Monday, May 31, 2010

And I'm working

Yeah just for 3 hours though. Yay for holidays. In fact as I write this I'm almost done with my shift. Anyway I've just been lounging the last few days. Didn't even write a tip on Saturday. Which I'm actually thinking of giving up. Mainly because It's getting harder and harder to think of tips. Plus I seem to always forget about it. Plus doesn't seem like any of my friends really care about getting them anymore. They are kinda the whole reason why I started the tips. I might just make it Tip for the week rather then the day. Then if more support starts up then maybe I'll go back to days. Anyway I've also been doing my normal guinea pig duties. I had to give a pre-workout another try since another employee tried it and just raved about it. So I had to try it again using the same method this guy used. I will say it did make me feel better about the product. The only downside is that my new found strength came on leg day which means I'm sore today. Never fun being sore. Especially when it's your legs. Plus having your legs sore in jeans when it's like 90 degrees outside. My legs felt so hot. So I'm going to have to soak and try to get some of that soreness out. Also trying out a new protein. It made me feel kinda sick, but I think that was more of the pre-workout that I took rather then the protein. Also looks like I won't make my goal for this month. So my goal for next month is to shed the extra lbs (gained more fat then muscle) and still maintain at least 160 lbs. Which should be too hard because I've been sweating a lot lately. Hopefully that's my body "burning" that excess fat. I did take a my body fat reading on my waist, but I think I did it wrong. I've lost weight, but not around my belly according to that. Which would mean I'm losing muscle, which doesn't make sense since it looks like I'm actually bigger. Today's tip is if someone asks you how do you feel respond by saying with my fingers.

Friday, May 28, 2010


It's Friday which means tomorrow I'm off for a 2 day weekend. Then I have to be here for memorial day. Yeah I'm only working 3 hours, but it's the principle of the thing. I was expecting a 3 day weekend. So if it really isn't worth it then I'll be even more pissed about it. So yeah that's how my week is going to look. As for all the energy I had yesterday it's because I took this product called Rx6 from bpi. Now usually these fat loss energy things don't work on me. This one worked for quite some time. Then it pooped out and so did I. So I was kinda tired and out of it the rest of the day. I also have to do some research today on some products we want to bring in. That's always fun because I have to find reviews and from those make an educated decision on wither I want to try it myself or not and from there we decide if we want to bring it into the store. I'm the guinea pig. Ugh today is going to be a long day. So much stuff to do. Clearly going to need to take that Rx6 and get more energy to get it all done. So would love the day off right now. So today's video comes again from the Winx Club. I was curious as to if there was a video with all the transformations. Little did I know that they added some new ones. Along with the normal magic winx (magix), charmix, and enchantix. They once again added a slew of new transformations. There is the Believix, Speedix, Zoomix, Tracix, Sofix and Lovix. Those last ones honestly look liek the same thing with subtle differences. They also apparently added a new winx girl. You only see her once in the video. So Enjoy. Today's tip one man's trash is another man's treasure, or his one way ticket to singlesvile.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

It's been a fun day

Yeah today I had to come in early. The boss had a meeting he needed to go to so I had to make sure I was there. So I brought some reading materials. A fitness magazine and the book I'm reading. Now the fitness magazine was more for research. To figure out what new supplements (if any) we should bring in because they are being advertised. Muscletech dominated the ads which honestly was really sad. They show all these fitness models and athletes and bodybuilders that "use" muscletech. Ok as someone who's tried muscletech I can honestly say that's bullshit. If they really used the muscletech products they'd pull their name. They don't work. They are crappy crappy products. It's why when guys come in they don't ask for muscletech or they say they tried something and it didn't work. I tried Nano Vapor before and I thought it worked. Then I bought some and it did nothing. No energy. No added strength. Nothing they boast about on their product. Guys have tried Hydroxycut before said it was good and then tried the new one and said it was crap. All there stuff has had it's formula changed and everyone agrees it just was a change for the worse. So that annoyed me to no end. Then you look at all these other ads and think how many of these guys actually take the products they put their name on. I mean seriously think about it. Bodybuilders and athletes basically make a living off endorsements. They don't have to really think the product works. Just take a few pictures acting as if they do take it. I was even reading one of these products and I mean it just read like a script. I mean I seriously don't trust anything I see anymore. I rather try it myself and report back to the customers. I mean I'm clearly not getting paid to endorse this stuff. I endorse it because it works. So just goes to show you have to a critical and skeptical consumer when it comes to things. Read the reviews on it. I mean really read the reviews. See who's writing it. If you see a lot of reviews form costumers and they are all generally good then it's probably a good product to try. If they are half and half you might want to skip it. That's why I chose to go with Novedex XT. Now I will say I didn't get the same results as others in their reviews, but I will say I got more people noticing my size. Anyway just more of my critical thinking skills at work. So I've been feeling really energetic. I'll talk about why tomorrow, but on my status on facebook I said I had gratuitous amounts of energy. Well I got that from the video Powerthrist. So I decided to post it. This was a big thing at my college. Everyone knew of this video. So now you do too. Today's tip is love conquers all. Least in theory that is.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Feeling oh so good

Today I'm just feeling great. Never fails on days I workout. Plus I worked out at a semi-normal hour. Since I didn't have to go to work until later I was able to workout an hour later. I think that was real nice. So I'm all relaxed today. So during this relaxation I started thinking. I don't know what made me think of that Disney Channel movie Harriet the Spy Blog Wars, but I started thinking about it. Which lead me to think about the original Harriet the Spy done by nickelodeon movies. Anyway this lead me to think what if this happened in real life. How would this be different. A refresher for those who have seen the movie or spoiler for those who haven't, Harriet spies on people in her town and writes down her observations in a journal. The journal is found and read by the typical mean girl who runs the school and reads it to everyone. This makes her an outcast so she retaliates making things worse then it all magically turns around. Anyway during her outcast time the teacher did a pat down to make sure she didn't have a journal on her. Now this made me think. Ok why did she have to have that. I can't remember if it was her parents who thought it was a good idea or the parents of the other kids. Now either way I think that's stupid and wouldn't fly today. Harriet's journal said private. Meaning to read it without her permission is an invasion of privacy so if I were her parents I'd get on the other kids and say you had no right to read it. It said private on it. That's same as a diary. So if your feelings got hurt you have only yourself to blame. If it was her parents who did it then why? What is the purpose of further calling your daughter out. Even if you want her to stop her spy stuff. You can talk to your daughter. Anyway when she retaliated all the kids parents called up. Now before she retaliated, all the kids kept following her making tons of noise and I believe calling themselves the spy catchers or something like that. Then one girl dumped paint all over her. Hello that's called bullying and you need to talk to your kids first. So that was my little thought of the day. You all should try it some time. Think of an old movie then think about if it took place in real life in these times. Bet they would have been a lot different outcomes wouldn't they? So the other day I happened to catch an episode of pokemon on Cartoon Network. It was of course the new season. Anyway so Dawn was in a pokemon contest and to kinda fast forward through some of the battles they did a montage and the song that played got stuck in my head. I was like I've heard this song before, but what is it. I assumed it was one of the openings from the diamond pearl season. Then after having it play over and over again I realized it's the english opening for the battle frontier series. So I found it and decided to post it. Feel so much better knowing what song is annoying me. Today's tip is as one shirt said "How can I think outside the box if you won't let me out."

