Thursday, February 18, 2010

That much closer to the weekend

Yes and aren't we all so happy about it. Last night I just kept tossing and turning and I don't know why. When I went to bed I was all tuckered out, but I woke up at like 2:30 and didn't seem to go to sleep. It was just weird. My day at the shop went pretty well. More people came in then before. So that brightened up my day. Would have been brighter if everyone that came in bought something. Anyway other then that my day was pretty simple. I was going through the mail and we got some questionnaire from a congressman and one of the questions asked if we should make illegal immigrants citizens. Ok who thought this was a good Idea. I mean seriously. The big word in illegal immigrant is ILLEGAL! Why should they have more of a right to become a citizen then the people that fill out the paperwork to become a legal immigrant, who then waits the correct time to then apply for citizenship. How is that fair to them. Just because assholes out there want to pay cheap ass wages to illegal immigrants, then don't want them deported because they are a "good worker" so they try to push for citizenship. Ok news flash if they become a citizen then guess what. YOU HAVE TO PAY THEM MINIMUM WAGE AND THEY'LL BE LIKE ANY OTHER WORKER YOU COULD HIRE IN THE US! That is what really annoys me. They want to keep the illegal immigrants because they can pay them beans then when they get deported want to scream and cry foul and try to get them to become a citizen. Like I said they don't realize that they then now have to pay them minimum wage and have to report them as employees. Like I said this issue shouldn't even be a question. If they love this country so much they can fill out the proper paper work and get here like everyone else. If not then you get deported. It's the law. It would happen in any other country so why is ours different. I can't sneak over to Canada and expect to become a Canadian because I work for some company. Like I said it just annoys me that the question is coming up. Which also reminds me I've given up using the word "hate" for lent. Why that word? Because I use it a lot. Least recently. I did this before when I was cussing too much. I made a deal with myself where I did negative reinforcement every time I said something like ass, bitch, bastard, and so on. It worked I actually stopped much. So I'm giving up using this word for lent (which is really hard). Yeah I didn't have to give up anything, but hey never hurts to give something up for 40 days. So while I was working out one of my favorite songs came on. It's called After Dark by Asian Kung Fu Generation. I absolutely love this song, which is funny because I hated it at first. It's another opening for Bleach. The 7th one if we are getting specific. I mainly like the song so much because of the music video. I mean when you watch it the title seems to make sense. I can't speak Japanese, but I think I got the gist of it. So here is the music video for After Dark. Please enjoy. Today's tip is forgiveness is divine, but never pay full price for late pizza. -Michelangelo of the ninja turtles.

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