Thursday, February 25, 2010

Almost the weekend

That's right it's almost the weekend which means it's almost pizza night which means it's almost Saturday which means I'm one week closer to my Saturday off. We just did the schedule for next month and I get the 1st Saturday off. I'm perfectly ok with that since I honestly need a bit of a vacation. Yesterday was a good day for sales. Had a lot of people come in and some good sales. That makes my day go a little bit faster. Well again I was watching Good Morning America because I refuse to watch Today until they stop covering the Winter Olympics because honestly I hate the Olympics. They were talking about the killer whale incident at Sea World. I kinda knew what happened because of twitter, but I watched it anyway. Nothing about the report really got my attention until I heard that the animal had been involved in 3 deaths. Ok now I'm thinking some logic should have kicked in. After the 1st death yes that's a fluke we just need to be more careful around him, but after the 2nd you'd think that they'd pull him from the show and maybe have him in the observation tank or something. I mean I know that killer whales rarely go after humans and that they are probably accidents, but after two deaths I think that means that you need to keep people away from him. For there own safety. Or maybe return him to the wild....oh wait actually that's not such a hot idea because it is a domesticated animal and probably wouldn't survive. My point is that there should be something done. I don't think that he should be put down because like I said I think they were accidents, but I do think he needs to not be in shows with trainers. That to me just seems like your opening yourself to a lawsuit. Luckily I think the family isn't going to press the matter, least the sister isn't and is actually pushing to keep the whale alive. So just keep him in the observation tank or something so something like this doesn't happen. Then after that story they were talking about is there such thing as Sexual Addiction. Now I will just say this about that. I think we wouldn't be having this discussion if so many celebrities weren't claiming it and it wasn't getting so much publicity. I don't know if it's real or not. I don't know if it's simply a compulsion and not an addiction. The way one guy described it I was a sex addicted, which I know I'm not. Like I said not sure if this would be a debate if it hadn't been getting so much press lately. So this video is from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Lately I've kinda had a song from the musical episode stuck in my head. If you never saw that episode it was a funny one. It kinda answered my question about musicals. In it this demon makes the town a musical. There are songs starting everywhere. Doesn't sound to bad huh? Well except for eventually everyone will burst into flames from all the dancing. I just remember a scene where someone was walking down the street and you saw all these separate music numbers going on. Oh and about the subtitles. Couldn't find this video on youtube so I had to google search it and this is what I got. Today's tip is apparently naming your child me can lead them to be narcissic. Who knew?

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