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Work time

So I'm back at work. Kinda hard to get back into the swing of things. There was a lot I did and it's just taking me a bit of time to get back into the swing. So I made sure to workout this morning to make sure I was up and ready for the day. I tried to incorporate some of the things I learned in the book I'm reading. A lot harder then you think. For instance I don't really do warm up sets, but the book suggest doing it. It's a lot easier to do with dumbells then it is a machine that you don't crank. Plus I am time restricted. I can only workout for at most an hour and some of my workouts are long as it is. Some are short so I can do a warm up set. Anyway my flight was another headache. When I check in I see my boarding pass is really a seat request which makes me nervous. Lucky for me I got it taken care of and I got all excited since it said I was a priority passenger. Turns out I was just able to board first and wasn't in first class. Anyway so as we are getting ready to board the plane one of the flight attendants told one of the first class passengers that he was going to have to put his luggage with the other checked bags. You know when you enter the plane, but you have to tag your bag. It's like checking it without the extra charge. So this guy throws a huge fit. Saying this is ridiculous. He's a diamond gold or platinum or w/e member. I mean throwing a hissy fit because he can't put his bag over in the overhead bins. So before we take off the pilot pulls him outside to talk to him. I don't know what about, but I assume it has to do with how he acted about the luggage. Or another complaint he had. Plus the guy got up like 5 times during the flight. Felt sorry for the guy next to him since he wasn't in an aisle seat, but a window seat. Then to make matters even better my 2nd flight had it's gate changed twice. Now I wasn't there for the first change I just know it was changed since it said on the board. The 2nd change I was there for. Luckily it was at the gate right next to the one I was at. Apparently the plane in front of us was having issues or something. Then for some reason they didn't start boarding us until 5 minutes after the plane was suppose to leave. Then after we boarded we didn't take off for another 10 minutes it seems. Got in like 5 minutes after we were suppose to because they overshot the arrival time anyway. In other news Jesse James is an annoying prick that will be on dateline tonight. He apparently isn't going on to talk about what he did to Bullock, but to defend himself and prove he's not a racist. He apparently was in a photo wearing a nazi hat and doing the nazi salute. He said it was part of a joke and looking back on it, it was in poor taste. Well duh. Plus that stripper also has a photo where she's all nazi up and apparently has the nazi symbol tattoo on her. He also says he's the most hated man in the world. Ok inflated ego much. Pretty sure there are tyrants that are more hated then the guy who cheated on America's sweetheart and posed for a nazi photo. Like I said I can't stand the guy. He never struck me as a person I'd want to be around and this just proves it. Today's tip is he who holds the purse strings shall hear snickering behind his back for he his holding a purse.

Monday, May 24, 2010

And back I go

Today I fly back to Wisconsin. I admit I miss working. It's weird being here and not working. Plus I didn't really do much because I didn't want to overshadow my brother and his accomplishments. I took some pics, but I'm thinking I won't post them on facebook. Keep it so that my friends don't know I was in town. I only told 2 that I knew wouldn't try to pull me away from the family although I found out one would have liked to hang out. He isn't feeling too hot. If I had known I would have found a time to hang out with him. My mom made it obvious that she will miss me. Had a good lunch with the family as well. So now today I have to pack. Make sure I have it all and then head off to the airport later today. Just hoping that nothing odd happens like the delaying again. Although if I get delayed it's not terrible because my 2nd flight is like 2 hours after my 1st one lands. In other news I've been watching the Today show and per usual someone on there made me say are you kidding me. They had the lawyer of that 15 year old that beat that girl nearly to death and a court appointed psychologist. They both make it sound like he just snapped, but I mean when I "snap" I do it right then and there not 3 hours later. I don't text people with my intent. I simply do it. Do I regret it afterwards yes, but I don't go out of my way as part of my snapping. He rode his bike 3 miles. I'm sorry but after a few blocks I'd say it wasn't worth it. Then they mention all these sob stories. Oh he saw his father go to prison. Oh he saw his brother hanging, oh the girl mentioned he was a rapist and some of his friends were raped, oh he kept pushing down his feelings. I'm sorry, but once you confess to something like that and plead not guilty you prove that you want to literally get away with murder. I mean they are pulling out all these reasons so that when he goes to trial there is a possible chance the jury will find them not guilty or be a hung jury. Well if I recall you have to be found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. HE ADMITTED HE DID IT! So maybe he's hoping for a less harsh sentence. I swear if he gets away with it I'm so ranting about that. Then they had that doctor on that said that a vaccine leads to autism. He got his license pulled and no one has been able to replicate his findings on a larger scale. So he was on saying oh I'm not shocked they pulled my license they wanted to do it. Then when asked about the whole not replicating the findings he starts saying oh the United States secretly settled cases like these so that must mean it's true. Well he didn't say it that way, but in a round about way. Hello a lot of people settle if they think that it will cost more to go to court. Ugh just a long line of people that annoy me. Today's video is Michael Jackson's Thriller. If you've never seen this music video then you are missing out on major pop culture history. I mean seems like everyone knows of the dance. Plus it's a huge production. I suggest watching it. Today's tip is when getting pulled over it's not a good idea to bribe the cop with donuts, but it is funny.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

