Thursday, February 4, 2010

I will never understand people

Just seems as I get older the more and more people confuse me. You'd think as you get older you wouldn't be so surprised all the time, but everyday there is something that makes me say, "What were you thinking"? For example I was watching the Today show and they were talking about the South Carolina governor's wife. I could look up the name, but well I'm lazy. Anyway she has a book out and in the book they point out a passage. The passage was about how in their marriage vows the former governor didn't want to put faithful in the vows. Now to anyone else that would have been a warning sign. What is the point of the wedding vow if not to show that they will be faithful. Like I said it was one of those what the hell moments. Well needless to say the man wasn't faithful. I think that guy has more issues then just that though. The other passages they pointed out in the book kinda showed that. They also had a friend of the wife's on and she said that he was always looking for her for support. Which also reminds me I was watching ABC comedy Wednesday and they are doing a special on the wife and they called it "The woman who didn't stand by her man." Does that just not sound like the wrong title for it. Why would she stand by the man that said he found his soulmate in Argentina. Why would she stand by the man that wouldn't put faithful in their wedding vows. It makes it sound like this woman should by standing by her former husband despite the fact that he was being a jack ass. Another example of a person I don't get. So this woman called up today and said she called a month ago about getting a product. She said she hadn't gotten a call. I said well the order hasn't been placed. She's like but it's been a month. I said well we only order from this company once a month. She says well I called a month ago. Yeah so it's time for us to reorder. The annoying thing is she refuses to come in to buy just one. We have one of the things that she wants on the shelves right now, but she refuses to come and get it. She's making it sound like she's in dire need of it. Well then come get the one we have on hand if you need it so bad. We aren't going to call this company up just for your one order. Not to mention we are trying to stock another store, but she didn't need to know that. Like I said I will never understand people.Today's tip is we all have someone that gets our goat. Word of advice. Stop putting your goat out. Of course someone is going to get it.

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