have been removed. We knew that was going to happen. I mean the man has two live in girlfriends. What message is that sending to his boys? Well the first domino has been toppled. Stand back for the rest.
Ugh I swear being the manager of this business is messing with my blood pressure. Dealing with my co-worker is pissing me off. He does things he thinks helps our business, but it either makes headaches for me and my boss, or it doesn't help anything. I'm over here letting him know we aren't doing free bodyfat tests, and he's going on about how he hopes we don't lose a customer because of it. If we lose a customer because we didn't do their bodyfat then they weren't a very good customer to begin with.
So yesterday I was trying to find any videos of the two most recent Super Sentai series. Sadly most of the videos out there have been deleted. Thanks to youtube taking over veoh. Google video is of course a dead end. I will say I did find one for the most recent Sentai Series. Sadly the only thing on thing for the Tensou Sentai is this opening. Must say it's a pretty boring opening. Seems like a throw back to the really old super sentai kinda. Anyway enjoy. Today's tip is better late then never. Well maybe not when it comes to getting bit by a snake...on a plane.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Crazy train

That is what Charlie Sheen is on. I'm honestly looking at him thinking what the hell is wrong with this man. He has two interviews going on two morning shows. They say basically two different things at times. One he wants to sue CBS, and the other he wants a raise from CBS. Then I'm looking at him talking about these two girls as his "goddesses". He's still in the middle of a divorce. If I was the soon to be ex I'd so file for sole custody of the kids and ask for supervised visitation. I mean let's think about it. He was hospitalized for partying too much, he has all these maniac episodes, and now he has two live in girlfriends. I'd say hey I fear for the safety and well being of my kids. Based on his actions I'm afraid he's going to flip out on my young boys like he did on all those radio interviews. Not to mention he's showing them it's ok for them to have two girlfriends. I do not want my boys growing up thinking they can have as many girlfriends as they want. I mean he talks like an addict. He is not recovering. I've listened to recovering addicts. They all are remorseful. They don't talk about drugs the way Sheen does. They don't act this maniac. He hasn't hit rock bottom and he won't recover until he does. Sadly the only way for that to happen is for him to lose his money, lose his job, not be able to get another job, lose his kids, lose the girls, and finally the house. He still has a crutch.
I'm apparently back to 100% at the gym. I think the reason I recovered so quickly has to do with the pro-hormones I'm on. I mean yesterday I was at 80%, but today doing my chest workout I was about to do what I did last week, plus some. Hope this keeps up. I do not like taking time off.
Today's tip is everyone is crazy, but only labeled so when they let everyone know every thought in their head.