New Gadget

So I got an iphone. Yeah that's right I've actually got an iphone. I feel like I've given into the fad. Which is kinda sad. I mean I remember saying I would never get an iphone, and yet I have one. Now granted I'm not so obsessed in getting apps. I honestly only have 5. 3 of which were free. I mainly use the youtube function. I will say that the battery life is crap. Then again If you use an app for a long time the battery does die out faster. Went to go see Iron Man 2 as well. Yeah it was a good movie, but a typical number two movie. Either the hero gets a huge ego or wants to give it up. It's basically what usually happens. As we saw with Spider man and the Hulk....which honestly are some of the only marvel movies I watched. I'd include x-men, but they kinda had that element in number 3. Anyway then went to Coldstone to have another one of my ice cream combos. Every week I would go to coldstone and mix cheesecake ice cream with another ice cream flavor. I love going there because the staff knows me as the guy that is always mixing cheesecake with something. This time it was oreo creme filling. Which was a great combo btw. It's like my peanut butter cheesecake combo. I also realize that the shirt I'm wearing is tight on me. Mainly arm and waist. The sad part is that my body fat is higher then normal. Plus my dad saw my tattoo. Didn't say anything, but looked kinda angry that I got it. Typical parental response. So on my phone I naturally have the youtube iphone app. I watched the 12th episode of DBZ abridged. Yeah one of the funnier episodes. Again watch the end. Today's tip is sometimes the old is better then the new. Least when it comes to gadgets.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Graduation is over

So my brother is now a grad and he's all happy about it. Had tons of parties to go to. The grandparents even showed up. I never realized how much they act like the seniors that come into the store. My grandma keeps just saying things. She seems to have lost the filter ability. I mean she says anything she's thinking. Yeah not exactly a pleasant thing to be around. Especially if your just trying to be alone with your thoughts. Plus I had to give up my bed for them. I will say it was a better day then Thursday. My ears are almost back to normal. Almost is the keyword. So today before I go to get my new phone I need to e-mail some of the graduation pics to my uncle. Figure he should see the photos. Then going to go see Iron man 2. Heard it was pretty good. Plus it's like the only movie I'm willing to see and my mom insists on seeing a movie. Today's video is the 4th episode of DBZ abridged. I figured I'd post this one since honestly it's another good episode. Especially once you get to the end. I didn't expect it so I just busted out laughing at work. Always a good idea. Today's tip is you never know what you'll miss until it's gone or if you never really had it in the first place.

Friday, May 21, 2010


So I'm back in Texas. Man I am really starting to hate flying. I got really nervous on the first leg of my trip. I don't know why? I think the older I get and the more people I meet the more I want to stay safe. The first leg was great. Short trip. It wasn't crowded. It was very nice. Then I get to the other part of the trip. I get to my gate and I have to eat at McDonald's. I personally am not a fan of that chain. Just because my brother was obessed with it for the longest time. Anyway I forgot to tell them no Mayo on my chicken sandwich so that also didn't help. Anyway so I get to the gate. They then let us know that the plane is having technical difficulties. They are waiting for a part. Yeah that's always something good to hear. Then they figure they can't fix it so they move us to another gate where a plane will meet us. We get there and they say the plane is coming from the hanger and will be here momentarily. Several moments later it wasn't there. So eventually they say well looks like the plane is still not ready so we are moving you to a gate that has a plane there already like we should have done in the first place. Ok she didn't say that last part, but we were all thinking it. Anyway so then we have to go several city blocks away (not really, but felt like it) and get there. So we finally are able to board. Now before we boarded they told us that only rolling luggage should be put in the over head bins. The plane is apparently smaller. Yeah that did not happen. The guy in front of me puts his jacket up there. Then when someone asked him to move it he got an attitude. Wow dude it's just a jacket. Put it in your lap already. So he moves the bin right above me and behind him. The flight attendant also moved a bag and it turned out that the bag was moved on top of a manbag of a passenger. Seriously some people just don't pay attention to the rules or think they are so much better then them. Then this asshole in front of me lowers his seat. Now that is so annoying. What if he went to far and it hit my knee. All you have to do is tap the person and let them know you are about to lower the seat so they know and don't try to grab something and get smacked. Then to continue to be the asshole that he is as we were leaving and I was about to move forward. He jumps right in front of me to grab his stuff. I mean I'm just going to go because I clearly have nothing in I need to get from the overhead bins. So he spends like 2 minutes grabbing his stuff from right next to me instead of just letting me go and having an easier time getting it. So we are moving. Now keep in mind I'm right behind him. He stops right in the middle of the hallway. I almost run into him. I honestly should have and if he got an attitude I'd say you should have moved to the side to put on your coat like any decent person would do. So yeah not fun. So I was watching DBZ abridged before I ran off to the airport. So I figured I'd post the episode I've watched more then any other episode. Episode number 9. By far the best episode ever. Enjoy. Today's tip is there are several million different types of therapy in the world. If it helps you be a better person it's therapy.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Up in the air

Least I will be later tonight. Yeah I'm nervous. Kinda don't want to go, but also do. I think the longer I stay here the harder it is to fly home. Plus I'll be missing World's Dumbest tonight. Love that show. Mainly because it's kinda the job I want. Where you get paid to make funny comments about the dumb things people do. I mean I practically do that now on here. I'm still also a bit shaken up from the dream I had last night. The only part I can remember clearly is that there was a mummy in my house or something. The mummy (like all good mummies do) comes to life and does this thing where he presses on the foreheads of people and it makes them his slaves. Well he did this to my brother and dad. No wait maybe he killed them not made them his slave. Anyway so I'm running from the mummy and I find my brother perfectly alright. Now at this point I think I kinda woke up because I started thinking well what if this is a trick and his eyes started glowing and I woke up. Also got measured today. Been hitting the ice cream too much so I need to lean out. I always end up losing weight whenever I go down to Texas. Well we will see if that holds true. Basically as long as I stay active somewhat I'll be good. So I won't be able to workout with my equipment until Tuesday. That is if I can even get up. Looking at the schedule and yeah if I don't do it Tuesday morning I can do it Wednesday morning since I don't work until later. I also get Saturday off plus it's Memorial Day weekend meaning we won't be open that Monday. That's a good thing because honestly I've been working too much the last two weeks. I mean I have been working since the 10th basically. Even though I got the afternoon off yesterday I still worked. Before I get to the video for today I was on the youtube home page and I saw a video entitled illegal immigrant denied student loan. Ok that is one of those DUH! moments. Why would a bank give a loan to an illegal immigrant when legit citizens have a hard time getting a loan. Not only that, but to make a video out of it. Wouldn't that alert someone that whoever this person is, is illegal? Remember what I said about making comments about people's dumb decisions? Yeah this would be one of them. So I'm sure you all remember the Winx Club. If not I'm not shocked because that means you live in America. It was one of those shows that got translated into a lot of different languages and shown around the world and per usual when the US got a hold of it they dubbed it so badly and made it so far from the original that well no one watched it. They use to do re-runs on the CW for kids, but that didn't last long. That lineup has always had trouble keeping things going for longer then one season. Today's tip is you always need to know when it's your moment to shine and when you need to focus the spotlight on others.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Almost time to go

