Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Man my days are busy

So I'm so late in posting because I had to go to a meeting earlier that was oh so much fun. There was yelling involved. A clash of personalities. So on and so forth. It took way longer then normal so I had to come over here in the middle of it. Then I had to do some receiving in that I shouldn't have had to do. Or could have done it yesterday. So that pushed me behind a lot. So now I'm trying to post this before I have to run to the other store that has no internet and be bored for 6 hours straight. Plus cold. I'll be cold too. Anyway I was watching the today show before I left and they were talking about how Nancy Kerrigan's father's death was ruled a homicide. This is not shocking considering how he died. Not to mention the son admitted to strangling him. The family is apparently shocked by this and think the person that did the autopsy jumped to conclusions without waiting for all the facts. I call bullshit on that. There is a limit to being supportive and just being in denial. I mean the guy has a history of violence. HE BEAT HIS EX-WIFE. He has a history of alcohol abuse. They had the ex-wife on the show and were interviewing her. Apparently after she was beaten by him the father came by saw all the damage that he caused and blamed it on the alcohol and walked off. Wow really you think that's the problem. How about the fact that the man is choosing to bring the bottle to his mouth and drink. I mean the guy should have been forced into rehab. I will say that based on how the family is acting I'm not shocked by the story from the ex. I think the family just doesn't want to admit that the son has a problem so they keep trying to pretend that it didn't happen. Oh well that's their choice. If he gets convicted you know they will say that the jury was unfair and didn't listen to all the facts. Yes the father had a heart condition, but the son STRANGLED HIM! His actions caused a reaction that caused the heart attack. Well I should say his actions caused the heart condition to act up which caused the heart attack. So I'll just let them live in their little bubble. Can only deny a problem for so long before it blows up in your it did.......moving on. Well got to run. Oh tip of the day. When push comes to shove is when wind comes to gale. Think about it.

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