Wednesday, February 3, 2010

This should be fun

Today is a big day and feels like I have some sort of stomach bug. That means I can't stand up for too long without feeling like I'm going to vomit. Why this couldn't happen tomorrow is beyond me. Just need to make it until about 3. That's when it will calm down. So far not so good. I go to open up and I was afraid I'd vomit right on the spot. I think my boss got me sick. His kids and wife were sick and now I'm starting to get what they had. That's just lovely. The big topic I want to tackle today is childhood obesity. I bring it up because I was watching Today and well they had the 1st lady on their and she was talking about it. If we want to stop childhood obesity then we need to get rid of regular obesity. If you show me a fat kid I can show you the fat adult that helped it happen. It also doesn't help that all these places are trying to get rid of recess. Hello that's a form of excersise. Plus they want to get rid of gym class because kids were getting teased or something like that. Well there goes another form of excersise. Our society has gotten to the point where we basicly are letting fat kids get fatter. They don't have to go to gym class because they can't run (because they are fat), and we don't hold the parents responsible. It's one thing if the parents are excersising with the kids and helping them eat healthy, but they are sneaking food from somewhere else. That's way different from having a parent that doesn't want to look for healthy food. Yes I get that you work late, but there are other fast food places besides McDonalds. Even if it is McDonalds they have healthy menu items. Your the parent show some authority. If you kid wants fries every time then don't get it to them if they are fat. I just think back to one of those day time tv shows I was watching. Think it was Maury. They had all these parents with fat babies. I mean toddlers that weigh the same as a 10 year old. One of the parents was like if I don't give him the food he wants he yells and throws a fit. IT'S CALLED A TANTRUM AND ALL KIDS THROW THEM! Instead of being the parent and saying no she just gives in and is helping to slowly kill her child. What makes it worse is that the parents will help their kid get fat until they finally realize oh shit my kid is really fat I need to do something. Then they go on the shows and get the kids to these boot camps or fat camps. Here is an idea DON'T HELP YOUR KID GET FAT THEN PAWN THEM OFF TO SOMEONE ELSE TO GET SKINNY BECAUSE IT'S TOO HARD FOR YOU TO DO. Well that's just how I feel about it. I'm sure there are others that agree with me on it. I don't know if you all remember this show called W.I.T.C.H. It was about these 5 girls who are suppose to gaurd this veil to keep two worlds at peace. Their names happen to form the word (you guessed it) witch. It was a half decent show. Didn't really watch the 2nd season since well it wasn't really advertised and it was never on at the same time from week to week I swear. Anyway this is the opening for it. Today's tip is a penny saved is not a penny earned, it's a penny saved. There is a difference between earning and saving.

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