Today I get a half day so I can pack and be ready for tomorrow when I fly back to texas. I'm having those mixed feelings again. I want to go to support my brother, but at the same time I don't want to go because I don't want to deal with the family problems. Plus my grandparents are going to constantly ask me what I'm I going to do with my life. Yeah I'm not going to enjoy that. They are spending the night too so that won't be fun. Did hear about the primaries last night. Yeah not surprised a lot of it happened the way it did. I mean let's face it. People are pissed at government. They are pissed at the Senators that aren't getting anything done. So it makes sense that incumbents are having a tough time. Especially those that didn't vote the way they wanted them to vote. Or those that just recently switched over from a party that has been holding things up. Not only has been, but is still doing today. There is a senator blocking a bill that would increase the amount oil companies would be liable for. Ok why the hell would you be doing that now. I mean now seems like the time to make it sound like your for the people not for the corporations who everyone is pissed at. Why basically support the oil company that caused this massive spill? Probably thinking well I'm not up for re-election this year so I can block all the things I want. I'm sure it won't look bad on my party. Honestly come November I really wonder how it's going to look for the republicans. Seems they are moving so far to the right they are losing a lot of their base. Soon it will be kinda like the green party where we just make fun of them because almost no one is in the green party. Well since Squiby is acting up again I figured I'd post another song from the South Park movie. Kyle's Mom is a Bitch. We all know the words. I think it's the funnier of all the songs just because it doesn't say much, but has a funny ending. So enjoy. Today's tip is time waits for no man. And no ladies that doesn't mean time waits for you.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Just a few more days

Today I get to work all by myself making for the 9th straight day of work. Right now I feel calm, but come later on today I know I'm going to be tired. Did finally workout today. Oh and yeah Nano Vapor sucks. That's actually what I've been hearing about all the muscletech stuff lately. Seems like once they changed the formula any good effects people got are gone. I mean I took the old Vapor and it got my heart pumping. I felt the nitric oxide boosters. I thought it was a shockingly good product, but now. Damn it just sucks. Everyone says the new Hydroxycut sucks. The new vapor sucks. No one even looks at the nitro tech or cell tech. Should have known when they said they were changing the formula it was for the worse. So now I have to finish it off. I'm so not wasting my money by throwing it away. Besides maybe I can use the jug as a display of products that don't work. Just goes to show you that just because they have a spokesperson that's huge doesn't mean they got that way from taking their products. Which reminds me why is it that everyone post vids of them doing bicep curls the wrong way. Just seems like any video I ever see the guys use their body to start the momentum going. They don't actually use their biceps to curl the bar. Well they do, but it's mostly the other body parts. Yeah it looks impressive that a guy is "curling" 200 lbs, but really his biceps are doing like 10% of the work. Momentum is doing the rest. If all the guys that curl these big weights did them the correct way then I'd be more impressed. That means standing straight and letting your biceps do the work. Not you back and not your thighs. Well needless to say they will pay for it in the end when their back goes out or they have some sort of serious injury. I'll keep doing bicep curls the right way and actually working my arms thank you very much. Which reminds me lately my arms have been on veiny. Which is odd because usually you only see the veins on the back of my hand. Now they are kinda visible everywhere on my arm. It's odd. Kinda like how the heart association is putting their seal on the Nintendo Wii. The funny thing is when the president of the association was being questioned about it he dodged those questions like a politician. He was asked why put it on a game system instead of a basketball. The president responds with well we need to hit them where they are at. That personally sounds like they got lazy and just put it on a video game. Then when asked how much did Nintendo pay them. And then he skirted around the question saying well we did research for them and it was beneficial to both of us. So the interviewer asked again and he's like we got a gift of 1.3 million dollars. Which is funny because in an earlier question the president was asked if he worried that the logo sounds like it's for sale and he said oh it's not for sale. Sounds like the magic number is 1.3 million dollars. So if I was to give them a "gift" of 1.3 million dollars they would do their "research" and say that my clock is approved by the heart association. Yeah their logo honestly doesn't stand for anything nowadays. Today I felt like posting another mermaid melody video. Don't worry this is the last one since well this is the last song I like. Anyway This is the song Super Love Song. Luchia, Hanon, and Lina (Rina) start singing while Luchia's "sister" is on a date. I didn't really watch this episode because this is when it got hard to find english subtitles for the episodes. Anyway I just like this version of Super Love Song so I thought I'd post it. It's not the full song, but it just sounds nice. Today's tip is there are 3 ways to do things. The right way, the semi-right way, and the wrong way. Only one way lets you walk with your head held high.

Monday, May 17, 2010

So much work

I've just been working for 8 days straight. I'm just flat out tired. Was moving on my "day off" and then again on my for real day off. I'm just tired. My feet are killing me. I am just run down. I'm getting irritable as the days go on too. I feel it. I'm also getting really hungry all the time. Tomorrow I have to work all day again and then Wednesday I get a half day then get to work most of the day Thursday. I don't have a day off until Friday. Yeah it's making me irritable. I just now get to even turn on my computer because my work station is finally small enough that I can put on my computer. People aren't coming in left in right as well. We aren't putting on finishing touches on anything as well. I'm just tired and my body is attacking me. Not a good day at all. I've been dreading last weekend all month and clearly I was right. Ugh want to take a nap right now. Maybe tomorrow I'll be in a better mood. Today's tip is failure to answer a direct question shows your hiding, but answering like a ceo makes everyone forget you didn't answer the question.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

And no energy left

Yeah so I didn't post yesterday because I was moving stuff around the store. We decided to rearrange some stuff and wow it's exhausting. I mean one day was bad enough, but we did it again today. I'm just tired. I don't feel like doing anything. I was going to workout, but honestly I just feel so out of it. So drained right now. So I might just sleep the rest of the day. Yeah I'm so tired I can't even finish this blog. So I'm just going to go nap now.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Moving time

Well tomorrow anyway. Did a leg workout this morning. Yeah the pre-workout does nothing for me. It says to take 2-3 scoops. One scoop did nothing and I think 2 scoops just made me sweat more. So now I have to use it because I wasted my money on it. Can't wait to go back to something I know works. Xpand Xtreme Pump is by far my favorite pre-workout. Works in the morning or afternoon. I think the only thing this new pre-workout (Nano Vapor Hardcore Pro Series btw) will do is get more calories in me. Which in my case isn't a bad thing since I'm trying to gain weight. Anyway I would never recommend this stuff. I can see why Muscletech has fallen by the wayside. Seems like no one is coming in to get it except those that go to GNC and happen to be by us. I did try the old Vapor and that stuff worked, but the new stuff... not so much. So clearly I'm not going to recommend it if anyone asks. The worst part is they say on the package oh you get a free shirt. Well it's an XL shirt. Yeah umm.... there are only two people that can wear XL shirts. 1. Really fat people and 2. Really muscular people. I can honestly say that the average person that would buy Vapor would not fit an XL shirt. Then again when you look at the ads for muscletech and pictures they push they are clearly fake. I mean the guys that are sponsored it probably say they take it, but they probably buy something else, put it into a muscletech container so when they go to the gym it looks like they clearly take it. Just annoys me. Then I watch the Today show and as I'm watching it my room mate tells me that Matt Lauer was involved in a sex scandal. Now since I didn't see it on yahoo news or aol news I have a hard time believing it. Mainly because I'd like to think I can tell someone's character by looking at them, but then again I haven't seen him with his wife which could be a tell tale sign. Anyway that's a different subject matter. I was watching the show and they were talking about the wife that hired a hitman to kill her husband back in August and that they have found new evidence of a motive. She apparently had been texting this guy in California. I mean I just don't get it. What is it with women all of a sudden. Seems like a lot more of them are cheating or running away or killing their children. Is it something in the water? I think someone needs to do a study on that. Then as I was opening up my internet. Apparently in Houston a teacher attacked a 13 year old student. The teacher was of course fired. The mother of the student is filing a lawsuit against the teacher and the school. Now the teacher I get. I think we all get that one, but I'm having trouble on the school part. I mean what could the school really do differently? I'm sure if this happened in another district or at another school and they hired the teacher anyway then yeah it would be their fault. If not then what could the school really do differently? They fired the teacher. As again they should. I guess maybe it took too long to fire the teacher. I don't know when the beating took place, but I know the teacher was fired on Monday. Like I said I'm just having trouble pointing the finger at the school along with at the teacher. I'm even one of the first people to blame the school for something that happens, but like I said I have a hard time saying it was the schools fault. Maybe if I know if this happened in the hallway or in front of an administrator, but that's the only way I can blame the school. So I've mentioned DBZ abridged before and I figured hey why not post it. Which is a lot harder then it sounds because everyone has made a DBZ abridged. Hard to find the good original one. Well the good parody one anyway. They have tons of running jokes and I use to watch it all the time back at school with my room mate and friends. Good times. Today's tip is we all have those moments that make us ask why did I do that? It's part of being human.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Oh boy here it comes

That's right it's slowly, but surely coming. The day I have to move so much stuff. It's making it hard for me to decide if I should do a leg workout tomorrow or Sunday. I'm thinking since the heavy moving will be Sunday it would be smarter to do it tomorrow. I will say though that the pre-workout I tried this morning seemed to be working. I have to up the dose to get more of an affect. I had a good pump going. Now considering the fact that I did do a lot more warm ups and stretching that could have helped too. Like I said I was reading that book on gaining muscle fast and one they suggest is doing warm up and stretches. So I did that and like I said I seemed to get a better pump. So when I up it tomorrow we'll see how well it goes. As for what's going on in the world not much. Seems like it's a slow news day. So much so that we finally know if Donald Trump's hair is real. Apparently on Ryan Seacrest's radio show his co-host ran her fingers through Trump's hair to find that it is in fact real. Good for him. Yesterday was also another good business day. Had a new person even come in. Hoping it keeps up today. I like being busy at work. Oh well that's pretty much it. Today's video is another scene from Space Channel 5 part 2. This is the final part of report 2. In this scene Ulala is facing off against a plant. I like this one because it makes reference to tentacles. Anyone that has even heard of hentai knows that there is always some sort of tentacle monster. Anyway that happens around the 2 minute mark. So enjoy the cheap laugh. Plus you get to see some nice waltzing. Today's tip is knowing your limits is part of the maturing process. Those that never reach this point usually end up on the news or dead.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Ugh it's winter all over again

It has been nothing but cold here. For some reason winter just does not want to let go and let it be spring. Or winter is getting revenge for spring coming so early. All I know is that the highest it has been is 62ish. Today it's 52. I just do not get what is going on with the weather. The average high for today is 70 degrees. That should tell you something. Anyway Arizona is being even stupider with their new law. Apparently in Tuscon there is a Mexican-American studies class. Apparently the big law maker that made the law has been pushing for it for years. Saying that the class teaches latinos that whites oppose them. Ok let's go out on a limb here and say that's true. Let's say it's true that the program is trying to get latinos to think white people are against them. Don't you think that by signing a law like this is kinda proves the point. I mean after passing all those laws that basically say if you look like your an illegal immigrant from mexico that you will be stopped, now they want to remove this program. I mean come on Arizona is it really worth it pull this shit. Are you just trying to be so outrageous that the federal government has no other choice to deal with immigration. Is it really worth it to do that. If they didn't already lose people because of the new immigration law they sure has hell lost people now. They are making a lot of people rethink going to arizona. Well I'm sure Arizona has a lot of spare money to make up for it. Oh wait they don't...oh well. Today's video is Move Along by The All-American Rejects. In case you didn't know this was one of the popular songs back in 2005. Seemed like it was on every commercial. I know for sure it was on a legos Bionicle commercial. That's really why I got the song. I heard it in the background and thought it was good so I downloaded. Still like it. I just think it's a really great song. I like the music video because you don't see one like this too often. Where someone just sits there and sings while other stuff goes on behind them. Today's tip is those that live in a glass house shouldn't throw stones. Unless the house has come alive and is digesting you.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Step Closer

One day closer to the weekend where I'm going to have to work my butt off moving stuff. Yeah really don't enjoy moving things. Makes me sore all over. Least this time I'm not so much moving furniture as I'm moving product. Anyway not looking forward to it like I said. Also found out my weight is down. I guess I should have focused my goal more towards my lean muscle mass then my weight. Or made my goal what it was going to be originally which was keep weight above 160. Oh well nothing to do about it now. Finally got the workout in I should have got in yesterday. Now I'm trying to decide if I could get a workout in tomorrow before I go to an early meeting. I mean yes I don't have to eat breakfast before I go, but I still have to leave early. I mean by the time I finish I might barely be able to get dressed and get out of there. So we'll see how it goes. Yesterday was a busy day for me. I had quite a few customers which makes my heart swell with pride. Now I just have to find a pre-workout to try while I'm off Xpand Xtreme Pump. The hypershock has officially fizzled on me. I got nothing from it today. No energy boost. No sort of nitric oxide boost. That doesn't make me happy. So that's why I'm trying to figure out what I want to try. One I've heard good things about doesn't have a nitric oxide boost. Now I really like those boosts. I think I have better workouts with it. That could mean I have to break down and try a product from a brand I'm not too fond of. Anyway so that's how I'm doing. Today's video is the 3rd installment of Super Freakin' Parody Rangers. This one is more about cramming in as many references and shock value as possible. Plus Meat's arms finally stop swinging. Anyway if you liked the other two then you'll like this one. Then I'll give the Parody Rangers a rest and do something new. Today's tip is someone will always have something you want. Just as you'll always have something someone else wants.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Wow fun day

Yeah it was actually a jammed packed day yesterday. I'm very shocked about that since I wasn't home. I call my mom up and she's out with the family at Chili's. Yeah that sucks that I wasn't there for it. I like Chili's. Anyway so I got the apartment to myself because my room mate was out and about. Watched The Craft on E! network. A weird movie to play on mother's day that's for sure. Anyway so a little later on I see a police car in the parking lot of the apartment. It looks like she came from upstairs. I heard some stuff going on above me, but didn't think much of it. Then when she left I can hear them upstairs talking on the landing. I still don't know why the cop is there, but I do know the guy above me wants to get out of his lease which I'm fine with. He stomps around all the time. Not to mention the fact he gets up at like 5 in the morning. Then I got a call from my dad saying my grandparents are willing to pay for the flight down to see my brother graduate. So I get to go down to Texas to see him walk across the stage. I'll also probably visit one friend while down there. I'm probably going to keep it on the down low because if they all knew they'd all try to hang out with me. This one friend won't be around in July. Let's see what else happened. Oh I did a leg workout and wow was I tired afterwards. Squats really take it out of me. I'm only squatting 60 lbs. Well 60 extra pounds. I think the bar is like 10 lbs itself. Anyway I just was tired for awhile after that. Yeah so don't enjoy doing squats. The pay off is apparently worth it. So today I figured I'd post the 2nd installment of Super Freakin' Parody Rangers. Which ironically comes in two parts. Just because the person who posted it did that. I think it's actually the funnier of all 3. The first one of course set the stage which is always boring and the last one seems like it was rushed a bit. Anyway enjoy. Today's tip is yawning is the bodies way of staying awake. Babies are natures way of waking a whole house at 3 am.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's day time

That's right it's mother's day. Which means all the mothers of the world are having a day where everyone pays attention to them. Then come tomorrow we all forget. I got my gift off today. My mom loved it of course. One of my friends thought it was really sweet. Yesterday was a really slow day. Had one person the whole day. Yeah that's not fun. Plus it was a cold and gloomy day most of yesterday. It id warm up and brighten up a little later. Then went to go out and eat and shopping. As for what I'm doing today, just working out and calling my mother to listen to her for who knows how long. Yeah needless to say nothing big. Today's tip is today is the one day when you have to listen to your mom rant and rave about your life style choices and give her a gifts for it. Mom mom actually liked that tip.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Day Before

The day before Mother's Day and have you gotten you gifts for your mother? I know I have. Anyway my Friday was kinda a typical Friday. Had a couple of customers. Helped them get the right item. Then closed up at closing time. Yeah it was a real great day. It was really wet and cold. It was suppose to snow in some parts of the state last night. I don't know if it did. Just know that clearly something is up with the weather. Nevada of all places got hit with a snow storm. Makes me wonder how this summers is going to be. Well today shall be a short work day for me. Probably go shopping again tonight. Either it's going to be a zoo tonight or one tomorrow. I would think everyone would be out tonight not tomorrow morning. Then again people could be waiting to get there stuff for mother's day dinner then. Who knows. I've been kinda tired lately. Falling into a routine. Need to clearly break it. Would help if I knew about that second job. According to the manager I was assured to get the job since he is the ones that looks at the apps. Well I've gotten nothing. Not even a hey we have your app we just have to wait until the college kids go back home. I'd call, but I already did to make sure they got the app. Anyway if I don't hear from them soon I've got tons of other places to send an application to. Oh well. Just have to make sure to get up early to post my mother's day gift. Today's video is the 1st episode of the Super Freakin' Parody Rangers. I love this series. How can you not when you think about it. Anyone that grew up watching the Power Rangers will find many similar elements. Plus it's got parody in the name. Love it. Just watch it. Today's tip is going in head first is only good when diving into a deep pool of water. Any other time you'll get a huge headache.

Friday, May 7, 2010

I'm Ready

I got my Mother's Day gift all ready. Just have to wait until Sunday to do it. Mainly because I'm only posting it for that one day then changing it back. As for today it's pizza night per usual. Got a good movie to watch plus it's an all new Ben 10 Ultimate Alien. I will say that it seems like they are kinda going back to the old Ben 10. At least humor wise. Plus Ben seems to be like the old Ben we knew and loved. I was really busy yesterday which was great. Didn't get to really read my book though. Well I know I'll have plenty of time on Saturday one way or another. They were good size sales too. Always makes me happy on days like that. This morning I of course did my workout. Started worrying though. Felt like my pre-workout wasn't agreeing with me too well. Had to slowly drink my protein shake. Made sure to sit down while I was drinking it. Makes me wonder if that pre-workout before didn't make me sick, but something I did might have. I don't know. Won't know until next week when I do another morning workout. Still haven't heard anything on that other job. Yeah that's always a good sign. This is why I hate online apps. I never know if they even get it. Which somehow reminds me that there have been new developments in that case where the boyfriend Lacrosse player is accused of killing his ex-girlfriend Lacrosse player. He apparently has a longer criminal record then once thought. Yeah I'd love to see the defense trying to convince a judge that those have nothing to do with this case. I mean they are honestly a great pattern. Even if the judge throws it out the defense still has to battle with what their client said. The guy practically admitted that he did it. The guy is better off getting a plea deal. I really can only see a way out for the guy if someone comes forward and says he didn't do it I did. After he left I finished her off, but he's going to plead not guilty, his parents will spend a fortune on the best lawyers and he'll be most likely found guilty. Like I said unless the defense can prove that someone else finished her off or that their client was covering for someone he's screwed. Good luck buddy.Today's video is A smile that's a bomb. No that's the name of the song. It's the opening for Yu Yu Hakusho. Love that show. It was shown at a better time in cartoon networks history. When they had Toonami in the afternoons and Adult Swim. Now cartoon network is so screwed up. Got rid of Toonami and Adult Swim is kinda blowing it. Anyway this is the first opening. They changed the sequence after the Dark Tournament and changed it again after that series. So enjoy this blast form the past. Today's tip is when someone is angry give them cake. No one can stay mad at someone that gives them cake. Then spray them with silly string and run.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Passed the hump

Yep it's now Thursday and it's all down hill from here. My boss gave me this book to read. It's 50 Ways to Build Muscle Fast. So I figure hey what the heck. Might as well read it. It's not a thick book and I'm hoping it doesn't get to technical. My computer of course is months from blowing up I know it. I really just need it to last me until my b-day. Then I'll transfer some stuff over and blow it up. Just have to make sure that the new computer has an anti-virus and anti-spyware up to date. That way I won't transfer something that doesn't need to be transfered. So I figure that's what I'll do this afternoon while waiting for customers. Should be insteresting. Might help me to reach my goals sooner. On another note ENOUGH ABOUT JUSTIN BEIBER. Everyday he's a stupid trending topic. Everyday I have to hear something stupid that he did, or his manager did, or a fan of his did. I just want his 15 minutes to be over already. I miss the days when non one knew who the hell he was. He's now apparently all over the internet because he was asked a question and according to him couldn't understand the guys accent. He was asked if Beiber was basketball in German true or false. I don't know if he truly didn't understand the accent or if he was truly having a brain fart, but he said that we don't use that word in America. It got leaked and put on youtube now everyone is talking about it. One of those big newspapers made fun of him, but then had to edit it later because he apparently did an interview in Germany and proved he can speak some German and count at least to 10. Then the article talks about how Kim Kardashian has been having death threats against her because she said she had "Bieber Fever" and he apparently tweeted that she was his new girlfriend. Yeah the fact that tons of teen girls would get that pissed over an obvious joke shows that his fans are nuts and obviously he should go back to obsecurity before they all get their claws on him. Least that way I can watch the news without seeing something about him. Today's tip is remember all items are meant to break down. How else can they keep making money off you.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Cinco De Mayo

That's right it's Cinco De Mayo. I'm sure saying that would give Arizona authorities the right to suspect I'm an illegal immigrant. Anyway so I didn't realize this until I go to yahoo and see all the dancers on the home page. Who if in Arizona would have to show their papers. It's also Senior Day over here which means I get asked if it's Senior Day today and if they got their discount. Which gets old after the 2nd one who does it. Least it's wednesday and as far as I know everything is all new on ABC. Hmm let me check. Yeah all knew. Also an interesting development. I was looking on tv guide's website to see what's new and they had photos of actors who came out of the closet. Some I knew, some I didn't. Like always some where shocking others were just obvious. They had Clay Aiken on there. Yeah that guy was never in a closet. He thought it was a closet, but was really a glass box. Just find it funny that people care that much. Oooo someone likes someone of the same sex and they are an actor. They actually have personal lives. Oooo who cares. Doesn't make them a better or worse actor. Well I think it made everyone think Neil Patrick Harris did an even better job on How I Met Your Mother. I am one of those people that says yeah your in the limelight, but really do we have to know who your dating. Do we have to know who's pregnant with who's baby. Oh well. Today's tip is when the microscope is already on you, don't be an idiot and do something worth drawing more attention to yourself.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Craziness I say

Yeah just seems like it's been crazy everywhere. Got work to do on a lot of fronts. Not to mention mother's day is coming up and I know that means I'm in for a long conversation with my mother yay. Plus last night I had to workout which I don't do anymore. Now I know why I really like working out in the morning. I'm not so rushed and don't have to worry about if my pre-workout will keep me up. While working out I was watching Keith Olberman and apparently Arizona wants to pass a no english teacher with an accent law. Now I didn't really get to hear about it because it was part of another story, but if it's true then wow Arizona has balls. I mean everyone is looking at them and saying can't believe you did this and blah blah blah and we are boycotting you blah blah blah. So don't they think they should probably avoid any further immigration type stuff. You'd also think the GOP would be sending letters saying shut up. Stop it or you will cost us votes. Then the congressman they had on there brought up some good points, but again made me think not so sure that helps. He was saying that we should try to bring them into the light of day and make them pay fines and take english classes and what not. I just can't help thinking that clearly some of these illegals don't want to do that. They just want to be over here work, send money back and/or do better. Obviously they don't care about the laws or what they have to do to become a citizen or stay here legally. I mean he's like they need to pay off a fine of $15,000 over 7 years while taking english classes and paying taxes and what not. Why when they can just stay here illegally and not have to pay that fine or those taxes. Like I said it's a tough subject. Obviously some will gladly do it to stay here legally and keep the police off their backs, but others rather do it the lazy way. And I was surfing the web and I found this article about this grandmother and grandson who are having a baby together. They apparently fell in love with each other. Ok 1. that's just wrong. 2. why would you go public with it. To try to gain support. I can't imagine anyone being supportive of that. Apparently the grandmother had the daughter at the age of 18 and gave her up for adoption. The grandmother went to find the daughter, but found out she died because of cancer and found her grandson. It then starts from there. Ok just why? What in the world can one offer the other. They have like nothing in common other then genetics. I mean that's so wrong on so many levels. I just feel sorry for the child. I mean what do you tell your friends when you invite them over. Oh this is my dad who's also my nephew and my mom who's also my grandma. Plus I can't imagine they'd be normal genetically. Oh well. As long as I don't have to see it then I'm ok. Now the not thinking about it part is going to be hard. Today's video is the one that the Family Guy special should have played instead of some of those other crappy ones. It's the FCC song which the FCC apparently liked. Anyway today's tip is home is where the heart is so draw tons of hearts in a hotel and tell everyone to get out of your house.

Monday, May 3, 2010

The week again

So it's Monday again, which means I'm back to work to work another 6 day week. I should enjoy it though since a big move is coming that might be cutting down my hours, but make me work harder at the same time. Kinda looking forward to it. Means I'll have more free time to work the other job and get more money. Yesterday I didn't really do much. Just worked out really. Did do laundry too. This morning I was going to workout, but I just didn't get any sleep. Well I did, but it took me forever to go to sleep. So I'm working out tonight. Not to mention my shirts are getting a bit snug. In golfing news looks like the golfing world has found their next Tiger Woods. Well have at least two candidates. An 18 year old who got the lowest score ever in a major golfing competition and a 21 year old who did something. I didn't really read his article. It was real vague in the headline. Just said that people are calling him the next Tiger Woods. So good for the golfing world. Not so good for Tiger Woods. Wonder if Nike has dropped him yet. I was also looking at our products and I was reading the side of our Kre-Alkalyn box. It says it's at a high ph to make sure it works, but also says we have a patent on the ph scales 7 and up so that means anyone else that makes it has to make it of a lower ph and therefore it will be crappy. Well not only is that playing dirty they have also lied to the public. The company that is advertising this makes it sound like they hold the patent to this Kre-Alkalyn. Well they don't. A pharmaceutical company does (like everything else). That company actually makes Kre-Alkalyn for another company as well with the exact same patent number. This other company actually sells it cheaper, but since it's not as name brand as the other one people tend to not notice. It just annoys me that people get away with making those claims. Oh I did see Family Guy yesterday. It was their 150th episode special. So they decided to do an episode where they didn't have any flashbacks or random guests. Yeah they shouldn't do that. That had to be the worst family guy episode I've seen. It was so boring. I found myself drifting which I never do. If you do that normally with the show you can miss a really funny scene. Then they had some musical numbers which were meh. A few were unseen, but honestly there was a reason for that. They weren't that funny. They showed 2 that they showed before, but I wasn't a real fan of them the first time. I think Bag of Weed or the FCC song would have been WAY better choices. Hopefully they learned their lesson. Never do that again. So I think today's video is very appropriate for this day and age. It's the song Blame Canada from the South Park movie. Just to set the scene, kenny has died (again) because he lit his fart on fire. The parents want to blame canada. If you listen to the lyrics carefully I'm sure you'll hear some familiar stuff. It's the tv faults, it's the governments fault, it's everyone's fault but our own. I mean you look at all the kids that are in trouble and everyone wants to blame everyone but the parents. In a lot of these cases if the parents had been more involved this crap wouldn't have happened. Especially in that case of the boy that was lit on fire. I listened to the interview of the mom of two of the accused and I mean she had no clue what was going on with her boys. Anyway enjoy. Today's tip is if you could go back in time one year and tell yourself one thing what would it be? The answer should tell you a lot about yourself.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sunday! Sunday!

Yep it's that day again. It's also been about a month since I finally left that terrible apartment. I still can't help, but wonder why he gave me my whole security deposit back. I mean this guy is greedy and stingy. He has a fee for everything. Not to mention the guy goes on and on about all the places he owns. How he has been doing this for years. Not to mention I swear the guy has not liked me at all. He lost my 20 bucks for my credit check. Wanted me to send a check and then he eventually found it. A tenant took it and finally gave it back. Then when I'm signing the lease I mean he was just real brisk with me. Not to mention he pulled that asshole move of making my lease 7 months instead of 6 then said some bs about his tenants not moving out during the winter. Which is not true in the least. Anyway then he's bullying me trying to give up my keys so he could move someone in despite me paying for the whole month of march. Anyway like I said just makes me wonder. I hope I'm done with him though. Today's tip is the mind is constantly racing, but don't worry it's still in your head. Hopefully.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

And the weekend begins

I have work today so really it doesn't begin for me. Well besides getting here an hour later and leaving an hour earlier. It's been really busy today which is nice. Keeps me from going crazy. Yesterday was a terrible day. Weather wise. I mean this huge storm hit. Then all of a sudden it was gone and it was sunny. No kidding. It was dark, raining, hailing, thunder and lightning. The whole deal. Then after like 10 minutes of pounding us it just leaves and the sun comes out. You look out today and you'd never know a storm hit yesterday. Anyway with April now over it's time for May's goal. I'm thinking the goal will be to hit 165 lbs and again keep the body fat low. 3 lbs in 31 days does seem do able for me. I mean I'm a slow gainer now. Slow, but not hard. So that's my goal for May. We'll see if I'm lucky to pull it off again. Oh and did you hear about Tiger Woods. He is apparently doing so poorly he might not make the cut in a PGA tournement. The Hollow Quail or something like that. Now I'd like to point something out. That like I said before in my blog several months ago. If Tiger Woods would have just kept playing golf then the scandal wouldn't have been so big. At the time of the tournament in January I think the count was up to what 9 mistresses, but instead of continuing to play golf he says he's retiring (for a bit) and more women came forward. He would have also still had some sponsors. Now he is doing terribly at golf. Now everyone is again on the scandal saying maybe it did affect his golf. Not only that, but I'm pretty sure Nike is like yeah we got to drop this guy. Then he also has to deal with all the money he is going to lose in the divorce. The dude is just screwed. Told him to play golf. Then again I also told him to make a statement to the police, but no he didn't and then people started digging and found gold. Silly Tiger tricks are for kids.Today's video is an AMV to Pablo Francisco's comedy routine from Comedy Central Presents. Now there are other comics done by the person that did this one, but I think this one is the best. So hope you enjoy it. Today's tip is I scream, you scream we all scream for ice cream. Then that old guy screams "I'm calling the cops". Then it's scrambling time.